Answered questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

These are questions relating to specific titles. General questions for movies and TV shows are here. Members get e-mailed when any of their questions are answered.

Question: Is the dog's owner blind, or does he just have dark glasses? I'm asking because he said that he could have gone out to the yard and gotten the boys' ball if they had asked him, but how could he find it if he was blind?

Answer: Yes he was blind but he probably would have had one of them come with him to find it. He was just a little annoyed that they didn't just come to the front door and ask, they broke into his backyard.


Answer: Mr. Myrtle even explains that during a game a high fastball hit him in the head and he immediately went blind.

Question: Does anyone know how the effect of Kermit riding the bicycle was done?

Answer: The closest thing to an answer is here, Martin Becker's obituary. His family states that it was a robotic Kermit on a bicycle. Outside of that, everyone else associated with the movie has been quiet on the subject.


They used gyros in the wheels - Martin Becker made the first self-driving bike for that movie-now the same tech is used in the self-driving bikes seen in the Netherlands. -Diana Becker, Martin's widow.

Show generally

Question: In the new Cartoon Wars episodes, nothing is said and nothing happens when the boys are in the King Of The Hill part of the studio. Is there a joke behind this?

Answer: In King Of The Hill, Hank and his friends usually stand around at the front of his house, drinking beer and saying nothing. The joke is a reference to this.


Question: At the very end of the movie, before the credits, with Magneto playing chess, did he manage to move or knock over the chess piece?It cut to black too quickly for me to see. Were they trying to show that the cure was not permanent?


Chosen answer: The piece did move, very very slightly. I'd argue that the cure is generally permanent, but perhaps with someone of Magneto's power the X gene can't be permanently suppressed, and will slowly regenerate itself through his body, gradually restoring him to full strength.

Jon Sandys

Question: When Jack and Carl are looking at the map, and one of them says "What's that?", we get a close-up of what looks like a blob to me. What do they see in the image?

Answer: They see what looks like the face of a gorilla, but they conclude that it must be a skull for Skull Island.


Answer: Dinosaur Sentai Zyuranger (Season 1), Five Star Sentai Dairanger (Season 2), Ninja Sentai Kakuranger (Seasons 3), Super Sentai Ohranger (Zeo), Explosive Dash Sentai Carranger (Turbo), Electromagnetic Sentai Megaranger (. In Space), Star Beast Sentai Gingaman (Lost Galaxy), Rescue Sentai Gogo V (Lightspeed Rescue), Future Sentai Timeranger (Time Force), Hundred Beast Sentai Gaoranger (Wild Force), Ninja Sentai Hurricanger (Ninja Storm).


Question: According to, Red Eye would be spoofed. I didn't see anything relevant to Red Eye in this movie (except the crashed plane, but that was in War of the Worlds), but I might be wrong, so was there any references?

Answer: The spoof of "Red Eye" was dropped, there is no reference.


Question: Do we know if Peyton's husband was really molesting his patients? I can't tell if he killed himself out of guilt, or because he was depressed that he had been accused of something like that.

Answer: Yes, Dr. Mott was molesting his patients, as was seen when he slipped off his plastic glove just before performing a pelvic exam on Claire. After Claire reported Mott to the authorities, a number of other women came forward and their accusations were made public. Mott never showed any remorse, and it appears he committed suicide because he was unable to face the ensuing scandal and criminal investigation.


Answer: State.

Grumpy Scot

Question: Does anybody know what music the Mexicans are playing in their car? I like it.

Answer: It is a cut/mix of "So Ruff, So Tuff" by Roger Troutman (lead singer of Zapp). I think this is a extended mix of it. It contains the beginning of Zapp's biggest hit "More Bounce to the Ounce" which was off their first self-titled album "Zapp" (1980). This has been used and sampled in Hip Hop songs for over 20 years. Roger Troutman put out his first solo album the next year in 1981 (Many Facets of Roger). This contained the single "So Ruff, So Tuff".

Luna Negra

Answer: Max and the others in her group were the X5 series.


Answer: At Geoffrey's full name is listed as Geoffrey Barbara Butler. According to one episode, Geoffrey was an Olympic runner who had cheated during a run; the video of this incident that the family watches confirms Geoffrey's last name is Butler.


Question: After the dog and Prince Wendell have been switched, why does the Queen even care about having the dog (who is really Prince)? She doesn't know that Tony can talk to him, so as far as she knows, no one can understand the dog at all. Why would she be concerned?

Answer: Because if Wendell and the switched dog somehow came in contact with each other then they would switch back. She does not want to risk this happening.


Question: When Hannibal is in his exercise cell talking to Will he speaks a few lines in a different accent. Why does he do this?

Answer: It's not unusual for someone to do this to emphasize a particular point, to be sarcastic, or just show off. Lecture was a master manipulator and loved being the center of attention. By slipping into an accent for a few sentences, he jars the listener's attention.


Question: What species of aliens are performing in the scene where Anakin and Palpatine are in the theater? All I see are large bubbles.

Answer: They're Mon Calamari, the same species as Admiral "It's a trap" Ackbar in Return of the Jedi.


Question: I must've missed it during the movie - how exactly does V kill the people from the facility? I'm pretty sure it has something to do with poison, but I didn't quite get it. Also, I'm not sure if it's tied-in, but what is the whitish-orange stuff left on the floor next to most of the victims' heads?

Answer: He poisons them, and they throw up.

Matt Lynch

Question: What is the significance of the man in Hell who thinks Chris is his son?

Answer: Just to show what hell does to your mental state.


Question: In Episode II, the symbols on the Republican ships had eight spikes on them. In this episode, there are only six. Why did the symbol change? It cannot be due to the forming of the Empire because we can see the changed symbols early in the movie, before the Empire is formed.

Matty Blast

Chosen answer: The symbol seen in Episode II is the general all-purpose symbol of the Republic. The symbol seen in Episode III (which also happens to be the symbol of the Empire) is the designation for wartime. War was only declared at the end of Episode II, the old symbols had simply not been repainted.

Question: The round conference table on Geonosis (where Dooku is updating the other separatists) looks an awful lot like the symbol of the Empire, especially when viewed from above. Is this intentional?

Matty Blast

Chosen answer: Yes.


Show generally

Question: Is it ever stated how the people act once Sam leaps out of them? Presumably the person leaps back into their place, but wouldn't they be confused initially and then just go back to acting the same way?

Gary O'Reilly

Answer: In "Double Identity", Sam leaps from Frankie to Don Geno when the blackout hits and we see how Frankie responds to returning. He appears to have no memory of the time he was displaced and thinks it is the moments just after when he left the day before.

Chosen answer: No, it is never stated. The person does leap back in so your assumption is as good as any.


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