
2nd May 2004

Lethal Weapon (1987)

Corrected entry: A green car is parked at the side of Dixie's house before the explosion. Between shots it gets replaced by a brown car surrounded by people, then it changes back to the green car and drives off, away from the road. (00:55:55)


Correction: Not so. There is a side street along the side of Dixie's home. On the far side of that street, a brown car has its hood and trunk open with people near it. On the closer side of that same side street, a blue 1960s Impala convertible is parked facing away from camera, partially obscured by Dixie's home. There is one very quick shot where you can see both cars are there, but the rest of the angles show one while hiding the other. When the house explodes, the blue car takes off- perhaps driven by the bomber, or simply a bystander getting out of the way. No error.


Corrected entry: When Gerald and Sean talk about Will wasting his potential, Gerald refers to Einstein as a Swiss patent clerk who did physics in his spare time instead of getting drunk each night with his buddies in Vienna. Einstein worked in Bern/Switzerland, whereas Vienna is the capital of Austria, where Einstein never lived. (01:13:15)


Correction: Character mistake.

9th May 2004

Lethal Weapon 2 (1989)

Corrected entry: Another gag that's too far from reality: How on earth can a car pull a supporting beam of solid mansion out the foundation? (01:30:20)


Correction: While this event is not very likely, the design of such a 'stilt' is intended to hold a vertical load (the weight of the house) up. The angled braces help to control lateral motion created by wind and such. Neither of these is designed to withstand deliberate attempts to pull the stilt out sideways near its base. Is it as easy to do as shown in the film? Perhaps not, but not impossible.


9th May 2004

Lethal Weapon 2 (1989)

Corrected entry: In the scene with the dive into the hotel pool the hotel balcony is protected by a solid wall. Therefore, only Riggs, who was rolling on the room service trolley, would have had a chance to fly over it, whereas Leo and the attacker should have ran into the wall. (00:27:20)


Correction: It isn't a 'solid wall' but an orange metal railing. Such railings only come up to about waist level. Given the forward momentum of all three struggling men, they could easily have lost balance and toppled over the railing.


2nd May 2004

Lethal Weapon (1987)

Corrected entry: When Riggs runs after Mr. Joshua, who is trying to escape in the stolen car, Murtaugh shouts after him that Mr. Joshua is heading for the freeway. How on earth does he know that, especially since Joshua was going into some odd direction which allowed Riggs to shortcut him on foot and get ahead of him? (01:27:25)


Correction: Murtagh, like Joshua, knows these streets, and Joshua's direction suggests he's heading for the freeway. Murtagh also shouts a shortcut to Riggs, which is what allows Riggs to catch up to Joshua.


Corrected entry: In the account of the bird catch he lost when the bus crashed into his jeep Jack also lists a cockatoo. Cockatoo habitats are Australia and South-East Asia, not South America.


Correction: While not native to the Americas, cockatoos are bred all over the world, including North and South America.

Corrected entry: After the bus accident and the shoot-out with Jack, Zolo runs away, following the road the passengers had taken. It doesn't make sense that a little later, when he stops Ralph's car which is coming along the same road, he comes running out of the jungle. (00:26:05)


Correction: Why doesn't it make sense? There is jungle all around. He could have taken a shortcut through the jungle or even been hiding.

4th Jul 2004

Stepmom (1998)

Correction: I watched this movie today and her hair was the same style for this entire scene.


4th Jul 2004

Stepmom (1998)

Corrected entry: When Isabel discovers Ben in the cupboard some fan must be blowing into his face because the opening of the doors wouldn't explain the wind that's blowing through his hair. (00:03:00)


Correction: Isabel is in a hurry and flings the doors open quickly which would cause a breeze.


4th Jul 2004

Stepmom (1998)

Corrected entry: When Isabel and Luke are cooking, Anna makes three blank calls one after the other. Funnily, Isabel is always the one who picks up the phone, not Luke, who doesn't seem to be a bit interested who is calling, although, under the circumstances, it wasn't very hard to guess, and there is no reason why he wouldn't want to talk to his kids. (00:14:25)


Correction: Isabel picks it up each time because she is closer to the phone. Since Anna hangs up each time, Luke assumes it is a prank call. There is no way for him to know it is his child calling.


18th Apr 2004

Dirty Harry (1971)

Corrected entry: When the car with the bank robbers runs over the fire hydrant the water fountain comes with quite a delay. (00:11:55)


Correction: In my copy of the film, you can see the water erupt immediately as soon as the car hits the hydrant and starts to turn over. The only delay is the car turning completely on its side allowing the water to form a column shooting into the air.

28th Oct 2003

Philadelphia (1993)

Corrected entry: When Andy is cross-examined by Ms. Conine and she asks him if he has any lesions in his face he says that he has one by his left ear. The scene doesn't give us many chances to check this, but the few times we see the ear there isn't any lesion, not even a small one. (01:32:45)


Correction: Very possible that he saw a lesion there a few days prior, and it simply went away without him noticing. It's not in the most noticeable place on his face. When he is confronted w/ the mirror, you can tell that he thought a lesion was there, but notices it has gone away, and he is visibly upset by this as this helped the defense's case. He can't see it, thus we can't see it, because it's no longer there.

3rd Jul 2003

Witness (1985)

Corrected entry: Two general observations: Elderly Amish men seem to favor glued beards, and many of them speak their ancient German with an American accent which is not typical for a mother tongue preserved over generations in a foreign country.


Correction: The dialect of German spoken by most Amish people in this day and age is not the the "correct" German as spoken in Germany, but rather a "Platt Deutsch", with some elements of Swiss, Dutch, and yes, American English, mixed in. The German dialogue in the film, (most of it) is correct for the region in which the movie took place. How do I know? I'm Amish myself.

9th Sep 2003

Man on the Moon (1999)

Corrected entry: When Andy comes to George Shapiro's office for the first time he makes a big fuss about which chair to sit on and finally settles upon the left one. When he gets up again he does so from the right one. (00:22:30)


Correction: That is because Andy changes seats when he refuses to star in 'Taxi'. When he refuses, he stands up, walks around a bit and sits down in the other chair.

Corrected entry: After having been inside John Malkovich Craig gets dropped at the New Jersey Turnpike. When he sends Lotte off through the portal next, he says he'd pick her at the same place where he was dropped. Not only that he knew, after this completely novel and one-time experience, that the portal would lead into JM again, but that he also knew where it would end is more than one would expect from someone who hasn't read the screenplay till the end. (00:34:05)


Correction: He simply guesses that she will come out at the same point. It's a logical assumption.

Corrected entry: Craig locks Lotte and the chimpanzee in a cage. The monkey unties her hands, but it remains a mystery how the two of them got out of the cage. (01:12:30)


Correction: Her fingers are much thinner then the chimpanzee's, so she would just have to stick her fingers through the cage and pop open the lock. It's not like it's locked with a padlock, it's simply a pole you must lift up, that the monkey was never able to figure out. Anyone with a cage for something like a puppy would know its not that hard to get open from the inside.

24th Mar 2004

Swimming Pool (2003)

Corrected entry: When Sarah removes the cover from the swimming pool there are lots of leaves and other dirt in the water as if it hadn't been used or at least cleaned for quite a while. However, the water itself is absolutely crystal clear and without a trace of muck. This can be seen even better when Sarah watches Julie swimming the next day. (00:17:30 - 00:25:00)


Correction: This happens to my pool every year. The water is crystal clear but the pool is filled with a floating layer of leaves...nothing strange about it if you keep your chlorine level correct.

15th Jun 2004

Forrest Gump (1994)

Corrected entry: When Forrest runs into town after losing his braces he speeds by a cafe in the foreground where one of the patrons, an old guy with a hat, calls him a running fool. Some 20 years he takes off for his three-year run across America some 20 years later, and when he comes by the cafe we see the same old guy, who obviously hasn't aged in between. (00:17:05 - 01:48:10)


Correction: I really think that having the same guy is a statement on the lack of change in Gump's hometown in comparison with the rest of America. (I hardly think that the director is slapping his forehead thinking "oops!" over this one.).

Correction: Age shows more obviously with the young than the old, ie the difference between freshman and sophomore is much greater than 1 vs 2 years with a company.


12th May 2004

A Perfect World (1993)

Corrected entry: Sally depicts Butch as highly intelligent. However, that he leaves his dangerous companion Terry in the custody of a shaky 8-year old with an empty gun gives the spectator some uneasy moments but doesn't make sense at all. Since eventually he wanted to part ways with Terry anyway, he could have done his shopping with Phillip, the gun, and the car keys and leave Terry by himself. (00:22:25)


Correction: This is a character choice and not a movie mistake.

Damian Torres

28th Oct 2003

Philadelphia (1993)

Corrected entry: When Joe buys diapers for his baby girl he takes out a package of Pampers. Then he takes out another one of the same kind and scrutinizes the two as if he were comparing something, and finally puts one back into the shelf. As in nappy purchases expiry dates don't play a role, and as his daughter is already several months old, allowing Joe, who is shown as someone who takes his responsibilities as a father very seriously, sufficient time to become familiar with all aspects of keeping baby bottoms clean, this episode doesn't make any sense. (00:57:10)


Correction: Joe has an awful lot on his mind! Surely he could just be wanting to spend a little time by himself in a shop! Character problem, not a mistake.


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