Questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

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Tomorrow is Yesterday - S1-E20

Question: When Christopher is beamed back into his fighter jet, he doesn't see the Enterprise in the sky any more. The slingshot effect returned him to the instant before first viewing the Enterprise. He may not have any physical evidence to report now, but he would still have his "memory" of all the events that happened after he was first beamed aboard. If that's the case, he would now have to remain utterly silent about his adventures so as not to risk any change to the future birth of his son. Right?

Answer: He beamed back into himself, He jumped into a point in time before he was on the Enterprise. So When he didn't see the starship he had no memory because he never left.

Question: How come when Joaquin wore the Medal of Everlasting Life, making him invulnerable and immortal, he still ages through his training?

Answer: The medal doesn't affect his age, it makes it so that he lives for a really long time and doesn't die.

Question: Spock stops a volcano from erupting by detonating a cold fusion device that causes ice to form over the volcano. I have problem with that because where would all the pressure inside the volcano go? All that pressure would have gone somewhere.

Answer: Unless the cold fusion went directly into the volcano, all the way to the source of the pressure.

Question: Something I've always been confused about is the layout of Zavits' apartment. When his neighbor knocks on his door asking if she can use his phone, Zavits goes to answer it, but the door he opens is looking down from above at his own front door where he also notices Reynolds' men waiting in the stairwell below. Does he live in a duplex unit or something like that?

Answer: The men are downstairs, his neighbor is on the same floor at the 2nd entrance to the unit. Many apartments / condos have 2 entrances to meet code.

Question: At the end of the movie, the villain says that a carjacking will take place that night of a young couple who went the wrong way. Is he implying that he in fact had Ritter's carjacking staged so that he would join the Colony?


Question: Cyrus wanted Arthur to take the leap and become the thirteenth ghost. But, wouldn't that short-circuit the system, negating everything the Cyrus was trying to do in the first place? It's like he decided to go through all that trouble just to have his device shut down as soon as it was activated.

Answer: It would not short-circuit the system because Arthur's sacrifice would have completed the ritual, therefore giving Cyrus the power he desired. Unbeknownst to Arthur, Kalina was working with Cyrus when she lied to him about there being a fail-safe that would turn off the machine. She hoped it would convince him to sacrifice himself to prevent hell on Earth from becoming a reality. Cyrus did not believe it was enough and placed Arthur's kids in the center to ensure he would be willing to make the jump. However, Cyrus did not plan on Maggie being there to tinker with the controls of the machine. It was her actions that overloaded the machine, which allowed the ghosts to go free, and cause it to have a catastrophic meltdown as she pushed it beyond its limitations. It can be safe to assume if Maggie was not there, the machine would have never broken down.


Answer: Kalina had lied to Arthur about the thirteenth ghost being the failsafe that would shut down the machine. In actuality, if he had sacrificed himself and died, he would have completed the ritual and activate the device.

Question: Why did Roald Dahl hate this movie?

Answer: He hated it for a variety of reasons: the plot changes, what he considered to be sappy songs, and an over-emphasis on the Willy Wonka character rather than Charlie. He also disliked Gene Wilder being cast as Wonka and had wanted British actor/comedian Spike Milligan.


Je Souhaite - S7-E21

Question: The genie complains about people being selfish and shallow, but what about Leslie wishing to have his brother back? Why was she displeased with that wish?

Answer: It was because of the brothers' attitudes. If the genie had brought Anson completely back to life, the brothers would have continued being lazy, inconsiderate, obnoxious people. They were not learning anything from the opportunity to have wishes granted. The genie tried to hint at them using a wish to heal Leslie's legs, and neither brother could imagine using a wish for that.

Answer: Because he wasn't specific about his wish. He came back as a living corpse, not healthy and alive before his accident.

The point of Leslie's wish was to be with his brother. The genie complained about so many people making shallow and materialistic wishes, such as money, impressive bodies, etc. Therefore, it's strange that she would be displeased with Leslie for trying to reunite with a family member. Why "punish" him by bringing the living corpse version of Anson?

Jenn wasn't punishing Leslie. Leslie wished for his brother to live so she made it happen. As Jenn explained to Leslie, when someone makes a wish, they need to be very specific in their wishes. If Leslie gave more specifics i.e, the damage done to Anson's body removed, his vital organs functionally properly, to have his senses restored, Jenn would do it but, as Leslie only wished to have Anson live again and with no other details, Jenn could only reanimate Anson's corpse.

Question: Why did Inspector Fix take sides with Fogg at the end of the film?

Answer: He felt foolish for accusing Fogg and hounding him across the world, the least he could do is help him win the wager.

Not only that but, like Lord Kelvin's other associates, Inspector Fix was berated constantly by Lord Kelvin and was even thrown out of a window. Inspector Fix had got tired of Lord Kelvin's bullying and decided to tell the truth in front of everybody.

Question: Why does Ronit put on a Sheitel before discussing her late father's house with her uncle? She's not married, so despite not practising the faith anyway, I'm not sure how doing so would appease him.


Answer: The polygraph machine only works on those with a perceptible change in body physiology while they lie. It really only measures what we consider nervous reactions associated with lying. Psychopaths and sociopaths such as Tooms are extremely difficult to measure with this machine since they do not feel remorse for their actions, and as such typically do not get nervous when lying.


Question: When she calls for her dad, and he comes to the door he has issues opening it. Is it me or are the handles on the wrong side of the door? The switch to the deadbolt is on the outside of the house. And if the locks are on the outside, why are they like that, and why does the dad not notice this to get himself in easier? (01:24:00)

Answer: Earlier in the movie Nancy's mother barricades the house to keep Nancy in. I believe the extra lock on the outside was part of her trying to barricade her daughter in.


Question: If they needed a virgin for the ritual why does Britt try to seduce him? She could have spoiled everything.

Answer: He was a devout man of faith. They had to test his virtue, to tempt him to break the ten commandments or the seven deadly sins.

Question: What was in the red backpack that John Ritter was going to give Michael Richards as ransom for Jr, since he didn't have the 100 grand that he promised him?


Chosen answer: Ben took (stole) his neighbor Roy's station wagon, which was packed for going hunting. Ben apparently improvised by taking the red backpack; the contents of the backpack would be whatever a pre-adolescent boy or girl would put in a backpack to go hunting with his/her father.


Question: How were they able to see the withered lover at the end without using glasses?

Answer: She was a trapped soul in a house full of magical spells forcing her into a pivotal configuration. When it was destroyed, she was free. Like at the end of the movie, "Ghost," a bright light shined upon her to say goodbye to her loved ones.

Question: Why did Vincent even bother with getting a cab? It seems like just renting a car would have made more sense.

Answer: Because the cabbie driver would be only 1 eye witness and I believe he planned to kill him at the end anyway.

Answer: Renting a car requires ID, a credit card, and a whole lot of other documentation that can be traced. Plus he'd be seen by many people and likely security cameras. Even if he faked all the paperwork, it's still far less risk to only be seen by a single cabbie.

Question: What exactly happens to a host's body once the symbiote emerges? At the end of Venom, when Venom is threatening the robber, he partially opens his face, and we see Eddie's face. In this movie, when Cletus/Carnage is escaping from prison, guards start shooting at Carnage who then splits open his entire midsection but Cletus is nowhere to be seen.

Answer: The host and symbiote merge fully. So the symbiote can totally disappear into the host and the host can totally disappear into the symbiote. They can also split again, or partially, at will. It just depends on who gets to be the active version at that time.


I am not up to speed with recent Marvel canon, but in the comics it's never been that way? The symbiote can surely slink inside the host (especially Carnage in Kasady's blood), but the humans can't turn into shapeless goo. Comics aside, that sequence from the movie is mind-boggling; I can sorta explain it thinking the symbiote just tore Kasady's torso in half and then reattached it instantly (in other parts of the movie Eddie gets basically stabbed with what would be lethal wounds).


Actually, in the comics it's long been established that Carnage's healing factor is Deadpool-levels of broken. There are numerous moments where Carnage is impaled, crushed, decapitated, has his neck twisted, even grenades blowing up in his jaws and straight up nailed by military missiles... AND HE'S JUST FINE AND WALKS IT OFF LIKE NOTHING HAPPENED. He absolutely could casually tear himself open with no drawback whatsoever.

"Could" tear himself open, does he usually?"Can turn into shapeless goo", has he? One thing is to regenerate the torso, another thing is to manipulate your body parting before the bullets reach you.I don't really see that from the example posted, but my curiosity aside, given we're talking about the movie anyway, I really don't see Kasady depicted as a shapeshifter, and him and the symbiote in this movie are entirely separated at the end (pending a sequel of course).


Also, for Carnage specifically, the human absolutely can turn into shapeless goo. Makes sense, actually, given that the symbiote canonically merged into Kasady's own cells and microscopic DNA, something even Venom and its hosts can't replicate so the "symbiote-opening-up-the-host-body-with-holes" being a Carnage specific thing isn't surprising at all, in fact, given it's the same body.

Question: How is it that Tootles still remembers everything about Neverland and Peter really being Peter Pan, but Peter completely forgets everything about it and his true identity?

Answer: It's not specifically explained, but it's implied this was subconsciously voluntary on Peter's part. After falling in love with Moira, Peter decided to leave Neverland forever to stay with her in the real world. As time passed, all memories of being Peter Pan were completely suppressed, probably so he would not be tempted to return. The memories had become so deeply buried that it took much encouragement from others for him to unlock them.


Answer: Tootles suffers from dementia, dementia turns old people back into children. The final scene is Tootles dying and going back to Neverland. Yes, it makes that scene infinitely harder to watch without crying.

Season 14 generally

Question: Can someone tell me the brand of wall clock that hangs so conspicuously in the Inspector's office? Thanks.

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