Answered questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

These are questions relating to specific titles. General questions for movies and TV shows are here. Members get e-mailed when any of their questions are answered.

Question: How did Soze end up in the police station after he escaped the boat in the first place? If he had vanished after the bombing, he wouldn't have to make up the stories and he wouldn't have been identified by Kujan.

Answer: Kint/Soze ended up in the police station because he simply didn't get away in time.

Answer: Soze ended up back under arrest and for some questioning as 'Verbal Kint'. He never really vanished, he's just playing two parts/people. He really vanishes off the scene by the end of the movie after he tricks Kujan.

With the exception of what's known to have happened on the dock, the entire story is a lie told by Verbal Kint to Agent Kujon. Kujon realises this after Kint leaves the office but not in time to catch up. The entire movie is about a habitual liar making up a story about what happened on the dock. He may be Keyser Soze or an alter-ego variant but even Keysers rep is subject to question as it was told by the same liar. Verbal himself said about Keaton, "He was a grounded guy, a cop. If you think the husband did it then you're right." He was telling on himself as sociopaths will do when they think they're smarter than everyone around them.

Question: How is getting struck in the groin with a harpoon (with or without pulling the trigger) fatal?


Chosen answer: You could easily die of shock/blood loss.

Brian Katcher

Answer: It's also shown that Jason pulled the trigger. You never see exactly where the harpoon goes, so it could have gone into his torso. From the angle you see Jason spear him, though, it most likely went up and exited through his back. This could have hit vital organs and blood loss would also occur. Not to mention that the last you see of the victim he's screaming so Jason could have done more to kill him after the scene ended and the film moved on.


Question: While Junior initially hesitates to fire Tulip as Hunter orders him to, he does not tell her he was supposed to fire her until after Jasper saves them from the wolves. Why doesn't Junior tell Tulip she's fired earlier when he is upset with her for crashing the plane?


Chosen answer: He simply does not have the nerve. Even when he is angry with her, he knows telling her she's fired would be incredibly hurtful for Tulip.


Question: Wouldn't the gyrospheres get stuck all the time, especially on wet patches of grass? I can't imagine the glass surface would get enough grip.

Answer: Apparently they are heavy enough to have traction in several types of terrain. Presumably if the weather was bad enough they would shut down the ride but for the purposes of the film, they seem to work just fine.


Question: What happened to Psylocke after the movie? Would you say this indicates an appearance in another upcoming X-Men film?

Answer: Psylocke is purposefully shown literally just walking away after the dust has settled. She could very well show up in another film somewhere along the line but nothing has been confirmed as of yet.


Question: When the Red Triangle Circus approaches the Batmobile to attach the transmitter, we see one clown with the schematics of the Batmobile. How the hell did they get hold of such plans? I highly doubt Batman/Bruce Wayne would let such information get out.

Russel Denton

Chosen answer: In the novelization of the film, it is implied that Max Shreck used his money to bribe the original designer/fabricator (or one of their disgruntled employees) to give him the plans.


Question: I am wondering what the deal is with Ahsoka Tano's chains in her hair. In season 1 episode 7 I think of the clone wars, Ahsoka gets her chain taken off and when she defeats the bad guy she takes it back and says "I think I have earned the right to wear this again" or something to that effect. I have tried Googling this many different ways and I can't find the answer.

Answer: They are called silka beads. Jedi Padawans from species with no hair (such as Togruta and Twi'leks) wear them in place of the Padawan braid.


Question: At the end of the movie, it's discovered that "Aaron" was actually faking a split personality. What would have been the legal ramifications if Martin were to tell his superiors the truth?

Answer: Nothing if he is telling superiors within the law practice he is associated with. Outside it, he would be legally bound by attorney/client privilege. He could be disbarred if he ever shared that information.


I'm sorry. I forgot to add to the question of what would have happened if he had chosen to ignore attorney/client privilege. If he discarded attorney/client privilege, would there have been any legal actions against him and Roy?

Question: When Bond finds out Dimitri is going to the airport to fly to Miami, we see Bond leaving Dimitri's "wife" and heading off to the airport, with the intention of following Dimitri. The question is: Bond is seen in the Alpha Romero he won from Dimitri in a poker match, but then we see Bond in the back seat of a taxi. So why two vehicles? Dimitri is seen in a taxi himself.

Kathy Higgs 2b4e

Chosen answer: The first shot is Bond driving the Aston Martin DB5 (not an Alpha Romeo) to the airport in the Bahamas. The second shot in the taxi is in Miami.


Question: What is the name of the song Samara sings? Is there really a musical carousel figurine like the one in the barn that plays it?

Answer: The song was written by Hans Zimmer for the movie.

Answer: It's called "here we go."

Question: What is written on the rear window in a foreign language?

Answer: You do not specify to which scene you are referring. The only window I recall with writing on it would be the window in Nash's room. John had covered this window in mathematical equations, theorems and geometric patterns. While most of the symbols used are Greek in origin, the language is simply that of mathematics.

Michael Albert

Question: At the very beginning, why did the Germanic army just show up and do nothing, giving them time to prepare the catapults, archers and what not. Why didn't they just rush in as soon as possible?

Answer: Ancient armies would often line up for battle, exchange insults, taunts, and threats at each other, and either charge into battle or call it quits for the day, both sides retiring for the night. In "Gladiator", the Germans began forming up for battle after they sent back the headless body of the Roman emissary on his horse, while yelling defiant threats and insults at the Romans. So, the Germans weren't ready to attack until all their troops were ready for battle.


Chosen answer: She only followed him because he claimed to care for mutants. When Angel dies, Storm hears Apocalypse's remark and is insulted. It is then clear to her that Apocalypse doesn't really care about mutants and he is simply using them for their power.


Question: Why did the Black Pearl's crew just give up when the curse was lifted? I get that it may have been a shock, but they had to know that getting convicted of piracy lead to hanging (so they'd die anyway). Not one of them realised this and tried to have a fighting chance?

Answer: There is one major gap in your question: not every pirate was hanged. Being a sailor in the 17th century was very dangerous, and there generally was a shortage of experienced sailors. What usually happened was that the captain was hanged to make an example, while the crew was forced to serve on trade ships, for example, the ones sailed by the WIC. The crew, even when giving up, had pretty good chances of survival.


Chosen answer: This is a joke in that Hermione thinks it's worse to be expelled from Hogwarts than it is to die.


Question: Near the end of the song "I am a dentist", is Orin saying "and a success" or "and I say sit"?

Answer: He says "and a success". He's singing about his mother telling him he'd become a successful dentist.

Chosen answer: Penny and Amy became friends simply because their significant others (Leonard and Sheldon, respectively) happened to be friends as well as roommates. While it may have been simply a matter of convenience at first, Penny and Amy genuinely grew to enjoy each other's company as time progressed despite their obvious differences.


Question: When Kylo Ren told Rey that they had the rest of the map that leads to Luke, why didn't she try and get it back when she was escaping, since nobody knew that R2 had the rest of the map?


Chosen answer: It is merely stated the First Order has the other part of the map, not necessarily that it is kept on Starkiller base. Regardless, Rey would have no way of knowing where the data is kept and even if she did it would be pointless since there is no way to know how many people have seen/copied the data.


Question: In the movie, it's said that Carmen Sanchez died (obviously). They never really say how she died or when she died, nor do they explain why she has three white streaks in her hair (while her husband still has full black hair). How did Carmen Sanchez die?

Answer: According to Jorge Gutierrez, in a tweet, he said she died saving Carlos and baby Manolo during the Mexican Revolution. The white streaks in her hair look like an homage to "Bride of Frankenstein" with her white streaked hair.


Chosen answer: Because the glass was made with the same or similar material as the helmet, blocking Xavier's powers.


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