
Question: After Harry's name has come from the Goblet Hermione says, 'Come on Harry.' Then she says something that sounds like, "Harry f**king dizzy"! What does she actually say?

Answer: "Harry, for goodness sake!"

Answer: I just watched the clip on YouTube. Hermione says, "Go on Harry. My goodness."


Question: When Crookshanks seems to have eaten Scabbers, why are they blaming Hermione? Surely they don't think she set Crookshanks after Scabbers?


Answer: It is only Ron who is blaming Hermione. He has a rather excitable nature and often is at odds with Hermione, so he has jumped to the (wrong) conclusion that it was Crookshanks who must have killed Scabbers. Hermione was rightly criticized for being a bit insensitive towards Ron, which also infuriated him.


Answer: Crookshanks was Hermione's cat, after all. Why would Ron not blame her?

Question: In the movies people can fly around in smokey forms and interact with the world around them. But as far as I know apparation is teleporting, meaning you instantly go from one place to another. Are they flying or apparating?

Answer: In the books, it was only possible for wizards to apparate (transport) from one location to another. They could not fly unless they used broomsticks or some other mechanicism. The films created the smokey flying forms, which seems to combine both apparating and flying.


5th Feb 2018

Collateral (2004)

Question: In the beginning of the movie, just prior to Vince's introduction to Max, what was Vincent doing in Annie's office building? He actually passes Annie (his 5th target) on the up/down escalators. Why not just kill her first?

Answer: He was likely scoping out the building and determining where specifically Annie worked. He couldn't just kill her in public with people around. He had a systematic plan on how and when each victim would be killed.


Answer: Plus it sets up the 5th victim surprise.

Answer: Since Harry was hanging out with Neville more (lack of Ron around), it sounds as if Neville had been driving Harry a bit up the wall, with Neville's nonstop comments about things he was finding/doing. So when Neville exclaimed aloud, "Amazing, amazing," Harry told him, "Neville, you're doing it again."

Super Grover

Answer: Neville had a habit of talking out loud and at length about whatever he was thinking, regardless of whether anyone around him knew the context.


Question: Why did Scrimgeour think it would matter if Harry worked at the ministry? How does that help people's belief as that's what's important?


Answer: He wanted Harry to work there to make it look like he supported Scimgeour and the ministry. He wanted to dispel the image that Harry was completely loyal to Dumbledore.


Question: Whose blood is used to write the messages on the wall?

Answer: It was written in chicken blood.


Question: What is the letter of Argus about?

Answer: The movie glossed over this. Argus Filch was a squib (a non-magical person born into a wizard family). In the hope of somehow developing magical powers, he'd sent for a home correspondence course on learning magic spells. Filch was embarrassed when Harry happened to pick up his dropped letter, realizing that this probably revealed what he was, though almost every student knew this about him.


Question: What exactly happens to Rosalie (before and after)?

Answer: Maybe you could be a little more specific with details? What do you mean by "before and after"?


Answer: Probably with the change of behavior she has with Bella. Rosallie seems to welcome Bella in the family as one of them and after the baby is born she is taken over by a mommy feeling.

Anastasios Anastasatos

30th Jan 2018

Flightplan (2005)

Question: How come Julia wasn't listed on the flight manifest?

Answer: It is never explained. Stephanie, the flight attendant who was in on the conspiracy, claimed that only Kyle's name was on the manifest and the seat next to her was unoccupied. Whether she somehow manipulated the manifest or someone else in on the plot was able to remove Julia's name, is unknown.


There is probably no way she could have manipulated the flight manifest since you can't access it from on board a plane.

Julia's name would have been deleted before Stephanie boarded the plane.


Wait a minute, I thought a passenger's name wasn't put on the flight manifest until he or she boards the plane.

It's possible someone off the plane hacked into the flight manifest sometime after Kyle, and Julia boarded.

29th Jan 2018

Frasier (1993)

And the Dish Ran Away with the Spoon (1) - S8-E1

Question: When Frasier is in Donny's office, Donny says that he will sue Daphne for "breach of contract." How is this possible unless he and Daphne, at some point, created a verbal or written contract, in which Daphne specifically promised to marry him? Is accepting a marriage proposal the same as creating a verbal contract?

Answer: There are U.S. states that still have "breach of promise" tort laws, However, these are generally designed for one party to recoup any financial losses they may have incurred during the engagement (cost of the ring, engagement parties, pre-wedding costs, honeymoon expenses, etc). A party cannot sue for emotional damage, and any claims have to be within a certain time period after the engagement is ended. Donny is just upset, and he is mostly making an idle threat out of anger.


Question: The breaking of the Trident cures all curses. So why is Davy Jones still cursed in the end credits?

Answer: It's unknown why he is still cursed, though that will likely be answered in the next film.


Answer: My take on it is that the Trident only breaks curses if you want the curse broken. In the case of Davy Jones, he didn't want the curse broken as he enjoyed being a "monster." William however didn't get a choice as it was either he becomes Captain or he dies.

Answer: Fudge did not know if Mr. Weasley was in contact with Dumbledore.


22nd Jan 2018

Patton (1970)

Question: Did Patton really promise to control his temper before being assigned to the third army?

Answer: He most likely would have had to agree to monitor his temper and behavior and also his habit of making off-the-cuff, politically incorrect or politically charged remarks. He at times spoke or acted impulsively.


23rd Jul 2009

Capricorn One (1977)

Question: Okay, so the three astronauts are on the run but only James Brolin makes good his escape. What happened to the other two? They're shown as being caught, but what happened after? Anybody know?


Chosen answer: It's never stated in the film, however, as the astronauts have been declared officially dead and therefore cannot ever be allowed to contact anybody, they were most likely executed as soon as they were captured.


Answer: How were they able to fire their flares, then?

Dave Messer

They both had just enough time to fire their flares when they realised they were about to be captured and that there was no chance of escaping.


Answer: O.J. Simpson would have had time to shoot his flare to show he was caught. With Waterson harder to believe, he had climbed the side of the mountain and was just coming to the top with the planes coming into view. Either he would have been dropped and died on way down, not getting the chance to shoot the flare, or he was grabbed from the edge. Unlikely to have time also to shoot the flare before being intercepted.

24th Jan 2018

Twilight (2008)

Question: Why does Edward bite Victoria, when he ends her? He obviously doesn't like it, couldn't he just rip her head off?

Answer: Probably because he was in a rage fighting for his life and protecting Bella. It also makes for a more dramatic scene.


Answer: Luna has an odd, quirky personality and does not interact well with people or view life as others normally do. Harry, knowing what it's like being an outcast, likes her, but she tries his patience. Ron does not particularly like her, and both he and Hermione generally avoided her at Hogwarts, even though she was a member of Dumbledore's Army. Harry, Ron, and Hermione know they need help from Luna's father. He, too, is rather eccentric, and the three are just preparing themselves for what the coming interaction is going to be like.


24th Jan 2018

The Holiday (2006)

Question: When Iris is driving to Amanda's house from the airport, they are driving southeast along the shore. But LAX is east of Santa Monica, which is where the cab turns to head inland. Am I the only person thinking this is wrong?

Answer: This is typical in many movies where a commute to a specific location is deliberately inaccurate. I live in Seattle and have seen movies that were filmed here showing someone driving to a real location in a direction that in no way would get them there. There are logistical considerations in filming, such as what locations are more scenic, physical barriers for film crews, obtaining permits, traffic considerations, and so on.


Question: After the Reliant ambushes the Enterprise, Kirk tricks Khan and hammers the Reliant into retreat. As Kirk turns to assess damage to the Enterprise, Scotty inexplicably appears on the bridge, carrying the charred body of Midshipman Peter Preston. Why on earth would Scotty bring the dying Preston to the bridge, rather than to SickBay with all the other injured? He had to deliberately bypass SickBay just to make an unnecessary appearance on the bridge.

Charles Austin Miller

Answer: At the time of the attack, most of Scotty's crew were attempting to flee a coolant leak caused by the damage. Cadet Preston (Scotty's nephew) remained at his post in the confusion, and was the reason the Enterprise was able to maintain minimal power with the energizers knocked out. Although he was wounded from the assault while rescuing another crew member, the coolant leak is what led to his ultimate demise, as the coolant was highly toxic. When Scotty brought him to the Bridge, he was himself quite disorientated from the events and was also devastated by his nephew's condition. Agreed it makes little to no sense, but Scotty didn't know what he was doing. His nephew was going to die, regardless of where he took him to. Going to sickbay would not have prevented it at this point. It seems like it was used as a mood breaker for the scene, crews celebrating their escape from death only to be confronted by it again in another form.

Answer: I believe Preston was already dead at that point. An earlier scene was edited out of the film that explained Preston was Scotty's nephew (his sister's son), and which may account for Scotty's rather odd reaction of first bringing him to the bridge.


Yet Preston is shown alive (still dying) in the SickBay moments later. Preston shares last words with Captain Kirk before he actually dies. So, this is a case of bad editing?

Charles Austin Miller

What was edited out of the film was an earlier explanation that Preston was Scotty's nephew-this was way before the Enterprise was attacked.


These scenes, which include several of Preston's lines which were cut, were restored in the 2002 Director's Edition. Curiously, when the film is aired on TV they still run the original video cut which has the scenes removed. The editing is really sloppy with the scenes cut out and the scenes establishing that Preston is Scotty's nephew add another emotional layer to the film. It makes Scotty's actions make so much more sense, he's overcome with grief over his nephew and anger at Khan. With the scenes cut what Scotty does makes very little sense.


In the novelization, I believe it is explained that the ship is badly damaged enough that Scotty reached the bridge while attempting to get to sickbay because the computer glitched.

Question: When Luke surrenders to the Imperials on Endor, Darth Vader gives the Commander permission to search for other Rebels. Why does he say "Bring his companions to me" if he and Luke are about to leave for the Death Star?

Answer: Presumably, Luke's companions would be transported to the Death Star or wherever Lord Vader happened to be once they were captured.


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