Answered questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

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Question: Why there was no invitation for Dr. Alan Grant and Ellie, and what were they doing at that time?

Answer: It's possible there was an invitation that they declined. Given the experience on the other island, both were terrified about going back.

Greg Dwyer

Answer: It's not really mentioned what they were doing. However, they weren't in the film because they weren't in the book, although Grant is mentioned briefly, talking to Richard Levine about new fossil finds. Michael Crichton ended up writing the sequel book after the success of the film. He decided to bring Ian Malcolm back (despite being declared dead in the epilogue of the first book) because he needed him, as the "ironic commentator", and said he could do without the other characters. So his story just focuses on Malcolm going to Isla Sorna. Although, in the book Malcolm goes to rescue Levine after he's reportedly went missing on the island and in the movie Levine isn't even a character.

A Rickle in Time - S2-E1

Question: What is the title of the piece of music playing when Beth performs field surgery on the deer? It sounds like it might be by the group Enigma, but I can't seem to find any more info about it.


Chosen answer: It's called "The Enigma of Copyright" by Headphone Activist.


Answer: Return To Innocence by Enigma.

Question: Can someone please tell me why they made Harry die towards the end of the film? Was the actor, James Franco not willing to do a fourth movie?

Answer: It seems to have more to do with Harry Osborn dying in the Spider-Man comics, albeit with a different scenario and different manner of death. Although in the comics, Harry and Peter seem to reconcile and Harry helps Peter save Mary Jane.

Question: I've heard that Lucius was right in Voldemort's inner circle so why is he treated even worse than Pettigrew?


Answer: In addition, Lucius is directly responsible for the destruction of his first horcrux, the diary, for the frivolous reason of trying to discredit Arthur Weasley.

Greg Dwyer

Voldemort was angry with Lucius because he repeatedly failed him. Lucius smuggled the Diary Horcrux into Hogwarts via Ginny, the plan failed. Lucius also failed to retrieve the prophecy orb from the Ministry of Magic, resulting in a huge battle and certain Death Eaters being sent to Azkaban prison. Voldemort usually severely punished anyone who failed him.


Except Voldemort was still in hiding in Albania when Lucius did this. He never told Lucius to give it to Ginny.

Greg Dwyer

Lucius took advantage of an opportunity to use Ginny to get the Diary into Hogwarts rather than as an act to discredit Arthur. He couldn't risk giving it to Draco, who he would not have trusted to carry out the mission.


Except that Lucius putting Tom Riddles' diary into Ginny's cauldron happened in "The Chamber Of Secrets." Not in this movie. The question was why Voldemort treated Lucius even worse then Pettigrew.

It might have happened in an earlier movie, but that doesn't mean Voldemort forgot.


Answer: Lucius fell out of favor with the Dark Lord after he had failed to retrieve the prophecy (about him and Harry) that was stored at the Ministry of Magic. Voldemort thereafter treated him badly, continually humiliated him, and intended to kill Draco to further punish Lucius.


Question: How did Hannibal know about the Tooth Fairy in the first place? He was already locked up and I don't think he is allowed newspapers or magazines.

Answer: I believe it's explained a little more in the book. They've been communicating with each other covertly; the Tooth Fairy has been sending him messages written on toilet paper, a stationery chosen because it dissolves quickly should Hannibal need to destroy it, and he instructs Hannibal to send his replies via the personal ads in the National Tattler. While Hannibal may not have access to a newspaper, he is allowed access to a telephone, in order to speak with his lawyer; he could phone his message to the Tattler and, because he's speaking in a code only the Tooth Fairy knows, no one would be the wiser.

Cubs Fan

Answer: Hannibal is allowed access to newspapers. Silence of the Lambs directly addresses this, with him being aware of Buffalo Bill's nickname but not the reason why he is named as such, since the "papers won't say." Presumably he is aware of the Tooth Fairy because of the papers.

Question: At the beginning of the movie, Goldblum's wife makes him bacon and eggs for breakfast, then when she has to go to work, she takes his uneaten breakfast away and brings it to the kitchen while he is still sitting there. Why?

Answer: Their marriage is falling apart. His wife is just going through the motions of being a wife-making breakfast, serving it, then taking it away in an automatic way without really thinking about what she's doing.


Question: Kreacher says he betrayed his master by not being able to destroy the locket but wouldn't betrayal be refusing to destroy the locket after Regulus told him to?


Answer: Kreacher did not have the ability to destroy the locket horcrux which is why he believed he failed his master. Only a few magical objects (Gryffindor's sword, the basilisk fang, fiend fire, etc.) had the power to destroy a horcrux.


Question: What does Joseph whisper in Anna's ear in the final scene at the beach? Her face reacts to something he's saying to her.

Answer: I think that 'what sets Anna off' at the ending was Sean's letter to her...where in the very last line, he says, "I guess we'll meet in another life." This shows that Sean really was reincarnated, but he so didn't want Anna to learn about the the affair with Clifford's wife, that he (Sean) decided to let go of Anna, possibly for the time being until he grows up, leaving room for a future sequel.

Answer: Probably "snap out of it, and let's go home" lol I think she's gone nuts or always was and Joseph knows she is bipolar?

Answer: It's not revealed what he whispered to her.


Answer: I think he says. "Just leave those bad memories Anna!, I'm for you and you for me! and we will live happily without any interpretation from 3rd party peoples."


Question: Jacob imprinted on Renesmee which technically means they'll fall in love etc., but Renesmee is a vampire which means she's immortal, and Jacob is a shapeshifter so that means that he will age and at some point die, right? So if I am correct that means that Jacob will one day die and Renesmee will spend the rest of her life without her soulmate?

Answer: Not true. Renesmee is half-vampire. She is like the Tecuna half-breed that Alice and Jasper brought back from South America to prove to the Volturi that Renesmee was not an immortal child, who will never develop beyond childhood. She will grow to full-adulthood and be long-lived, but not immortal. She can eat human food or live on blood. She also needs to sleep like a human, which vampires do not do. As a shape-shifter, Jacob will also be long-lived, so in the future, both will die. Just when is unknown.


Answer: There was no reason other than Voldemort's cruelty was spontaneous and unpredictable, and he had no feeling for or loyalty to anyone, even those who faithfully served him. If someone even slightly displeased him, showed weakness, or failed him in any way, Voldemort would kill or horribly punish them, depending on his mood at the time. Thicknesse just happened to speak up when Voldemort was particularly displeased, resulting in his death.


Question: Priscilla tries to join Rango's posse to find the water, but why does Rango tell her to look after the town while he's gone, instead of letting her come with him?

Answer: She's a child, and Rango probably does not want her to die or get hurt.

Question: At the very end there is a girl scrolling through Facebook or something of the friends who went to the cabin when she sees Karen's death pictures. Where the heck did these pictures come from?

Answer: She was shown taking pictures of herself when she was rotting in the outhouse.

Yeah, but why?

Question: When Bev drives to meet Ray to have him sign a waiver so her book could get published, Ray tells Amelia that Bev was his first wife. Since Bev and Ray never got divorced, isn't she still his first wife and his marriage to Amelia null and void?

Answer: Amelia is Jason's girlfriend! Ray never says if his Shirley is his wife.

Yes he did. He introduced Bev as his first wife, implying that she's his second wife.

Question: Wouldn't it be easier if Stewart just attached his cab to 777 and any other qualified personnel with him just walked from Steward to 777 and took control of it, too easy perhaps? Or the welder could have someone with a BB gun in the back to shoot the famous "kill switch" next to fuel tank, instead of the cops trying to?

Answer: Yeah, but it wouldn't be nearly as dramatic.

Answer: Put a man in the back of the truck with a broomstick and use it to push the fuel cut off switch as the truck drives alongside the train.

Question: Who is the oddity in red (red hair, red outfit) - what is the actor's name? How did they make the tall man tall? Was that a CGI elephant Hugh Jackman was riding?

Answer: The actor in red is Alex Wong. The tall man was tall already (actor Radu Spinghel is 6'11") and they put him on stilts. All the circus animals in the film were CGI.

Greg Dwyer

Question: Did the argument on whether or not to make the bombers' photos public really take place?

Answer: In short, no it likely did not. In real life the FBI voluntarily released the photos of the suspects to the press with a message to the public to help identify the suspects. The FBI statement also claimed they were doing this to help protect people wrongly identified as suspects on social media. While it is possible there could have been some back and forth privately regarding the photo release, it is also relatively common for law enforcement to release photos of suspects to the public for the same reasons as were done in the Boston Marathon bombings.


According to history vs. Hollywood there really was a debate on whether or not to release the photos.

Question: In one of the final game scenes, one of the Notre Dame players has the name Favreau on the back of his jersey. Since no player on that team was named Favreau, was this done for John Favreau?

Answer: Yes, it was. In that scene the names on the jerseys are from the actors and crew.


Question: What exactly was Clu's vision of "the perfect system"?

Answer: Going by Clu's behavior and personality in the film, Clu's idea of a perfect system was likely a system where every component worked as intended and as expected. One where every action by programs could be consistently predicted. The Isometric Algorithms very existence went against everything that he believed was "perfect", in that by their nature their actions could not be predicted. Users also seem to exist in contrast to Clu's beliefs as their human emotions cause them to act irrationally and erratically.


Answer: In the context, when talking about "Family Guy" winning an Emmy, it's about winning based on the merits of show itself, not just the work put into making the show. The Emmys "Family Guy" has won are for "outstanding voice over", "achievement in animation", or "sound mixing." Whereas, shows like "Modern Family" won Emmys for Outstanding..."comedy series", "lead actor", "supporting actor/actress", "writing", and "directing." There was a joke in the episode about what they were doing was so bad they owe back an Emmy, acknowledging they have won Emmys, just not the ones they're striving for.


Answer: The film makers wanted to make Andy older in the film so he could have a love interest and be in military school. At the time Alex was only 9, but they wanted Andy to be 16. So they recast the part.


Answer: To add to the other answer, the writers and producers felt that after two movies they had gone as far with child Andy as they possibly could have. They felt it would be too redundant to have a third film with Andy as a kid being pursued by Chucky. So they set this film years later when Andy was a teenager.


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