
Corrected entry: About 2 and half minutes into Chapter 13 Justin is seen approaching a small group of people waiting at an intersection. As Justin approaches them, one middle-aged woman with glasses, suddenly sticks out her tongue at him. It occurs very quickly and the scene changes almost immediately after but it is still very noticeably and odd.

Correction: Odd maybe, but not really a mistake.

Correction: Highly unlikely the filmmakers would let a hired extra mess up the scene in this way. This was probably done deliberately to help illustrate Justin's paranoia.


25th May 2019

John Wick (2014)

Correction: Not really trivia when you take into account that Kevin Nash has been appearing in movies and TV shows outside of WWE, WCW, and TNA programming as early as 1991 and has numerous films on his résumé.


25th May 2019

Common mistakes

Corrected entry: Whenever someone comes home with some groceries, a baguette is frequently seen sticking out of the bag.

Mike Lynch

Correction: How is this a mistake? It's more of an observation that an actual mistake.


Correction: This is more of a cliché.


12th May 2019

Avengers: Endgame (2019)

Correction: Simply because it's not shown how she did it in the film doesn't make it a mistake. This is a question.

Correction: Rocket likely has a way of tracking the ship's location, and once Captain Marvel showed up at Avengers HQ and they found out what she was capable of, they asked her to retrieve the ship. As for how she got them back to Earth, we see in her own film that she is capable of moving at extremely fast speeds and possesses super strength. Once she found the ship, she simply used her powers to push the ship back to Earth before the air ran out.


Correction: During an interview, Matt Salinger said he did contact the director to say he'd be interested in a small cameo-type role. The casting director said they were shooting in England and if there was anything available when they got back to the States, they'd be in touch. Salinger didn't push the matter and does not appear in the film.


Correction: If by "alongside" you mean he is the man sitting next to Stan Lee, that is decidedly not Matt Salinger. He looks nothing like him, in fact. Additionally, Matt Salinger is not credited in the film's cast list on IMDB, and his own IMDB filmography indicates that he appeared in no films or TV shows from 2011 through 2013.


11th May 2019

Sleepy Hollow (1999)

Continuity mistake: When Ichabod is investigating Johnathon Masbeth's death, he notes that the neck wound was cauterized immediately, which explains why there's no signs of bleeding. At the beginning of the movie, when Van Garret is killed by the Horseman, a splash of blood is shown hitting the pumpkin that is used for the scarecrow.

Upvote valid corrections to help move entries into the corrections section.

Suggested correction: Blood is constantly circulating throughout the body. While the neck wound itself is cauterized, if there is a buildup of blood in an area such as the jugular or the trachea, there will logically be a splash of blood. You actually see the same thing happen when the Horseman kills Jonathan Masbeth and Mr. Killian.


Corrected entry: In 2014, Gamora and Nebula have a conversation after Ebony Maw announces that Thanos has found an infinity stone. They agree that finding one infinity stone is a start to Thanos' plan that has been set in motion. But in 2012 Thanos already had the Mind Stone which he lent to Loki to use to retrieve the Space Stone.

Correction: Who's to say Gamora and Nebula knew that Thanos previously had the Mind Stone in the first place? Especially since it was encased inside the scepter.


Corrected entry: Alex Summers, AKA Havok, is the younger brother of Scott Summers [Cyclops] and is a teenager in the film. Yet in the 90s, when the first X-men was set, Scott was still a teenager when the Cuban missile crisis occurred in 1962, so 30 years between events.

Correction: Scott and Alex are brothers in the comics yes, but it is never explicitly stated that they are supposed to be brothers in the movies. They have the same last name, but no further details are given, therefore, no mistake.

S. Ha

It is stated 2 movies later in X-Men: Apocalypse that Scott and Alex are indeed brothers.


Yes, but they simply decided to make Alex the older brother instead. Changes from the source material aren't considered mistakes, so the original submission is still invalid.


30th Apr 2019

Avengers: Endgame (2019)

Corrected entry: When the Avengers got the space stone and mind stone from the past, they were in the form of the Tesseract and the scepter, but when Steve goes back to replace them, they are in their raw forms. If they want to undo any offshoot timelines, they would have to replace the time stones in their original encasements, at least some of which have been destroyed in the process of obtaining the raw stones. If the Tesseract doesn't exist in Tesseract form before Captain Marvel, would the light speed ship by Dr Larson have been made, etc. And the events of Avengers 1 would have been altered...Ultron/Vision/Scarlet Witch/Quicksilver timelines would likely be disrupted if the scepter itself is not replaced, only the mind stone. It would be an anomaly in the time line.

Jeanne Rhodes-Moen

Correction: They aren't concerned with creating any alternate timelines, as they won't affect their own timeline. They only agree to return the Stones to the point where they are taken in order to avoid any major catastrophes being caused by the Stones' absence in their respective timelines (i.e. the Ancient One tells Dr. Banner that she needs the Time Stone returned to her reality, as it is her chief weapon against forces of darkness). The Mind Stone ending up in an alternate timeline as a result of being removed from Loki's scepter and not leading to the creation of Ultron or giving the Maximoff twins their powers will not lead to a catastrophic event.


This is not consistent with Captain America's comment "I know, clip all the branches"

Another way around that would be to return the Time Stone to the Ancient One first and then have her use the Time Stone to return the Space and Mind Stones to their previous housings. We know the Time Stone is capable of doing that because Thanos used it to bring the Mind Stone back into existence after Scarlet Witch destroyed it.


Their primary concern appears to be removing the stones from where they "should" be, or taking one and leaving others - the ancient one implies it's that imbalance which causes a "bad" timeline to branch off, the black line she demonstrates, not just making other changes. Otherwise even Hawkeye going back in time and removing a baseball glove would have catastrophic consequences and need to be remedied.

Jon Sandys

He has the infinity stones. It's quite possible he could have used them in some fashion to return the others to the original form. For example, he could have done it or asked the Ancient One to use the time stone to return them to their original form. Regardless, there is no way he or Hulk wouldn't have planned for this before he left. They were in no rush to return them. They had a time machine.


22nd Apr 2019

Constantine (2005)

Corrected entry: The song played in the bar when John visits Midnite belongs to the band Bush, an obvious nod to Gavin Rossdale, lead singer of that band, who plays Balthazar.


Correction: The song is "Passive" by A Perfect Circle, not Bush.


17th Apr 2019

Wayne's World (1992)

Correction: They are filming a music video and a lot of filming equipment is visible throughout the scene.


8th Apr 2019

Aquaman (2018)

Corrected entry: Orm was reigning at the time Steppenwolf stole the mother box from Atlantis - he should be rejected by his people but in the film he is loved and admired by everyone instead.


Correction: This is an opinion, not a mistake.


27th Aug 2001

Poltergeist (1982)

Corrected entry: When the parapsychologists are talking to the parents, Craig T. Nelson's character mentions that he is 32, and his wife is 31. And they have a 16-year-old daughter. Possible, but....

Correction: The original submitter nullifies their own entry by acknowledging that having a child at 16 is possible.


Correction: Actually, in the parapsych's interview, he says his wife is 31, then corrects himself and says she's 32. Craig never mentions his own age, but I once read that he's supposed to be in his early 40's, suggesting at least 1 kid possibly from a previous marriage.

14th Mar 2019

Game of Thrones (2011)

Correction: Enough time has passed between scenes for Varys to return to Essos. We just don't see his return journey because it would waste screen time.


14th Mar 2019

Captain Marvel (2019)

Corrected entry: The film is set in 1995, but features the song "Celebrity Skin" by Hole. Celebrity Skin was not released until 1998.

Correction: "Celebrity Skin" plays over the end credits, not within the main story of the film itself. It's no more of a mistake than the movie's score playing throughout the film despite being written well after 1995.


Corrected entry: If Gamora knows that Thanos needs her in order to get the soul stone because she is the only one who knows where is it, she should stay away from him in order to avoid being caught, but she decides to go where he is.


Correction: She knows it's a big risk, but she feels it's her duty to prevent Thanos from gathering all of the Infinity Stones. This is why she makes Quill promise to kill her if Thanos captures her on Knowhere. Had she known that Thanos had captured and was torturing Nebula and that he knew that Gamora knew where the Soul Stone was, then she probably would have stayed away from him.


Corrected entry: If Thor knew that Thanos would be waiting for the stones on Titan he should have gone there, instead of somehow knowing to head straight to Wakanda.


Correction: Thor didn't know Thanos went to Titan. He correctly predicted that he would head to Knowhere, after which he would likely go after the 2 stones on Earth.

Thor heard from Thanos that we will be go to Titan inside the ship or at least he should go to Knowwhere not to the earth.

Thor's new hammer gives him the ability to summon the Bifrost, which means he has to survey his intended destination before creating the portal to transport. He very well could have surveyed both Knowhere and Titan (assuming he even knows where Titan is) before settling on Wakanda, but that would have both wasted screen time and diminished the impact for the audience of him arriving in Wakanda to help the other heroes. The movie even shows Thanos arriving on Titan after Thor already arrived in Wakanda, so we can surmise that Thor didn't know where Thanos was located and settled on joining the battle on Earth with the hope that Thanos would eventually turn up there.


Correction: The movie never says that Thor knew that Thanos was on Titan. He knew from the first scene in the film that Thanos sent the Black Order to look for the two Stones that were on Earth (one of which ended up going to Titan with Doctor Strange). He simply used his new powers to summon the Bifrost to survey Earth and located his friends and the Mind Stone in Wakanda and teleported there.


28th Feb 2019

Home Alone (1990)

Corrected entry: After Kevin leaves the church where he's talking with the old man he runs home to make a game plan to protect his house. Kevin runs up the walkway to the front door and walks right in - using no key. Was it unlocked the whole time?

Correction: Maybe it was. It's possible Kevin doesn't have a key to the house or doesn't know where a spare set is. I wasn't given a key to my house by my parents until I was probably twelve. If he doesn't have a key, then he has to leave the door unlocked whenever he goes out, lest he locks himself out of the house. Ultimately, an unlocked door is not a movie mistake.


10th Oct 2004

The Punisher (2004)

Corrected entry: Howard can't find Frank for days, but Harry Heck can find him in less than a day and in the exact restaurant.

Correction: Harry Heck was hired specifically to find Castle. Quentin Glass was confident that he would find him, because as he put it "In 48 hours, Castle's a memory. A pro from Memphis, the best." We just don't see how Heck is able to locate Castle because it isn't essential to the plot.


25th Feb 2019

Game of Thrones (2011)

Battle of the Bastards - S6-E9

Corrected entry: At the meeting before the Battle of the Bastards, Sansa rides away before Ramsey mentions he hasn't fed his dogs in 7 days. The next day when he's tied up in the kennel he said my dogs will never hurt me. Sansa says "you haven't fed them in a week". She wasn't there when he said it, no way she'd know that.

Correction: Jon, Davos, Tormund or anyone else that rode out with Jon to discuss terms with Ramsay could have told Sansa about it or mentioned it around camp which Sansa could have then heard. Ramsay was threatening to feed Jon's men to his dogs, something that would likely be discussed by the men in Jon's army, if for no other reason than it is something they would try to avoid experiencing.


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