
5th Mar 2021

The Hidden II (1993)

Factual error: Detective Beck is at the morgue. A man comes by and make an incision in the detective's arm. Blood flows freely from the cut. That is not possible. Livor mortis would pool the blood in the lowest parts of the body after around six hours of being dead. And this cadaver has been dead much longer than that.


4th Mar 2021

MacGyver (2016)

Rails + Pitons + Pulley + Pipe + Salt - S5-E9

Factual error: Every time the Phoenix Foundation airplane is shown, it has absolutely no markings. Every aircraft has to be registered somewhere and display its registration prominently, and no aircraft can fly in a country's airspace without a registration number at the very least. (00:01:55)


4th Mar 2021

MacGyver (2016)

Rails + Pitons + Pulley + Pipe + Salt - S5-E9

Factual error: MacGyver is using an improvised cutting torch to weaken a lock on a door. When he thinks he has cut enough he drops the torch and immediately holds on to the lock to open it. If It has been subject to a cutting torch long enough to weaken it, he would not be able to grasp the lock with his bare hands without seriously burning them. (00:15:00)


24th Feb 2021

The Hidden II (1993)

24th Feb 2021

The Hidden II (1993)

Factual error: Detective Beck's daughter states that she had not seen her father for several years. That he lived as a hermit and did not let her in. Then why when she goes with the good alien to where her father used to live, she has the key to get in?


24th Feb 2021

The Hidden (1987)

Continuity mistake: Detective Beck is shot by the stripper on the rooftop. He jerks to the right. Yet later it turns out he was shot on the left shoulder. If he was shot there, he would have jerked to the left.


19th Feb 2021

The Expanse (2015)

Nemesis Games - S5-E10

Trivia: On a board at a spaceport there are arrivals shown. One of the ships is the UNN Dorie Miller. The U.S. Navy named an aircraft carrier after Doris "Dorie" Miller, a Black mess attendant who heroically leapt into combat during Pearl Harbor. This was the first time an aircraft carrier was named for an African American, and the first time a sailor has been so honored for actions taken as an enlisted man. For his bravery, Miller was awarded the Navy Cross. A fitting tribute to Black History Month. (00:37:55)


18th Feb 2021

Encounter (2018)

Continuity mistake: When Will comes out of the garage to get Teresa, he has an alien's tentacle attached to him. When he and Teresa go in to the garage, he no longer has the tentacle attached. (00:34:25)


18th Feb 2021

Encounter (2018)

Stupidity: At the very beginning of the movie, law enforcement is depicted executing a no-knock warrant. They approach a house surreptitiously and use a ram to open the door with no warning. When they arrived at the scene, all the cars and trucks in the raid were using flashing lights and wailing sirens. So much for the element of surprise.


6th Feb 2021

The Expanse (2015)

3rd Feb 2021

Encounter (2018)

Factual error: Three men are having beer one night in the woods. One man says he has a picture of a girl he took the previous Tuesday. When he goes to get the picture (which would be on his phone), he complains that he can't show it because there is no signal reception. You don't need a signal to show a photo you took on your phone. (00:07:10)


26th Jan 2021

Next (2020)

FILE #1 - S1-E1

Factual error: Paul tells Shea that he has a condition called Sporadic Fatal Insomnia. Later, Shea finds a fork in a bag labelled Abby. Paul explains that Abby is his daughter, and he wants to test her DNA, because she has a 50-50 chance of contracting the disease. This is false. Sporadic Fatal Insomnia is not hereditary. Fatal Familial Insomnia is genetic and is the inherited form.


22nd Jan 2021

Outside the Wire (2021)

Factual error: Numerous military-related flaws - incorrect military protocols (officers in formation with enlisted personnel), marching orders (the leader commands double time, but nobody runs), and unreturned salutes.


22nd Jan 2021

Magnum P.I. (2018)

The Day Danger Walked In - S3-E5

Other mistake: In the middle of the storm, telephone service goes out. Yet later, one of the robbers sees an emergency alert on his phone and says it is getting worse. If cell service is out, there is no way he could have received that.


22nd Jan 2021

Magnum P.I. (2018)

The Day Danger Walked In - S3-E5

Factual error: Higgins, Thomas, TC and Rick are locked in a freezer. Their barber friend is tapping his horn in "a pattern" Higgins says is Morse code, and announces that he tapped "move back." Not really. I know Morse Code. All I got (along with a few undecipherable things) was TOERT NMU ETM CEA OFJ DER WK. No way that spells "Move Back."


18th Jan 2021

Magnum P.I. (2018)

First the Beatdown, Then the Blowback - S3-E4

Stupidity: At the end of the episode, Makani's skull is returned to the cave where it was originally buried. But it is left in a basket on top of some rocks at the entrance to the cave. It would seem to me that that is not going to be a very safe place, as anyone can see it. Should it not have been buried out of sight?


18th Jan 2021

MacGyver (2016)

18th Jan 2021

MacGyver (2016)

18th Jan 2021

Songbird (2020)

Revealing mistake: Men of the Department of Sanitation are picking up Lita's body from her house. The body bag she is supposedly in moves so easily, you can tell it is very light and contains nothing very heavy, much less the weight of a body. (01:03:05)


18th Jan 2021

Songbird (2020)

Visible crew/equipment: Sara is at the front door video intercom. As the man from the Department of Sanitation is leaving, you can see crew/equipment visible in the reflection. (00:27:15)


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