Questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

These are questions relating to specific titles. General questions for movies and TV shows are here. Members get e-mailed when any of their questions are answered.

Question: The Director states in the commentary that there are some clues to some kind of puzzle at certain scenes (such as When Lara is doing the bungee ballet and when Alex gets knifed). What are these clues that we're supposed to be looking for - something in the background? The action? Some kind of composition? And just what is the puzzle?

Answer: This movie left a lot of holes. It was pretty much: Lara knew what to do and she did it. Perhaps there are clues in the movie, but the book explains all the puzzles in much more detail (as books do). So if you are really interested in the deep puzzles of the adventure, the Tomb Raider book is what you should look at.


Question: I am confused as to the time difference between X-Men and X2. I heard it is 3 weeks and it was 3 years. Some say its 3 years because of Cyclops' new car, but then I realize that it doesn't take Logan 3 years to reach Alkali Lake. So, what is the time difference?

Answer: 3 weeks would be more than enough time to get to Canada and back. Further, we never know for sure if Cyclops had 2 or more cars to start with. Also, as Rogue is only 17-18, she would have changed dramatically in 3 years. 3 weeks, or a similar relatively short period of time, is far more likely.

Grumpy Scot

Answer: I've been wondering that too. 3 weeks definitely makes more sense to me, but that actually made me think of another question. Since the first movie came out in 2000 and the second in 2003, it made me wonder what year it is. I suppose either are possible.

Question: If Rachel is already safe because she copied the tape, why does she still get all the symptoms that the other doomed victims do?

Answer: The main point to remember is, Samara wants to tell her story. Yes, by copying the tape, Rachel's s letting other people know of Samara's story, but the symptoms are probably still there as an extra mean for Samara to show her what she went through. I think this shows that the curse is in full effect for the whole time, and that the copying only prevents the final outcome.


Season 1 generally

Question: I'm an Aussie who just bought the box-set of CSI Series 1 DVD's and I was wondering why all the episodes have a different opening song? It definitely isn't 'Who Are You?' but the song's credit is still at the end of every episode. Was there some copyright issues or something?

Answer: Pete Townshend did a "remix" of the song. If you listen to it all the way through (it's about 6-7 mins long) You will find that it is the same piece of music.

Kill the Alligator and Run - S11-E19

Question: During the Spring Break vacation in 'Kill the Alligator and Run' episode, I don't understand a lot of the Kid Rock section. Who is Kid Rock and Joe C? And what is going on with the presenter with the diamond in her hand who gets dragged off by security when she says it's her birthday?

Answer: Kid Rock is a rock star, and Joe C was his sidekick (he died in 2000). The jewel in the hand was a reference to the movie Logan's Run, where the changing color of the jewel indicated that a person had reached the end of their alloted lifespan of 30 years.

J I Cohen

Question: There is one thing that bothered me at the end of the movie. When the two police investigators are killed and the narrator says that the case is still open why didn't the authorities (police, FBI and so on), descend on that area and try to catch Leatherface? He just killed two police officers among other people and they are just going to leave it as an open case?

Tobin OReilly

Chosen answer: What makes you think they didn't? They obviously just never caught him.

J I Cohen

Show generally

Question: Does anybody knows why Seinfeld did not accept to make one more season of his show? I'm sure money wasn't the problem...

Answer: Seinfeld has claimed that he wanted to "go out on top". He was done with TV and wanted to venture back into stand-up comedy.


Answer: I saw an old interview with him, and he realised he was in his 40s, he didn't have a partner or kids just all this money, guess it's true what they say money can't buy happiness, I believe he just wanted a life.

Adding on to this comment, he got married in 1999. In 2014, he said, "If it wasn't for Jess and the kids, I'd really blow my brains out. Jessica saved my life. She gave me something to care about."

Question: In Lockharts classroom, Hermione shouts "Imobulous" or something like it and all the pixies are frozen in mid air and can't move. Why don't Ron and Harry just use the same spell on the spiders when the spiders start to come after them?

Answer: They're panicking and can't remember the spell. Hermione is the smarter and more level headed of the three, that's why she remembered it.


Question: Do we ever find out how, when or why Tony got his scar? Or is it of no significance?

Answer: No, he never reveals how he got the scar. However he stated to the police chief upon arrival in the United States how he may have got it. Not sure whether it was said as an intimidation statement or whether it is true. The police chief asks Tony, "Where'd you get the beauty scar tough guy, eating pussy?" Tony replies "how am I gonna get a scar like that eating pussy?" He states right after that comment, "This was when I was a kid ya know? You should see the other kid... You can't recognize him."

T Poston

Question: If Malcolm was dead, how did he know all about Cole, and that he needed help? Where did he get all the info?

Answer: It's never explained in the film, but the implication seems to be that he was just sort-of compelled to help Cole. Given the film portrays the dead as only "seeing what they want to see" and trying to resolve unfinished business from life, it's entirely possible that Malcolm falsely believes he was assigned to Cole's case, even though he wasn't. It's just his way of trying to move on.


I'd like to add that despite the ghosts not knowing they are dead, they do know they can interact with Cole and others who can see them, they are even drawn to them, for help. This happened with Malcolm too and him being child psychiatrist connected with his ability to communicate with Cole, not asking Cole for help but helping Cole help himself. The info he has is probably a collection of his previous encounters with him, perhaps even being there at past psychiatrists. Its also possible he was his next patient, before he got shot. The dossier could have already been at his house and he remembers it.


Answer: In his notes, it says referred September 1998, so I am guessing he had been referred to Willis, but they never met, but when he suddenly finds himself sitting outside his house, drawn by whatever forces do such, he would naturally assume he was there to meet with his new referral, or perhaps he imagined it, one part of his mind telling him he was there to meet his patient, and one part conjuring up a note pad that would have the notes of the referral.

Answer: The dead need to finish things on Earth before they can move on. In Malcolm's case, he needs to help Cole - making up for his failure to help Vincent Grey. In order to do this, he needs the relevant information, so it is supplied to him by whatever agency controls these things. As the dead are unaware of their condition, Malcolm receives the information as if it were another case file for him to work on.


Answer: All of the South Park episodes are computer animated except for the first one, the construction paper effect is deliberate.

Sol Parker

Chosen answer: The hybrids kept prisoner in it were digging an escape tunnel. They were gassed before they could finish it. Mulder was able to finish digging out.

Grumpy Scot

Question: I was wondering if there was supposed to be any connection between the six original conspirators and the victims one hundred years later? Obviously Father Malone was a direct descendant of one of the conspirators, but what about the other five? I thought maybe it was about roles, like a priest, three fishermen, a weather man and an old lady, maybe? Or was it just any six people who had to die? That doesn't seem to make sense because the zombies were going to kill Stevie and her son and the people at the church. Maybe they would have stopped after six were dead, I don't know. I also doubt that the six who died were all relatives of the six conspirators, what are the odds of the three fishermen all being relatives of the conspirators and being on the same boat? Anybody got any ideas?

Charles Fraser

Chosen answer: From what I've gathered from listening to the DVD commentary there is no connection between the six that must die and the original conspirators (Father Malone aside). I've always found it quite silly that fog, which is seen roaring down the streets of town, seems hell bent on getting the main charaters and not bothering anybody else in the town.

If one reads the novelization of the film, it's revealed that the six were descendants of the original six conspirators. Although it wouldn't apply to the movie, it's an interesting plot point.


Question: When Fry is trying to get out of the cave (when searching for Zeke's body) and she's being pulled down by the aliens...why are we shown shots of Riddick pulling hard on his restraints? Is it to attempt to distract the aliens through vibration?

Michael Westpy

Chosen answer: Doesn't seem very likely - while Riddick could reasonably assume that somebody would be going into the hole to look for Zeke's body, he has no way of knowing what's currently happening and that the aliens would need distracting at that point. Most likely he's using the fact that nobody else is in the ship at that point to test the strength of the restraints that are holding him captive.


Question: I understand the shower scene, but why was Rachel beating up Miranda in her cell? She knew that Miranda didn't have anything to do with her death or how her husband was abusing her.

fan before the site

Chosen answer: It was just a reason to get the guards to come to the cell and open the door to check on her. Rachel beats up Miranda so that the guards would see Miranda throwing herself all over the cell and think she was trying to kill herself. She had all three people in the cell with her and everyone was occupied when she threw them offguard by jerking awake. It was easier for her to escape.

Nicole Sheldon

Question: Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't it take Gandalf and Pippin a three day ride to Minas-Tirith? Because when Gandalf saves Faramir from the winged Nazgul, Faramir says he last saw Frodo and Sam in Ithilien 'not two days ago' (at the end of The Two Towers), so shouldn't he have last seen them at least FOUR days ago?

Answer: Faramir saw Frodo and Sam 2 days before, and yes, it took Gandalf and Pippin 3 days to ride to Minas Tirith. However, the exact timescale of each story line is independent from the others, so the day Faramir last saw Frodo isn't the same day Gandalf and Pippin set off.


Show generally

Question: What happened to Kelly and Jessie in the episodes with Tori? Can someone explain what went on there.

Answer: As far as I can tell Jessie and Kelly decided to leave the show because their contracts were up and they wanted to pursue other things. But there were still episodes of Saved by the Bell left to tape so Tori came along to fill that void. Jessie and Kelly were supposedly still at Bayside, but they were "off-screen." The Graduation episode was filmed before Kelly and Jessie left the show.


Question: After the D-Day battle, Capt. Miller and the Colonel are discussing whatever. They keep mentioning something called "the 88's." What are the 88's?

Answer: An "88" is a German 88-millimeter gun, a lethal and extremely versatile gun which was often thought of as the best gun in the war - on ANY side. It could appear on a tank, as an anti-tank gun, as an assault gun or as an anti-aircraft gun.

Phil C.

Answer: The sympathy vote. She liked him and wanted to score with him. By saying that, she figured he would maybe hug her or hold her or something.


Question: The instrumental music being played in the hospital when Brad Pitt is talking to the Jamaican lady sounds familiar, not composed solely for the movie. Anyone know what it is?


Chosen answer: The music played is just another part of the original score composed by Thomas Newman. His music, like many composers', sounds similar in different movies on which he has worked. You may be recognizing similarities to other scores such as The Green Mile, The Shawshank Redemption, Road to Perdition, etc.

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