
Question: Just curious. How can the Escape Clause still work when the words are spoken via tape recorder?


Answer: The snow globe only had to hear Scot/Santa's or Frost's voice being spoken to it in order to activate the Escape Clause. The snow globe could not differentiate between a recording of his voice and someone speaking to it in person.


Answer: Because of the snow globe listen to the voice of the Santa that is playing Santa the tape recorder had frost voice on there. Just like frost used Santa to get what he wanted by making Santa say it.

Answer: Because Neil thinks Charlie is old enough now that he should no longer believe in fantasy figures like Santa Claus.


Answer: Because some parents don't think it's logical thinking.

Question: If the Basilisk snatched Ginny and took her to the chamber, then why doesn't she have teeth marks when they show her lying on the chamber floor? Surely the Basilisk didn't drag her, because it doesn't obviously have arms.


Answer: The comment that she was "snatched" was a generalization used by the Hogwarts staff and not a literal description of her physically being taken. Riddle was able to control Ginny through the diary, putting her into a trance and commanding her what to do. She most likely was instructed to follow the basilisk into the Chamber of Secrets.


Question: When Harry is walking down the corridor and hears "get out...get out" was that the basilisk saying that before he encounters Ron and Hermione, when they discover Mrs. Norris?


Answer: I believe Harry is hearing Voldemort's voice commanding the basilisk or the basilisk is repeating Riddle's orders to "get out" to attack someone at Hogwarts. Harry had a psychic connection to Voldemort that enabled him to hear the Dark Lord.


Answer: The basilisk can only understand parseltongue (snake language), which Riddle can speak. He was able to train it to only obey his commands, even though Harry could also speak parseltongue.


Question: Did the Basilisk intentionally mean to petrify Mrs. Norris or was she in the wrong place at the wrong time?


Answer: It was just a coincidence. There was a puddle on the floor that Mrs Norris was drinking from. When the Basilisk appeared she seen its reflection in the water and was petrified. Though, even with it not being intentional, she still would have died had she actually looked it in the eyes instead of seeing it through a reflection.

Answer: She was in the wrong place at the wrong time. While wandering the halls, she happened upon the basilisk, looked into its eyes and was petrified.


Show generally

Question: Why is the lighting set so low in the lab? Any lab should be well lit and in government buildings it is normally florescent. How can they see to do any detailed work?


Answer: This is a TV show, and most likely the goal is to create a set design with effective lighting for a more pleasing visual quality for viewers rather than reproducing a drab-looking lab with harsh florescent lights.


6th Dec 2017

Robin Hood (1973)

Question: Why doesn't Prince John like having his hand shaken?

Answer: Robin Hood, while disguised as a stork, wouldn't stop shaking Prince John's hand and it was starting to annoy him. Prince John was also robbed by Robin Hood earlier in the movie so he wanted to make sure that the jewels in his rings weren't stolen again.

Answer: Being the prince, he would consider everyone else beneath him and unworthy of touching him.


6th Dec 2017

Jurassic Park (1993)

Question: If mostly everyone was meant to evacuate because of the storm, then why bring Grant, Ellie, and Ian to the island at all? Seems a little risky as well as pointless; wouldn't they have evacuate soon after arriving?

Answer: The storm unexpectedly became particularly severe, and it turned into an emergency evacuation. Hammond had brought Grant, Ellie, and Ian to the island because he needed their professional endorsement in order to appease Hammond's investors regarding the viability and safety of his theme park. Without their approval, the park would have difficulty being fully financed. Any weather risk was worth it to Hammond to fulfill his dream project.


5th Dec 2017

Flightplan (2005)

Question: How did Carson manage to keep people from finding out that he murdered Kyle's husband? It's not like German crime scene investigators are stupid. Surely crime scene investigators would have found evidence that Kyle's husband was murdered.

Answer: Carson was part of a conspiracy. He did not actually kill Kyle's husband, his accomplices did the actual killing. For whatever reason, the death at that time was ruled a suicide.


Answer: The audience is not given much information about the investigation into Kyle's husband's death, only that he fell and that ultimately it was ruled a suicide. The conspiracy may include more people, OR some levels of assumption and sloppy police work-it's a plot hole.

Erik M.

3rd Dec 2017

The Village (2004)

Question: If the creatures were actually the elders in disguise, why did the elders kill Ivy's guards in the scene where she is allowed to get medicine? And what is the protection they speak of from those rocks?

Answer: The guards were not killed. They were becoming too frightened to continue the journey with Ivy, and she agreed to them leaving, knowing the creatures were not real. The "magic rocks" was just a fabricated story by the elders to fool the two boys into believing they would be protected by them. The elders, knowing the two boys believed the creatures were real, were attempting to alleviate their fear.


13th Dec 2012

The Godfather (1972)

Answer: Being a Don for such a long time, Vito has probably seen most every dirty trick used by the other families.

Answer: Because at the end of the olive oil war in 1934, Vito used the exact same plan to execute his falling enemy Mariposa, and the traitor in Mariposa's family was his capo Emilio Barzini, and Vito figured out that Barzini will use the same plan to get rid of Michael, an unexperienced boss of a falling family (as known to Barzini).

Answer: The five Mafia heads have periodic meetings to discuss various issues. The Corleones are the most powerful of the New York Five Families. With Don Corleone now retired, the other Dons would appear to want to discuss Michael's new role. Michael is perceived as an inexperienced and weak successor, making him an easy target at a closed meeting. Vito knows this and that if Michael were assassinated, the Corleone empire would fall apart and their territory taken over.


Chosen answer: Because that's how he would organize a hit like that.

Captain Defenestrator

1st Dec 2017

The Duchess (2008)

Question: Why did the Duke refuse to divorce Georgiana and marry Bess, as Georgiana herself even suggested? They lived in the 1700s. Henry VIII divorced multiple wives in the 1500s. It was possible for a nobleman to end a marriage if he wished.

Answer: Marriage was far more complicated at that time and divorce was rarely an outcome. Henry VIII, being king, could more easily break conventional rules without suffering the same consequences others would face. Historically, marriages were seldom about romantic love and were unions that were arranged by the families. In upper classes, a marriage contract was drawn and a substantial dowry by the bride's family was bestowed to the groom. It was also about forming advantageous social, economic, and political alliances. Dissolving a marriage purely to marry someone else that you preferred could result in forfeiting whatever was gained from matrimony.


30th Nov 2017

Flightplan (2005)

Question: How did Carson know Kyle had worked out he was a terrorist near the end of the movie?

Answer: At the end, when Kyle is speaking to the captain just before he disembarks the plane, she then realises that everyone believes she is the terrorist. She works out that Carson is the likely person behind the scheme and had been manipulating everything happening during the flight. When Kyle starts pretending to the captain that she is the terrorist in order to get what she wants (to find her daughter), Carson then realises that she likely now knows that he is in on the plot.


Question: Why did Christian confess what happened to his real mother while Ana was asleep? Was it just hard for him to talk about until Fifty Shades Darker came around?

Answer: At that point, he's simply unable to express to anyone anything about his feelings or his past. He's taking "baby steps" to change into a different person by telling Ana about his mother while in her presence but when she is asleep. Eventually he is able to tell her when she can hear him. This is also a plot device known as "exposition", used to provide the audience with story information that other characters do not know.


Question: When Hermione says "I'm sure Madam Pomfrey will fix it in a heartbeat" was she trying to be comforting or was she annoyed that Ron was over reacting about his leg?


Answer: Ron was overreacting but Hermione's response was typical of what anyone would say to a person who's been injured, doing what they can to calm and comfort them. Ron always had a somewhat excitable personality.


Answer: Ron's leg had been injured and he couldn't walk any further. They needed to tend to him before going on. If Lupin had not transformed into a werewolf and Pettigrew not escaped, one of the others probably would have gone on to get help transporting Ron back to the castle.


Answer: She wasn't sad. They'd all just been through a rather harrowing and scary experience inside the Shrieking Shack, and she has been emotionally affected by it all. She's also worried about Ron, whose leg was injured.


Answer: Hermione was telling Harry to go over to Sirius, who had gone a little further ahead. Harry was torn between tending to Ron, who'd injured his leg, and wanting to talk to Sirius. Hermione thought it more important for Harry and Sirius to talk while she stayed with Ron. Harry had only found out moments before that Sirius was not responsible for murdering his parents, and he had much to discuss with his godfather.


23rd Nov 2017

Brave (2012)

Question: Elinor at first didn't seem to care about burning Merida's bow, especially since she didn't approve of Fergus giving her the bow, and became furious after Merida shot for her own hand. What made Elinor rescue the bow from the fire?

Answer: Elinor tossed the bow into the fire in a fit of anger, then regretted what she did and rescued it.


To add to raywest's answer, she threw it in a fit of rage, yes. As a parent, you sometimes disagree with your children's passions, while you try to steer and guide them, they love what they love. She may have disagreed with Merida having the bow, but she also knew how important it was to her. Its hard to explain, but basically while she objected to Merida having it, she knew it was the one thing that made her happy... she loves her daughter and wants her to be happy. She destroyed it in a fit of rage, and then realised she destroyed, for lack of better words, her daughter's "happiness." Marrying her off was one thing, burning her only joy is another.

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