Answered questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

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Question: When Uncle Buck is going to the party to get Bug, he is stopped at a red light and there are two parents in the car next to him. The father says, "don't go in there with that hat on, they'll kill you". Why would someone be killed for wearing a hat?

Chosen answer: He's being sarcastic, as Buck says in the beginning some of his hats anger a lot of people, which probably connects to when his hat gets taken by one of the teenagers at the party.

Buck is actually referring to his aviator style hat in the earlier scene about people being angered by it. He's wearing the fedora style hat in the scene en route to the party. But I agree the guy was being sarcastic about teenagers.

The black purse bedside to the possible 'pile of bunched-up blankets' looks like Chanice's from later scenes; suggesting the writers or Hughes changed the script after the bedroom scene was shot to Buck's simpler but delightfully funny half-conversation with her on the phone.

Answer: The Uncle Buck movie was made in the late 80s, near the end of the Cold War. And Because the hat resembles the Russian ushanka worn by Russian soldiers in that time, it can be said that wearing it might anger some, especially young Americans opposed to world events at the time.

Question: Do someone know where can I get a clear picture of Elektra's charm? I want the pic or a replica of the charm that she wears that is in Braille. Please help me! Thanks.


Chosen answer: There is a replica of the one she wears at these two websites: Also


Question: At one point, Carl asked Russell why he called Phyllis (Russell's mother) by her first name. Didn't Edward Asner, the voice of Carl, say this a lot on some old show?

Answer: Yes, it was a running gag on the Mary Tyler Moore Show (1970). Ed Asner played Lou Grant, who always asked Bess (played by Lisa Gerritsen) why she called her mother Phyllis (played by Cloris Leachman) by her first name.

Question: This applies to both Madagascar movies. Does anybody know why Sasha Baron Cohen (Julian the lemur) never shows his face and is barely mentioned in the DVDs for these movies?

Answer: Sacha Baron Cohen is a very private man; he is rarely seen in public, and when he is in public, he is usually dressed as some of his other movie roles (Borat, Bruno, etc.) He has even mentioned once that he wants his characters to be famous, but he wants to live a normal life, so he is rarely interviewed by press.

Question: How did Benedict have time to visit all of Ocean's 11 without them informing each other? (That is, only Danny should have been surprised to see Benedict.) He had to travel to Connecticut, Utah, Miami, London, New Jersey, Chicago, New York, New Orleans, Las Vegas, and Los Angeles. As soon as Danny knew, he was on the phone (presumably calling the others).

Answer: He probably warned all of them not to contact any of the others or there will be consequences. They all seemed very scared when they met with him, so they all didn't dare to. Except for Danny, who probably did not get warned.


Question: Before the Seamstress is attacking, there was a quick shot of 8. His mouth was sewed so he couldn't scream for help. Why didn't the Seamstress sew 1's mouth closed?

Answer: Simply a character choice to not sew 1's mouth.

Question: In 1955, after Biff gets knocked out by George, there is one man who repeatedly mentions that Biff might have had his wallet stolen. In this movie, we have seen many past, present, and future versions of people. I was just wondering if this man is also seen in 1985 or 2015?

Answer: According to the actor's page on, Wesley Mann's appearance as the "CPR kid" is his only role in the entire trilogy. He could be in another time period in an uncredited role, but it's more likely than not that his only appearance is in 1955.

Question: Why didn't Tim Robbins tell Penn FROM THE BEGINNING that he killed a pedophile not his daughter? Penn's character was a gangster from the old days, so he would have known what to do and not to.


Chosen answer: He was afraid to admit he'd murdered someone. And since he was innocent about the daughter he assumed the real killer would be found. He also assumed nobody would believe him, which they didn't.

Answer: Dave kills the pedophile because he sees himself in him. His experience as a child has led him to have thoughts about harming children himself. He would rather die than have anyone know the shame of these secret thoughts.

This is way off. He was protecting the child from enduring what he had to endure when he was younger. He killed the pedophile to protect the child.

Answer: He killed him because he believed that the pedophile was a evil and didn't want anyone to go threw what he went threw as a kid. So he saved the boy and killed the pedophile.He said they were vampires and werewolves remember the conversation he was having with his wife.

Question: Can someone tell me if I'm interpreting this correctly? When Katie changes her mind about fleeing the house and is found clutching a cross with blood on her hand and leg, Micah takes it and burns it, after which she becomes possessed. Was she successfully warding off the demon with the cross and clutching it so desperately that it made her hand bleed, and then Micah wrongly thought it was being used to attack her and inadvertently made her possession a done deal by burning it?

Answer: The screenwriter confirms in the commentary that burning the cross and picture was a mistake because it was the last defence they had.

Question: At the end, when Batgirl punches Poison Ivy, making her fall into that huge plant, why did it curl up and capture her, when it's her plant and she can control it?


Chosen answer: Even the greatest animal trainers still get mauled sometimes (i.e. Siegfried and Roy). It's quite likely that the plant didn't turn down a possible meal when she literally fell into its mouth.


Answer: They appeared from out of nowhere is referring to them appearing from under the van i.e. the sewer. And beating him is to scare him from future hangouts in the parking lot so that he would not recognize them as they'd leave the sewer again.

Chosen answer: The 2 men that beat up the guy were working with the other girl. They beat up the guy to try and either discourage him from getting the employee of the month or just scare him off altogether.

Question: In the scene where the three boy have climbed through the vent system and are approaching the actual vent, Ox says "Hey! I found a Buffalo nickel!" Does this reference a specific movie or was this just a random line they threw in?


Chosen answer: It is a random line. referencing the rarity of buffalo nickles.


Question: What in the world was 8 doing when he had the magnet over his head and he became all relaxed?

Answer: The magnet was acting as a drug on him. He was in a way getting high off a magnet.

Answer: You know the Futurama scene where bender gets high off electricity? Same thing. Magnets make electrical things not work (I'm pretty sure I heard it from some where). It's like how drinking alcohol and taking drugs makes us not totally there. It's what story writers believe happens. Pretty cool story element really.


Chosen answer: Toph had Katara use it to send a letter to her parents. It never returned.

Answer: Yes, the boy was an intentional reference to the film.

Question: I hope someone can help me with this: In one of the movie's /teaser/promotional posters, we see Katie and Micah tightly huddled together on the extreme far right of their bed while they look at a shadow of something that is outlined on their bedroom door. I've seen the movie more than once but don't remember that scene. When (or if) does this occur in the movie?

Answer: It's just a movie poster, not showing any part of a scene. Some movie posters may take different parts of the movie and combine them to make a more suspenseful image for the movie poster/teaser. There is a part in the movie with a shadow on the door, and there is a time where they are together on the bed in a similar position. Combine the two to make the poster interesting.

Show generally

Question: I know nothing about how actors are paid or the amounts but I've always wondered about this: if a character is featured in a "Previously on Lost" segment (but isn't in the following episode), does he/she get the same amount of money that an actor/actress who is in the entire episode earns?

Answer: An actor/actress typically signs a contract that gives the series usage rights for the entire season. This allows them to edit any of their performance into any of the episodes for the entire season (though it will typically state how many they intend to use it for). This includes the "Previously on..." as well as any flashbacks. Should the series wish to use any of that season's performance on another season then an additional fee will need to be paid. The actor/actress can refuse this fee (for any reason) and the series will be unable to use the recorded performance in any way. An actor that appears in a "previously on..." will not be credited, but if they appear in the episode proper (flashbacks, etc) then they will be credited.


Question: Where is Esme in the garage scene where the Cullens are getting Bella out of tow? Edward speaks to Esme but she does not answer nor is she shown.

Answer: She's off screen and didn't answer.


Question: Anyone who's read the seventh book will know that Harry misses something very important in the room of requirement (I'm being vague here to avoid spoilers.) Is said item ever shown in this film?


Chosen answer: I have watched the film several times and specifically looked for the item you are mentioning (The bust of a warlock with an ugly wig, and the object you're referring to). I have not seen it. There ARE several Easter Eggs from previous movies, however, such as the harp and chess pieces from HP1.

Question: Why don't EMPs affect the Transformers? Heck, Starscream even used one as a weapon. It had no adverse effect on himself or any of the other Transformers in the area. I know their life force is mostly Energon, but aren't they also powered by electricity to some extent?

Answer: The transformers are far too advanced to try and guess if the run on normal electricity, and EMPs can be assumed to have no effect on them at all. It's possible to protect human electronics to varying degrees, so there's no reason to assume the Transformers wouldn't have mastered the technique.


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