Answered questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

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Chosen answer: It is explained that in a duel between Asajj Ventress and Anakin Skywalker, Ventress manages to strike Anakin across the face, she does this to prove that she could kill him at will (she claims she could have as easily beheaded him) Anakin defeats her however, forcing Ventress to flee.

Darius Angel

Question: When some Jedi die, they disappear (Yoda, Obi-wan). When others die, they don't (Qui-gon, Vader). Why is that? I thought this phenomenon would be explained in this movie, but unless I missed something, no explanation was given.

Matty Blast

Chosen answer: Powerful force users seem to have some degree of control over their bodies even after death. In the later series, Luke's wife Mara Jade Skywalker only allows her body to disappear when her killer, and nephew Jacen Solo arrives at her funeral as a clue. Thus it appears that a powerful force user can simply choose if they wish their body to disappear.

Darius Angel

Answer: Towards the end of the movie Yoda tells Obi Wan that Qui Gon has learned the path to imortality and offers to teach this to Obi Wan. In the Clone Wars TV series we see the journey Yoda takes to learn this power. The power to become one with the force is a power you have to learn as opposed to being achievable to all Jedi. Both yoda and Obi Wan has the years between ROTS and ANH/ESB to fine tune and master this power. It is possible that Darth Vader, having seen Obi Wan become one with the force, spent the following years after A New Hope, studying and learning this skill by himself, hence how he was able to appear as a force ghost towards the end of Return of the Jedi, but not quite skilled enough to dissapear on cue.

Question: Is it possible, or even probable, that Palpatine was somehow responsible for Shmi Skywalker's pregnancy? When talking about Darth Plagius who could create life it's implied that Palpatine was the apprentice and knows the power too.

Matty Blast

Chosen answer: Plagueis taught Palpatine everything he knew, even his knowledge of midi-chlorian manipulation (though Palpatine could not master the skill) and roughly ten years before the events of The Phantom Menace, Palpatine and Plagueis attempted to create a super-being via midi-chlorian manipulation which inadvertently resulted in Anakin's conception (Plagueis theorised the conception was the Force "striking back" for their unnatural use of it) Thus inadvertently Palpatine is indeed responsible for Anakin's conception.

Darius Angel

Question: Why is it that when Palpatine-Sidious gets zapped by his lightning his face wrinkles, but when Luke gets zapped in Return of the Jedi, he remains relatively unscathed?

Answer: Palpatine was using relatively weak (but still painful) bursts of lightning on Luke as a means of torture, wanting Luke to suffer before he died. When he attacked Windu, he used powerful bursts of lightning, trying to kill him and thus ravaged his own body by the reflected attack. Or as some sources indicate, the "damage" was Palpatine's true form, which he had been hiding with the force, and reverted to this form to sell the act that he was "too weak" as he expressed.

Darius Angel

Question: Does anybody know why Mace Windu is the head of the Jedi council? It just seems as though there are or were better or older Jedi who surely would have rose to become head Jedi. I thought at first that he may have a high Midi-chlorian count, but it seems his is quite normal by Jedi standards. No wonder Count Dooku left, he waited until he was seventy and still didn't become head of the council!

Answer: Mace Windu is not the head of the Council. Yoda, as Grand Master of the Jedi Order for all intents and purposes is head of the council, but each councillor is equal in terms of voting power. Though the councillors are all powerful force users, power seems secondary to wisdom as far as the selection process is concerned. Dooku left the Jedi Order not due to issues of rank, but because he had become disillusioned with the council.

Darius Angel

Answer: Mother Gothel said: Where will you go? He won't be there for you. Then Rapunzel said: What did you do to him? So I assume she found out at that time she said that.

Answer: There is a scene where Rapunzel is in her bedroom and has brief flashes of herself as a baby with the King and Queen looking down at her. Also the sun symbol she kept drawing, she began to figure things out. That's when she realised she was lied to.

Chosen answer: She kicks him in the groin when he has her cornered on the stairway.

Answer: I was told that Tim Curry AKA Frank N Furter was also accidentally kicked in the groin in the pool shot. You can see the look on his face. But it's not clear if Susan Sarandon did it or the actor playing Rocky did it.

Answer: It happens on the stairwell during the song, "You Better Wise Up, Janet Weiss".

Charles Austin Miller

Question: I can recognize Fjord horses when I see them, but I can't tell what breed of horses are pulling the ice sleds at the beginning of the film. All I can guess though is that they're draft horses. Can someone please identify what exact breed of horses are pulling the ice sleds?

Answer: In the script, when the horses come, it says: "Massive fjord horses drag heavy ice plows."

Question: When the king and queen set off on their ship, where is their journey to and for what reason?

Answer: This is answered in the sequel - they were actually heading north across the Dark Sea, trying to find the source of Elsa's power, either to help her, "cure" her, or if nothing else understand things better.

Jon Sandys

Answer: The creators gave two reasons when asked, one stated they were going to Fantasy Land and another stated a wedding.

Question: In the LEGO video game, LEGO Harry Potter Years 1-4, LEGO Gilderoy is revealed to wear a wig in the game. Does Gilderoy wear a wig in this movie? If so, when is it most noticeable?

Chosen answer: In the scene where Gilderoy is hastily packing his office after being "called out" to save Ginny, he is seen grabbing a wig off a head mannequin. This would imply that he did indeed wear a wig.

Question: At the very end of the movie when the camera is moving away from Coraline's garden two of my friends pointed out that the garden looked like something. I watched it again and thought I saw a face but wasn't entirely sure, anyone know what it's supposed to look like?

Answer: Opinion is divided - it's either Coraline's face, or the other mother. No-one seems able to decide which.

Answer: As the previous question said, opinion is still divided. Although there is a theory going around that the house used to be the Beldam's house that was built in her favor, so it would make sense why the garden's shape was the Beldam's face. Hope this helped to enlighten this question a little more.

Answer: The other mother made a reality appealing to Coraline when she went through the door since she thought her real house was such a bore. Her real house probably already looked like Coraline's face but the other mother planted flowers and plants to colour in the sketch. The other mother didn't really make anything or add anything to Coraline's other house, though she did add her own little twist to it, making it more vibrant, colourful and full of life, unlike Coraline's drab house.

Question: The morning after Tina's death, when Nancy is walking to school, she looks behind her and sees a man in black standing on the corner. Does anyone know who he is?

Answer: He's a cop, her father is having her followed hoping she will lead them to Rod, who they believe killed Tina.

Question: I have watched this movie many times but still do not know the logical thinking behind it. If all this time Rose kept "Heart of the Ocean", then why did she ask Brock Lovett in the beginning of the movie by saying "I was just wondering if you had found The Heart of the Ocean yet, Mr. Lovett?"

Hilman Sadakir

Chosen answer: The primary reason for the question is to prove to Brock that she is, in fact, Rose DeWitt Bukater. The insurance claim for the Heart of the Ocean diamond was paid under strict secrecy. As such, few people, including Rose, would even know of its existence. Another underlying reason might be as a private taunt. Rose sees Brock Lovett for who he is - an opportunist plundering the Titanic for riches. I imagine she finds him somewhat distasteful, so she amuses herself by asking a question to which (we all later discover) she knows the answer.

Michael Albert

Question: When Ron and Hermione argue during the dance, two girls are in the background, sitting on the steps and comforting a third girl who is crying. Is there any explanation as to who the girl is and why she is crying?

Answer: There's no explanation given about who the girl on the step is or why she is crying. She is simply an unnamed character whose evening obviously didn't end well and she is upset. This is only meant as background detail to make the scene more interesting and real without distracting the audience. It has no relationship to the main plot.


Question: When the boy enters the train car the other kids are heard singing the polar express song. How could they have learned it?

Answer: They likely were taught it before the boy boarded the train. We should assume that the same magic making the train appear without being seen by others and to travel to the North Pole is also at work here, perhaps allowing the children to be able to learn the song quickly.


Answer: Alternatively, it could just be a song they all made up.

Question: Chased by agents, Trinity chooses to jump out the window. With no reason to think she can be rescued, the fall will kill her. Why would she do that?

Answer: The script just says "With no choice left, Trinity dives through the window." I think she was pretty resigned to the fact she was going to die and just wanted to go out fighting as long as possible, with the very small possibility that she would survive the fall somehow.


Question: What does Olaf mean by asking, "Who's the funky-looking donkey?" Was he referring to Krisftoff? Olaf initially mistakes Krisftoff to have the same name as Sven and does not learn his real name until he meets the trolls. Why doesn't Krisftoff or Anna correct him about Kristoff's name?

Answer: It's a joke. He asks who the funny looking donkey is, meaning Kristoff. Everyone assumes he's talking about Sven.

Answer: Elaine's co-worker Sam, played by Molly Shannon, in the episode "The Summer of George". Raquel Welch does this too in the same episode.


Question: Do magical folk generally live longer than Muggles? Considering that Minerva is described as having black hair, even though she is old enough to have taught Harry's parents, and Dumbledore is more than one hundred years old (according to the Harry Potter Wiki).

Answer: Yes they do, though Dumbledore is considered quite old even by magical standards. Members of the magical community reach their middle age in their 80's or so, but also maintain their virility much later into their lifespan, relatively speaking, than muggles do.


Question: How did a starfish get on Gru's head while Lucy and Gru were underwater in the car?


Chosen answer: The car is always shown in shots from the front so we can't see if the boot had a leak.

boss of epicness

If the boot had a leak large enough to admit the starfish it would have filled with water and Gru would have drowned.

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