Answered questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

These are questions relating to specific titles. General questions for movies and TV shows are here. Members get e-mailed when any of their questions are answered.

Question: For the memories that show young Lily, why did the filmmakers not use an actress with the same eye color as Harry, nor edit the eye color afterward? Multiple people note that his eyes are like his mother's.

Answer: In the movie, it was never mentioned that Lily and Harry had the same eye colour. It was instead implied that Harry's eyes had a similar shape and look to Lily's. Ultimately, it's more important to cast an actor who best suits the part, rather than matching the eye colour.


Also, they tried using green contacts, but Daniel was allergic to them.


Question: In this movie, the Colonel says the following to Swaggart: 'You've done your country a great service, son. On the day..." What does the expression "On the day" mean, and what is its origin?

William Robert Smith

Answer: To me, it just sounds like he got interrupted. Like he was going to say, on the day of the shooting, he needs Swagger there. Swagger interrupts him by saying "look," as if he knows what Johnson is going to ask and he doesn't want to be a part of it. Then Johnson continues, saying Swagger knows what to look for and he could use a spotter.


Show generally

Question: Why does Roz have to screen people's calls before Frasier talks to them? We see in some episodes that he can answer calls directly if he chooses, so why doesn't he do it all the time?

Answer: Most, if not all, radio call-in shows like Frasier's have someone (usually a producer) who screens calls. Sometimes it's to maintain a queue, sometimes it's to filter out the boring/crazy/uninteresting ones (it is radio, after all...the problems have to have entertainment value). Mostly, though, it's so that Roz can get some basic information from them (i.e. their name and the general nature of their problem) before putting them on the air. It's basically quality control. Yes, Frasier can take calls directly, but like most radio hosts, he relies on his call screener to make a decision about which ones he addresses.

Question: After the battle on Mustafar, does Vader realise that he was wrong to accuse Padme on Mustafar (of bringing Obi-Wan to kill him)? I thought he obviously did, because he asks Palpatine if she is all right. However, some fans seem to think that he still believes he was betrayed. He only asked due to his remaining love for her. Is this clarified anywhere?

Answer: He hopes she is all right, mostly because of the baby(s) in her belly. He is the father after all. His anger caused him to hurt her, but he did not intend to kill her, since she is pregnant with his child. He says to Obi-Wan, "you will not turn her against me." So he believes she is misguided by his "enemies." Of course, he is really confused, angry, and traumatized at this point, so not much rationale can be expected of him. I don't think there was much of Anakin left at that point already.


Answer: My interpretation is: he "woke up" after the procedure with his new armour and realised that he should have listened to her. I don't know which books and graphic novels are still canon, but some show him reflecting on Padme, imagining conversations with her spirit, and visiting her grave. Some images will come up in a Google search.

Answer: Like many regular humans, he considers them to be a mistake of nature, and probably also considers them to be a threat to both the safety and future of mankind.


Question: Did Evie and Javi actually do something in the change rooms, or did Javi actually spill coke on his pants? I also thought it was odd Evie insisted she give Javi her number instead of Tracey. Why? (00:42:50 - 01:00:13)

Answer: I think Evie and Javi probably "did something." My interpretation is that Evie uses people/freeloads until they stop allowing it. So, Evie is willing to have an "encounter" with Javi, and lie to Tracy about it because she is not a true friend. It's also possible that Javi offered her money or drugs. As for the phone number, Evie wants Javi to contact her because Tracy's mom does not control her phone. Easier for the girls to hide their activities.

Question: Why isn't Ike gonna help the other kids in the entire film if he is at the attic?


Answer: Kyle placed Ike in the attic to protect him because Ike is Canadian, and if he was found, he would be placed in a concentration camp.

Question: When Gandalf remarks that there are older and fouler things than orcs in the deep places of the world, is he referring specifically to the Balrog? If not, what are some other monsters he could be referring to?


Answer: Yes, he is referring to the Balrog. Though, he doesn't know for sure, he has been suspicious that there was a Balrog awakened in Moria.


Question: How did Willie Mays Hayes end up arriving at camp? Was there simply a mistake on the invite list, or did Hayes end up knowingly crashing camp on his own?

Answer: He just shows up, uninvited. When he first arrives, they can't find his name on the list; he's later (comedically) removed from camp in the middle of the night when security carries him out on his bed (while commenting "This is the guy who wasn't invited to camp"). So, he's relying on his speed and charm to get him a spot on the team... which, of course, ultimately works.

Question: Were the terrorists intending to blow up the entire building, as opposed to just the roof, to fake their deaths? If that's the case, then how can they continue with the plan to fake their deaths if McClane already took some of the explosives on the lower floor?


Answer: They were planning to blow up just the roof, with the hostages on it, while they (Hans and crew) were safely below, to make law enforcement, the FBI, etc. think they'd been killed along with everyone else in the roof explosion. The plan was to then escape with the loot in the ambulance that Theo was driving and flee the country before anyone could discover their bodies were not among the scores of others. The former element was foiled by McClane's intervention on the roof, leading Hans to activate the explosives prematurely, while the latter was stopped by Argyle when he t-boned the ambulance and punched Theo unconscious in the parking garage.

But what would cause the authorities to think that the terrorists would be on the roof when it blew up? They could have been on the bottom floor for all they knew. I remember the movie quite well, but may have missed a line that clarifies to the authorities that they were going to be on or close to the roof.


As Hans says: "When they touch down, we’ll blow the roof. They’ll spend a month sifting through rubble, and by the time they figure out what went wrong, we’ll be sitting on a beach, earning twenty percent." I don't think Hans was expecting the authorities to assume they were all dead forever, just cause enough carnage and confusion that they can escape. The FBI might think they were dead, or if nothing else not know where they went. The bodies McClane had left behind might even help muddy the waters. They could then escape to a non-extradition country and live in peace, no matter if anyone figured out they were alive or not.

Shortly after he kills Ellis, Hans radios Deputy Chief of police Dwayne T. Robison. He tells him to get his "comrades" released. He lists off several actual terrorists, then tells Dwayne that after those people are released, the hostages will be taken to the roof and accompany them by helicopter to the airport. Later, Agent Johnson of the FBI tells Hans that his demands have been met and that helicopters are en route as requested. That's why the Feds think the bad guys will be on the roof.


Question: If Mitch set up a custody battle for Gracie while Slim was hiding, then why doesn't he file a missing persons report for them as well? Surely he would have figured the law would be on his side as she would seem completely unreliable for "kidnapping" his child and disappearing, and that there would have been some kind of manhunt or tracking done to find her? So why waste his own time into searching when he could just have the authorities do the work for him?


Answer: Mitch is trying to control the situation completely. Yes, he could have filed a missing persons report, but he would prefer to get Slim and Gracie back in his own way. He wants Slim to respect his dominance.

Question: Was any reason ever given as to why Bond's gadget-filled car was barely used in this film? It seems odd to give the series a fresh start in many ways, make a big deal about his car with missiles inside the lights, and then he drives it for 30 seconds and gives it away. Why bother giving him a car at all?

Jon Sandys

Chosen answer: There hadn't been a Bond film for seven years, and it was a new Bond. They wanted to get away from the gadgets and show him at his best. It was a way to let people accept Pierce Bronsan, watching what he can do. He put a lot of Sean Connery into it.

I can see that, but it just seems weird to highlight the features the car has and then not use them. Would have been simpler to omit it entirely, but presumably BMW wanted some product placement.

Jon Sandys

According to Wikipedia, the deal with BMW came at the last stage in production, so they were only able to put the car in the movie but not make scenes where the gadgets are actually used. I can imagine they'd have to rewrite parts of the script and take more time filming to do that.


Question: Why were Harry and Lloyd walking home at the end? They said the hog broke down, but what about the car they bought? I know they used the money out of the briefcase to buy it, but surely Mary would've let them keep it as a reward since she was gonna give it away to the kidnappers anyway?

Answer: They explicitly say, "First Mary dumps us, then the cops take away our nest egg." So, Mary did not let them keep it (also, it's hard to imagine that she would have been pleased with them having blown all the money that was meant to save her husband). They would not have been able to keep any of the things they bought with the money since they stole the money to begin with (you could argue that they didn't steal it at first when Lloyd grabbed the briefcase, but once they knew it was money, it was certainly theft to spend it all and replace it with IOUs). It all would have been returned to the rightful owners.

Answer: I got the impression the money came from Mary's husband's family, who might not want to gift them a Lamborghini Diablo. Why she didn't buy them a bus ticket, on the other hand.

Brian Katcher

Question: What is the name of the superhero toy that Kevin carries around during the movie? My son desperately wants that toy, but I have no idea what it's called. It's a red superhero with a yellow cape.

Answer: The superhero action figure is named Galaktico (sp?), and the bottom of both of its feet open up to store Kevin's inhalers. Within the story, I got the impression that his mom (or both parents) had this toy custom made for asthmatic Kevin.

Super Grover

Question: Near the beginning, Ray is hearing voices in the cornfield. When the baseball field is "shown" to him, is it in a different orientation than what he ends up building. The field is rotated 180 degrees. I understand that the field could be built however he wants it, but why would he build it differently than his "dream"? Why not build it exactly as he saw it?

Answer: It's not that the field is shown to him; we're seeing a visual representation of the idea occurring to him. It's meant to convey the moment where he realizes that the voice is telling him to build a baseball field for "Shoeless" Joe Jackson. So it's not exactly a vision or an instruction, just a film convention to show what a character is thinking.

Question: It's so obvious that the cop's name tag says R. Olsen, but everyone calls him Winston in both films. Is there a reason for this that I'm missing, or is it a mistake?

Answer: It shows "W. Olsen" on the uniform name patch. If you really do see R. Olsen in a specific scene, please provide a timecode.

Super Grover

Answer: Kevin tries to tell his mom that he didn't smoke the cigar and she doesn't believe him. Kevin argues with his family, and he only had a friend named Horseman, the imaginary friend. Kevin's dad said, "you're extremely bad, Kevin!" Kevin might be in military school or somewhere.

Answer: I think I found the quotes on Kevin's family got angry, and they don't believe him about the cigar that Michael has. Kevin's only friend is his imaginary friend named Horseman, and Alfred said, "You're extremely bad, Kevin." Kevin might be in military school or something.

Wilson - S6-E9

Question: Why can't House be a doctor again after faking his death? I always assumed you can't be a doctor with a criminal record. And maybe you can't in real life, I'm not entirely sure. But in the House universe, it seems like you can, because House and Thirteen were still doctors after going to prison. So after Wilson dies, why can't House just go back to jail and then be a doctor again?


Answer: He faked his death to avoid going back to prison. He chose to abandon medicine and his previous life for that reason. Considering House's past work history, conviction, and mental issues, it's doubtful a hospital would hire him.


Show generally

Question: I remember at least a couple of jokes on this show about Michael Bolton: a character disliking him, Al wanting to get rid of him, etc. Is there a story behind it?

Answer: A lot of "manly men" like Al, don't like Michael Bolton's music. He's just an easy target.

Captain Defenestrator

On a similar note, some 2000s shows had comments/jokes about a female character not liking Britney Spears. If a singer is massively popular, there is a select group of people who are tired of hearing about them and resent them. Which is often a subject of joke material.


Vision Quest - S7-E12

Question: Obviously, the guys don't believe that Bill has a son named Trey. Hank points out that the name was Travis last week. But why is Bill pretending to have a son?

Answer: Bill lives in a state of denial. He hopes his wife will return any day. He escapes into elaborate fantasies, like having a son.

Captain Defenestrator

I've noticed that Bill often wants to copy what the other guys are doing, as part of his fantasies. So if Hank and Dale are talking about issues with their sons, he wants to talk about a son, too.

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