
27th Jun 2017

Forrest Gump (1994)

Question: What did Jenny's boyfriend, Wesley, mean when he referred to Forrest as a "baby-killer"?

Answer: He is referring to Forrest having fought in the Vietnam War.


Answer: Baby-Killer was a term that anti-war protestors used to describe soldiers who fought in Vietnam. This was because a lot of innocent babies were killed by soldiers during the Vietnam War along side men, women, and children. Https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/My_Lai_Massacre.

Question: How did the British manage to populate Port Royal (i.e. What is now Jamaica etc.) by so many ordinary people who were evidently dirt-poor already? Surely they were not all pirates and surely there were no shuttle ships. What was their motivation to move to the Caribbean, compared with the 19th and 20th century immigration waves to the U.S.?

Answer: The British motivation was to colonize areas of the world that could produce the raw resources England needed or could trade (lumber, tobacco sugar, etc.) These were exported back to their own country and traded to other nations for huge profits. Private English citizens could immigrate, obtain land, and sell what they produced to the trading companies that began operating there. The local population provided a cheap labor force to work on the plantations. The Caribbean was also a strategic military location. The Port Royal in the POTC movies is a fictional version of the real Port Royal and therefore, is not an historically accurate depiction.


23rd Jun 2017

Xanadu (1980)

Chosen answer: It's implied that it could be her, but there's no definitive answer as to whether or not it is. It's deliberately left to the audience's interpretation.


Question: Newt manged to capture all of the escaped beasts except the billwig. Why did he give up on it? Because it's just a little insect? or he had already many of the species in the case?

Bunch Son

Chosen answer: It's not known why he gave up. Newt did have to leave New York and there was no point in continuing the search at that time.


19th May 2017

The Godfather (1972)

Question: Were the pictures from newspapers used in the montage during the War with the other families real pictures from the 30's when the real Italian Mobs were around?

Answer: It appears to be a compilation of staged photos with actors in the movie, and also actual historical ones from that era.


Answer: As there is no reference anywhere on the Internet as to this word's definition, it would appear to be a made-up expression for the movie.


7th Jun 2017

Die Another Day (2002)

Question: Is it possible to stop your heart as it seems that James Bond did in this film when he is in hospital, or not? My partner believes that it's not possible.

Answer: Consciously slowing one's own heart rate to barely beating (usually performed by a mystical guru-type character in film or literature) is a myth. It is possible to slightly slow the heartbeat with meditation and relaxation, but completely stopping and restarting it is impossible.


Question: In the opening credits, Clark's passport has the name "Clark W Griswald" instead of Griswold. Was this just intended because Clark can never seem to do anything right, or even get it fixed when it's wrong? (like the Wagon Queen Family Truckster he ended up buying even though that's not the car he ordered...?).

Answer: The answer could be any of those suggestions. It could also very well be a movie mistake. It's not uncommon for character names to be misspelled, either on some document or in the cast credits.


Chosen answer: No, he did not have any knowledge regarding that. Luke or Leia would have told him at some point after Vader's death, but that is not shown in the film.


Considering Leia's aghast reaction to Luke's explanation on Endor ("Your father!"), he hadn't mentioned it to her before, and I can't possibly believe he would tell anyone else before her. (On a side note, it amuses me to wonder just how long it took before Leia put two-and-two together about what this all means about HER father; the implications don't seem to have hit her before this scene is over).


Question: How does Syrena get into the Fountain of youth cavern? Jack goes through the ceiling of the cave after being helped up, and the rest of the crew follows the same way with the ground being solid underneath them. Since this should be the only entrance to the cavern and there does not appear to be any water connected to the location where they enter, how does she get in to give the chalices to Jack?

Answer: There is no way of knowing that the entrance Jack used is the only way to enter the Fountain of Youth cavern. It is just one way that mere mortals can enter it. Serena, being a mermaid, likely knows of underground water passages that interconnect to the chamber.


Question: Jack seems to be in the habit of getting smacked across the face by a woman a lot. In a deleted scene, it shows Jack getting smacked in the face by a mermaid. Why was this scene deleted from the movie?

Answer: Although this has been a running gag throughout the series, the filmmakers probably felt it quite didn't fit into the storyline or else thought the joke had simply worn itself out. It may also have been intended to be used for promoting the film and in theatrical trailers.


It should have been kept in. I thought it was funny.

7th Jun 2017

127 Hours (2010)

Question: Aron tells Kristi and Megan that Blue John Canyon is actually named after Butch Cassidy's cook, Blue John. Is this true?

Bunch Son

Chosen answer: The actual name is Bluejohn Canyon. According to online tourist info for Utah, "It appears to have been named after a minor Robbers Roost outlaw by the name of John Griffith. Griffith had one blue eye and one brown eye and thus was saddled with the nickname "Blue John." It is recognized that he kept stolen horses in the area, perhaps watering them at nearby springs. In the fall of 1899 Griffith is reported to have put in at Hite with a small boat with the intention of reaching Lee's Ferry. He was never heard from again."


Question: Vampires can never kill their own kind or it would result in the vampire's death but isn't locking Claudia and the vampire woman in the room and letting the sun destroy them technically the same thing as killing them? She "killed" Lestat and her and the vampire woman were thrown into a room where the sun would rise and burn them to death so, in a way, aren't any of Armand's followers killing their own kind?

Answer: It's a matter of technicality. Killing one's own, as in committing murder, would be a different scenario than executing someone for a crime. That seems to be the case here.


Question: How does the crew find Jack if he's in Davy Jones' locker?

Answer: Davy Jones controlled the Kraken that pulled Jack and the Black Pearl underwater. The crew knew that the most likely place Jack would end up would be in Davy Jones' Locker. The crew then obtained the map to World's End from Sao Feng. The map led them to the Locker, and once there, they'd search for Jack. Fortunately, Jack found them, though it appears Tia Dalma had a guiding hand in bringing Jack and the ship to them.


Question: Why did Sao Feng keep yelling for more steam in the beginning? Was he trying to smoke out the guys who were underground?

Answer: Sao Feng enjoys his luxury bathhouse and demands that hot steam continually be provided on his command. Barbossa's crew mates, meanwhile, have infiltrated the boiler room directly below and incapacitated the bathhouse workers. When Feng orders more steam, the crew scrambles to figure out how to operate the controls before being detected. Meanwhile, Feng becomes impatient when the steam he wanted has not been provided and angrily yells for more, which the crew is finally able to provide before arousing any suspicion.


5th Jun 2017

Ocean's Eleven (2001)

Question: After the blackout, why did the the patrons go through a panic of grabbing chips? Money's understandable, but wouldn't they still need to take the chips to get exchanged? Surely the people who exchange it would know that they were taken during the riot.

Answer: It would have to be proved that the chips were taken and not won. Customers could just hold onto them and cash them in later and over time, claiming they won them on different nights.


Question: At the end of the first segment, the one with Vic Morrow, has it ever been determined what his character's ultimate fate would have been if Vic had lived?

Answer: Morrow was supposed to return to his own time frame after redeeming himself by saving the two Vietnamese children from the raid on their village.


Question: I just watched the movie and now I just have one question; wasn't it Tia Dalma who gave Jack the compass? In Dead Man's Chest she asks him if the compass he bought from her can't lead him to Davy Jones' chest. But in the newest movie a captain gives the compass to Jack.

Answer: Jack could've been sent by his former captain to obtain it from Tia Dalma.

Answer: Jack was quite young when he first come into possession of the compass. In the following years he could have lost it, bartered it, had it stolen or whatever before it came back into his possession by way of Tia Dalma.


31st May 2017

Dennis the Menace (1993)

Question: Why does George go to find Dennis since he hates him? Did he also expect Dennis to listen to him after he had just scolded Dennis?


Chosen answer: He doesn't hate Dennis and does not want anything to happen to him. He's just a rather crotchety old man who is annoyed by a precocious kid. He may not expect Dennis to listen to him, but he at least makes the effort to reach out as most adults would.


Question: Angelina said that two people flew better than Ron at the tryouts so why let him be keeper just because he and Harry are best friends?


Chosen answer: Harry didn't choose Ron because he was his friend. Harry knew Ron had the talent and ability to be a good keeper but lacked confidence in himself to perform well. Harry realised that part of the reason for Ron's low self-esteem was because he came from a poor background and was overshadowed by his talented siblings and also by Harry's fame. Harry wanted to give Ron an opportunity to excel on his own. Also, picking team members isn't only about selecting the most athletically talented, but choosing people who work well together and follow orders. Cormac, who was also trying out as keeper was talented, but he was obnoxious and would have challenged Harry's authority at every turn.


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