Answered questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

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Question: How does Mikael know where Lisbeth's father and half-brother live? Lisbeth found the post office box address from the rental car rego plates, and then staked it out, for quite a while, and when a young man opened it and got the mail out, she followed him straight to her father. Mikael did none of that, so how was he able to arrive like a knight in shiny armour at the exact time to save Lisbeth's life?


Chosen answer: Malin tells Mikael that "Karl Axel Bodin" lives at "the address for PO Box 612, at Gosseberga". Gosseberga is not a town, but the name of the farmhouse property near Nossebro where Zalachenko and Niedermann live, so it is the only place with that name near Gothenburg.


Question: When Miriam gives Mikael Lisbeth's keys - Lisbeth dropped her keys while she was visiting Miriam in the hospital - Mikael looks at them and says, "It looks like a post box key." Can someone please explain how Mikael is able to find the right post box and the right number (none of these are printed on the key), so then he can go to her place?


Chosen answer: Lisbeth let Miriam stay in her old apartment on the condition that she forward any mail sent there to a post office box, so Miriam would have known the box number and location.


What Are Little Girls Made Of? - S1-E8

Question: When the Enterprise is in orbit, it uses the Impulse engines to maintain orbit. The Impulse engines are located on the back (aft) of the primary saucer. Why were these not on or lit up? Unless they're using gravity, but there are the familiar engine sounds.

Movie Nut

Chosen answer: If they're in orbit, they're being pulled along by the planet's gravity well, therefore, impulse engines would only be used for minor corrections and would be "on standby" while in orbit, but not active. (Like keeping your car idling without revving the engine and creating plumes of exhaust).

Captain Defenestrator

Thank you for the info.

Movie Nut

Answer: Happy to help.

Captain Defenestrator

Question: On the DVD main menu, does anyone know what song is playing? And is it on the album?

Answer: The artist is "Genuine Childs", the song is just called "The Bourne Identity DVD menu music score". It's not on the Bourne album, but you can find it on their soundcloud page:


Question: I am a huge fan of the movie Predator but I always have thought that the writers should've done more with the characters of Poncho and Hawkins. Were they supposed to be friends like Blain and Mac?

Answer: Blain and Mac are extremely badass action hero characters. Poncho and Hawkins are less so. It seems that Poncho and Hawkins are there for the Predator to kill, so us as an audience knows what sort of danger the characters face and also show the big guys do some action.


Question: Just out of curiosity, but in the scene where the nuns are singing the Holy Mary song, what were they singing in Latin?

Answer: The "Holy Mary song" is formally titled "Hail, Holy Queen" or "Salve Regina." Most of the lyrics in Latin are actually borrowed from another liturgical piece titled "O Sanctissima" and inserted into the musical piece as featured in "Sister Act" as follows: (1) "Salve, salve, salve Regina" is part of the original song and translates to "Hail, hail, hail [holy.] queen." (2) "Mater amata, intemerata (sanctus, sanctus dominus) " translates to "Beloved Mother, undefiled/pure/chaste (holy, holy Lord) " (3) "Virgo, respice, Mater, aspice (sanctus, sanctus dominus) " means "Virgin, watch over us, Mother, care for us (holy, holy Lord) " and (4) "Alleluia, " of course, is simply the Latin variant of the anglicized "Hallelujah". Other notes: "Cherubim" and "Seraphim" are orders of heavenly angels, Seraphim being of a higher order, possessing six wings.

Michael Albert

Question: When Joy is in the dump of forgotten memories, she sees a probe containing the sad memory of when Riley lost a hockey game after missing the winning shot. The probe shows that after Riley felt sad and has been cheered up by her parents, she is cheered on by her old team mates. Joy knows that since that probe is blue, it was a memory represented by Sadness. She begins to realize that Sadness helped Riley to ease her conscience. How come Joy didn't see that before when she would have been at the control panel in headquarters just when the event occurred?

John Ohman

Chosen answer: Joy must have seen the event. Since Joy was so focused on Riley's happiness and thought Sadness brought nothing to the table, she didn't realize that Riley needs to be sad at times to help her cope and move on to get to the happy times.

Question: What did Sister Mary Patrick mean when she said "you don't have to bite the donut to know it's sweet"? I believe this was in the scene when she was teaching her class when Deloris was looking for hers.

Answer: Sister Mary Patrick is being challenged by Sondra, one of her students, who says, "you can't answer any questions about... Sex." The sister's reply is, "oh, don't be so sure - you don't have to bite the donut to know it's sweet." She offers this as an analogy, in order to posit that one doesn't have to have engaged in sex acts to know what sex is all about, or that it may be enjoyable even when it isn't necessarily good for you.

Michael Albert

Answer: You don't need to learn about sex to know what it is about.

Question: I am curious why Helen was killed when the doctor was the target. Harrison Ford (the doctor) said he found out why Helen was killed - he said on the phone and stated the reason was "they were after me." So - someone goes to kill him and kills his wife instead? Was it to frame him and if so, wouldn't it have been easier to kill him instead?

Answer: The one-armed man was there to kill Richard, but Helen was the one at home. Sending him to prison would have discredited him enough to satisfy the pharmaceutical company.

Captain Defenestrator

And don't forget, Kimble wasn't just sentenced to prison - he was sentenced to death. Nichols probably thought he'd seen the last of him.

Chosen answer: The script of The Bourne Supremacy actually calls Martin Marshall the "Deputy Vice-Director" of the CIA, although in the same script and film dialog, Landy refers to him as "Director Marshall". So it appears Kramer is CIA Director in all the Bourne films, but Marshall is either acting Director in Kramer's absence or is just referred to as a Director.


Question: When the father was leaving the house of ill-repute, how did he recognize Benjamin as his son?

Answer: Thomas Button knew the house where he had abandoned Benjamin as a child, and while we the viewers are never shown or explicitly told so, the film gives us the impression that Thomas had been watching Benjamin over the years, as he was watching Benjamin the evening the two first meet.

Answer: He was watching him the day he met Daisy.

Chosen answer: Lapdance by N.E.R.D.

Question: In the beginning, Thomas wakes up in the Box which is moving up. He discovers an animal in the cage. It looks like a black pig. The pig apparently isn't shown anymore in the rest of the movie. Why the hell is the black pig in the Box?


Chosen answer: It is just part of the supplies that is sent up each month, along with a new boy. Everything the maze residents have has been supplied to them. That includes rudimentary tools, vegetable seeds, food, and various other supplies and equipment. The pig is just livestock that will likely be butchered for meat.


Question: After the Stabbington Brothers escape the royal guards, they enter the same tunnel in the pub that Rapunzel and Flynn escape through. Here's what I don't get: Rapunzel and Flynn are high on a cliff when they come out of the tunnel at the dam and the Stabbington Brothers come out of another tunnel which leads them to the bottom of the dam. How come the Stabbington Brothers didn't end up in the same place as Rapunzel, Flynn, and the guards pursuing when exiting the tunnel? How did the twin thieves end up in another tunnel?

John Ohman

Chosen answer: There were two separate tunnels. The Stabbington brothers just came out of the other one. That's why they ended up in a different place.

Question: Why did Stuart continue trusting the Canary when she lied to him and the whole family?

Answer: Probably because he could see that she was hurt at what she did and also because earlier in the movie, he said "When you're friends with Stuart Little, you're friends for life". Also if you wanna look at it another way, him helping her could be payback for her saving him from the sink. It's just a long term friendship they have.

Answer: Because she wanted to be safe from the evil Falcon.

Question: In the ending scene when flashbacks of all the "Saw" movies are seen, I've slow motioned it many times, but I never see Dr. Gordon. Can anyone else find him?

Answer: At the time, Cary Elwes was unhappy with Lionsgate because he felt that he was entitled to more money for his role in the first saw film. Because of this, he does not appear in any other Saw films until Saw 3D.


Answer: Only Saw 3D shows what happens to Dr. Gordon, in which he cauterises his wound, is found by John and congratulated on his survival. The reason Dr. Gordon didn't show up until said film was because the actor of him Cary Elwes filed a lawsuit against the production company of the first Saw film, Evolution Entertainment, as they payed him insufficient funds which he was promised.

Answer: The psychiatrist is scared of him and afraid that if the chair isn't secure, that Kryten will pick it up and beat him with it.

Captain Defenestrator

Question: The scenes with Zeb and Lou have always puzzled me. Lou is trying to stop Zeb for going after outlaw Gant and the two have a last scene arguing where Zeb says basically that he will use the Law to put away Gant, but that he'll need Gant's help. The next scene is the two on the train to protect the gold from Gant's gang, and Zeb and Lou are working together now. But Lou's got a bandage on his forehead! I think the previous scene might have had a fight scene between the two in which Zeb finally convinces Lou to help him, hence the head injury. There's no other explanation for it. Anyone have any ideas?

Answer: This type of inconsistency is common in film making. More scenes are often filmed and/or they are much longer, but after editing, large portions are often cut out. Although the editing may improve the film's story line and pacing, it leaves small errors behind. This appears to be the case in this movie where a scene was completely deleted, but it left an unexplained detail behind.


Answer: A scene in with Zeb knocks Lou out in a stable was deleted.

Question: Could the police really put the Lincoln back together perfectly and that quickly?

Answer: It's a different car of the same make and model that they swapped for the one they tore apart, and in which they hid the drugs in the same place as the original.

Question: Where Lecter did find the flag to swathe the policeman's corpse?

Answer: It's not a flag - it's a red, white and blue banner which is high up on the walls of the room where Lecter is being held. You see it when Starling visits him and looks around the room.


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