
6th Nov 2017

Die Hard (1988)

Question: How many hostages did Gruber take in total?

Answer: A head count was never given, but there appeared to be about 50 people.


Answer: When John McClane went to the roof to call 911, on the Walkie Talkie, he said that the terrorists were holding 50 or so hostages.

Question: When Harry looks into Voldemort's mind after the diadem is destroyed, Voldemort, having felt that a Horcrux was destroyed kills one of his followers (then later kills Snape). Would the killing of more people have helped Voldemort at all or was his body still only preserved by Nagini and Harry being the last remaining Horcruxes?

Answer: The soul is torn each time someone commits a murder. But one has to put a torn piece in an object for it to be preserved, so simply killing people doesn't help Voldemort.


Answer: Killing more people would not have had any effect on Voldemort. It's not that his body is being preserved, but his soul, which had been divided into eight pieces (with one left in his own body) and each stored in various objects. The soul could only be divided so many times, as each division causes damage to it. He could not have divided it yet again by murdering more people.


5th Nov 2017

Jurassic World (2015)

Question: How come the velociraptors became so friendly when helping with chasing down the Indominus Rex, when earlier in the movie Owen nearly got killed by them if it wasn't for the gate that separated them?

Answer: It shows that they can never be fully trained or domesticated and their behavior is unpredictable according to the circumstances they're in. Owen was nearly killed at the beginning because the raptors had become overly excited by chasing the pig and then after the helper guy fell into the enclosure. This was out of the normal routine for them, and they immediately went into hunting mode with anyone becoming prey. Owen was barely able to control the situation. Later, Owen was able to re-established his alpha role, and the raptors were focused on the T-rex. Even then, Owen could barely control them, and they probably would have attacked him and the others if the T-rex had not re-appeared.


Question: Do all Slytherin students have parents in league with Voldemort? Basically, what I'm asking is if all the parents of the Slytherin students are Death Eaters?


Answer: No, not all Slytherins were evil or in league with Voldemort, but the bulk of the Dark Lord's followers came from that House. Professor Horace Slughorn, who was a Slytherin, was an example of those who fought against Voldemort.


4th Nov 2017

Laura (1944)

Question: Am I missing something? How is it possible for McPherson to fall in love with Laura?


Answer: While investigating her supposed murder, McPherson interviews many people who knew Laura and gave their personal accounts about her. The more McPherson learns about the beautiful woman, the more intrigued he becomes, eventually almost to the point of obsession. He was more infatuated and physically attracted than actually being in love with her.


Question: Why did Beckett have Governor Weatherby Swann arrested?

Answer: Because he helped his daughter Elizabeth escape jail and Port Royal.

Answer: Because he was starting to ask too many questions about why Beckett wanted the Dead Man's Chest. Governor Swann had been forced into helping Beckett, and his usefulness had run out.


Question: Alice has a vision while Renesmee is hugging Bella and Edward and Jacob is watching. In Alice's vision, is the girl Jacob is with Renesmee all grown up? Are her and Jacob a thing since Jacob imprinted on her?

Answer: That is the grown-up Renesmee who Alice sees, but the vision is rather vague. As has been pointed out by the Cullens, Alice's visions are subjective. If the people she sees in them change direction or make different decisions, then the visions become different. It is implied that Jacob and Renesmee will become a romantic couple after she matures. Even if they don't, because Jacob has imprinted on her, he will always be her protector.


2nd Nov 2017

Clueless (1995)

Question: When the guy robs Cher, why doesn't he take her jewellery too? He only takes her bag and phone.

Answer: We have no way of knowing why the robber did not take her jewelry. He may have thought it was cheap costume jewelry and not worth bothering about, unlike her bag and phone.


Question: Did Raoul actually love Christine? Or did he just take interest in her because she was the lead role who was also pretty?

Answer: He was in love with her.


2nd Nov 2017

Jurassic World (2015)

Question: Do they clone the great white sharks that are fed to the mosasaurus? Great whites are endangered, and it's difficult to see the park getting away with using an endangered species as fodder for an exhibit.

Jukka Nurmi

Answer: Most likely yes, the great whites are cloned, raised in captivity, and used as a food source. They can clone extinct animals, living ones may be a lot easier.


Answer: It was never explained how they obtained the monosaurus' food, but it was likely fed a variety of fish, reptiles, etc. Even if they cloned great whites, it would be extremely difficult, it not impossible, to raise and keep that many in captivity. Sharks need specific environmental conditions to survive, including the need to keep constantly moving, otherwise they will die. The amount and cost of all the food it would take to feed all the feeder sharks would probably be more than what the monosaurus eats. The fact that a great white shark is shown appears to be an inside nod to Steven Spielberg's earliest movie hit, "Jaws."


True but Colin Trevorrow mentioned how he was worried if it would come across as a jab to Steven's Jaws, which wasn't his intention at all.

Answer: It's possible they breed these animals or that they are indeed cloned much like the same way the dinosaurs are cloned. But perhaps, since this is a different reality, the great white might not be endangered anymore in this movie.


Answer: I'm pretty sure sharks are not the only things being fed to the dinosaur.

Answer: Because he made a foolish mistake, not realizing what Riddle intended to do. He was assuming at the time that it was a hypothetical conversation. Horcruxes were not a secret, and there was no reason not to tell a student about different types of Dark magic, and Riddle already knew much about it. He was seeking additional information.


Question: Ron said that Mrs Weasley invited Harry for Christmas weeks ago but why did she not invite Hermione at that point?


Answer: Hermione always spent Christmas with her parents. The Weasleys invited Harry so that he would not have to stay at Hogwarts over the school break. He never spent the Christmas holiday with his aunt and uncle.


31st Oct 2017

Cliffhanger (1993)

Question: Why did Walker destroy the money instead of letting the villain have it?

Answer: As soon as the villains had the money they would have immediately killed Tucker, Walker's friend. The money was a bargaining chip. He also didn't want them to win.


Question: Would making a sticky bomb using the method shown in the movie be possible in real life?

Answer: This was based on an actual method that had been developed during the war, though it proved to be too dangerous with uncontrolled explosions to be used effectively.


Answer: Yes, they could be possible. But making bombs like that are very dangerous to use so I wouldn't try it out. It's doubtful anything of the sorts were used during WWII, there already were pre-made sticky bombs around that worked a lot better.


Question: When she discovers the cans are all in order, why doesn't she run out the back door which is right there? Why does she run to the front door?

Answer: There's no way to know what she was thinking or why she chose to do that. She was panicked and reacted on impulse rather than logic. One thought, going to the front door is the most direct route to the main street where she could get to a neighbor or find other people more quickly. Backyards are more secluded and dangerous.


Answer: He did. But Hagrid loved him more. He was heartbroken when Buckbeak was taken from him in Prisoner Of Azkaban so Harry thought it best for him to go back to Hagrid.


Answer: Harry didn't own Buckbeak or have any decision about what became of him, nor could he have taken care of him. After Sirius Black escaped, he kept Buckbeak hidden at his house, Black Manor. Harry saw Buckbeak when he visited his godfather. If Buckbeak had been returned to Hogwarts, he'd still be executed. Eventually, Buckbeak was secretly reintroduced into the Hogwarts hippogriff herd under the new name of Witherwings.


Answer: The laboratory is the same set used in the 1933 movie.


Answer: It mostly borrows from the Karloff film rather than the book. However, it is not a remake but a sequel and a broad spoof of the 1930s Frankenstein movie and is set years later. Dr. Frederick Frankenstein is the grandson of Victor Frankenstein, the scientist who reanimated the dead. Frederick had disavowed his grandfather's work, calling him crazy. However, after discovering Victor's secret lab, he becomes intrigued and recreates the experiment, making his own monster. The similarities included him using the same lab and the same techniques, has a hunchback assistant, steals corpses and uses an abnormal brain to create the same kind of monster. He starts to become a bit crazed himself. The monster also escapes and roams the countryside, and like in the original film, he is befriended by a blind priest and also encounters the young girl. In the DVD interview, Gene Wilder says the film was based on Frankenstein (1931), Bride of Frankenstein (1935), Son of Frankenstein (1939) and The Ghost of Frankenstein (1942).


Question: Why did the first sail boat the ship hit explode? (01:38:20)

Answer: There is no logical reason for it and it is purely for cinematic theatrics. It's a movie myth that cars, boats, etc. immediately explode upon impact. In real life, explosions rarely happen that way.


Question: Why did Fudge wait so long to arrest Hagrid? It sounds to me he didn't care that Hagrid's record was against him and that he only arrested Hagrid so Fudge would look like he knew what he was doing.


Answer: He probably wouldn't have arrested Hagrid, but he was pressured by Lucius Malfoy who could have used his wealth and influence to have Fudge removed from office. Hagrid was a convenient scapegoat to make it look like the Ministry was making progress in the investigation. Of course, Malfoy was orchestrating all this solely to aid Voldemort.


18th Oct 2017

Sabrina (1954)

Question: Toward the end of the movie, when David walks into Linus' office and asks him if Miss McCardle has to be there. Doesn't Linus address her as Miss McCarthy?

Answer: I've seen this movie numerous times over the years. Linus always addresses his secretary as "Miss McCardle."


Linus does call her Mrs. McCarthy about 11 minutes before the end of the movie. I checked several times. It's true. It's a mistake.

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