
5th Jan 2005

The Incredibles (2004)

Corrected entry: In the scene where Mrs. Parr goes to see Dash's principal she walks into his office alone. In the car after leaving you can see and hear Jak Jak in the back seat. They are on their way to pick up Violet so was Jak Jak left alone in the car?

Correction: This isn't technically a movie mistake, more of a responsible parenting mistake.

Correction: Or they left him with the secretary?


This is probably most likely.


9th Feb 2012

Horrible Bosses (2011)

Corrected entry: Near the end of the movie when Jennifer Aniston closes the blinds, she isn't wearing examination gloves but when the scene goes to Dale then back to her she is wearing gloves.

Correction: Enough time goes by between shots, and she herself (since she does this for a living) could be good at getting them on and off quickly, as well as Dale recounting this in flashback. There are sufficient gaps in time to explain that.


Not enough time passes. After she closes the blinds, she's off camera for about 6 seconds, but when it cuts back to her, she's still by the door, which she had closed during that time but isn't near any gloves. Then the next time she's only off camera for about 2 seconds, but during that time has moved closer to Dale and the patient and she has gloves on.


6th Jul 2018

Jurassic Park (1993)

Corrected entry: When Tim is holding onto the fence, when the power came on, it would cause his hand muscles to clench the cable.

Correction: You haven't been electrocuted before. Otherwise, you would know that a powerful electric shock will knock you backwards by several feet.

Charles Austin Miller

Depends on whether it's Alternating Current, which would do as the original mistake says, or Direct Current, which would do the second option, like the correction. Insufficient information is given to say solidly which the fence uses.


We can reasonably assume that Jurassic Park was using Direct Current, wisely intended to repel the dinosaurs away from the fence line. If it was Alternating Current, then the multi-billion-dollar menagerie of ultra-rare specimens would be fried to a crisp (or at least seriously injured) on a daily basis, as they would be unable to release the charged fences. Therefore, Direct Current is the only fiscally-logical choice (and it explains Tim being repelled from the fence).

Charles Austin Miller

7th Jul 2018

Collateral (2004)

Stupidity: Vincent's choice to cut the power to the building that Annie is in does nothing but waste enough time for Max to save Annie. It would have been easier just to go up to kill her and he probably would have gotten away from the police if he did so.

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Suggested correction: It also slows Annie and Max down by forcing them to walk in the dark, and also, at this point, Vincent is really torn up from the crash, and the mere sight of him is going to make Annie very suspicious or even afraid, unless the power out (which for all she knows is just from the building) gives him a plausible reason for being so mauled.


23rd May 2017

Gremlins (1984)

Corrected entry: Unless it's a different style, the Gremlin in the mailbox could not have thrown letters back out or pulled a human arm into the box. The front flap pulls up another piece of metal that prevents theft of mail from the box.

Movie Nut

Correction: Gremlins are also small enough to fit into the mailbox bodily, then sabotage that flap (we know they like breaking things), then climb out and party as described.


Corrected entry: In the scene in the Jeep when Garlick announces to the passing troops that Cronauer is in their midsts and Adrian does his riff, after the convoy starts moving again, more than a dozen trucks go by with all the troops grinning broadly and giving Cronauer "kudos," even though the majority of them couldn't possibly have heard or seen his Jeep "performance," and wouldn't even know who he was.


Correction: Or someone spread the word via either CB, Grapevine-telephoned it down the line, or ran the news? Ask any soldier, they'll tell you how highly the entertainers are valued, how hard they'd listen, how fast the news would spread.


The "correction" is mere conjecture, not based on any evidence from the movie itself, but rather simply an opinion of how the plot could have been written and portrayed. I wrote up the actual scene as it played out on the screen as a mistake because without any supporting evidence from the movie makers this scene is a mistake. If one was to invent potential back stories for each scene in a movie then just about any mistake could be explained away as intentional, depending on the extent of one's imagination. But it wouldn't be a commentary on the movie.


Corrected entry: If you look closely at the lily Scarlett is holding in the very first scene of the film, you can see that it's artificial.

Correction: They had artificial flowers in the 1800's, there's no reason she shouldn't have one. It all comes down to the deliberate intent of the filmmakers; for all we know it was a commentary on Scarlett herself.


Continuity mistake: When Scarlett undresses for her nap after the 12 Oaks barbecue, she unties a small bustle from around her waist. She didn't have this bustle on when Mammy helped her dress for the barbecue earlier that morning.


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Suggested correction: Was it under the main bustle?


Scarlett is laced up then Mammy helps her on with her dress. Looks like Scarlett is just wearing her corset (stays) with pantalets. Selznick probably adhered to the customary undergarments in the nap scene but chose no film time for the hurried scene where Gerald counts to 10 to make Scarlett hurry down to his carriage.

15th Dec 2002

Godzilla (1998)

Corrected entry: When the attack helicopters go after Godzilla they use heat seeking missiles. Surely they wouldn't even notice a cold blooded lizard? Also when Godzilla chases them why don't they just go up out of reach, rather than running away below the rooftops?

Correction: Cold-blooded doesn't mean cold. A reptile is as warm as his environment. A little added exertion would make Godzilla warm enough for the missiles to work. What's more, the iguana she once was has turned dinosaurian, with legs under the body. As such, she could easily be warm-blooded now like dinosaurs are thought to be.

It's mentioned by the helicopter pilot in the movie that the lizard is colder than the buildings around it. She isn't warm blooded, she isn't expelling any heat at all.


Correction: The force of habit, most of the things they usually fight have warm components (soldiers, attack dogs, running engines, even mere campfires), and they don't have the time or know-how to custom make the missiles. Arctic researchers have made a similar mistake when tracking seals, they tried tracking them via infrared, which works in warmer climates perfectly well, but since it's obviously urgent that Polar warm-blooded creatures not lose heat, it was of limited to no use, and the scientists had to use other methods; which they, unlike the soldiers, had the time to find.


They should have immediately noticed the thing is too cold to use heat seekers on. They should have switched to cannons.


9th Nov 2003

Godzilla (1998)

Corrected entry: When Godzilla chases the taxi, the people inside argue which road they should take. When one of the characters proposes one route, Audrey says "But that road always has traffic jams when it's raining" or something similar. But isn't that a perfectly stupid thing to say when there's no one in the city?

Correction: This is just becasue living in New York, Audrey has been conditioned not to take this road in the rain. It doesn't even occur to her that the road will be devoid of cars.

Correction: Also, she has seen enough wreckage to be thinking of abandoned / destroyed vehicles from Godzilla's first attack (which was also in the rain). A traffic jam of totaled cars is just as bad an obstacle as functional ones that are stopped.


13th May 2003

Frankenweenie (1984)

Plot hole: When we first see the reanimated Sparky, his head's sewed on. While that makes him look a bit like the traditional Frankenstein monster, it doesn't make a lot of sense - the original monster had stitches on its neck because it was made from multiple body parts, but it's not like they sawed the dog's head off after it died...

Jon Sandys

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Suggested correction: Do we ever see how much damage the car did?


15th Jun 2004

Forrest Gump (1994)

Corrected entry: When Forrest runs into town after losing his braces he speeds by a cafe in the foreground where one of the patrons, an old guy with a hat, calls him a running fool. Some 20 years he takes off for his three-year run across America some 20 years later, and when he comes by the cafe we see the same old guy, who obviously hasn't aged in between. (00:17:05 - 01:48:10)


Correction: I really think that having the same guy is a statement on the lack of change in Gump's hometown in comparison with the rest of America. (I hardly think that the director is slapping his forehead thinking "oops!" over this one.).

Correction: Age shows more obviously with the young than the old, ie the difference between freshman and sophomore is much greater than 1 vs 2 years with a company.


27th Aug 2001

Forrest Gump (1994)

Corrected entry: When Forrest is running the football field and passing all the players, he passes everyone except the referee, who can be seen moving down the sidelines at a faster pace than Forrest. (00:21:05)

Correction: How is this a mistake? So, the referee is moving faster..... because he is supposed to keep ahead of the players to be in a position to make the call. No mistake here.


Correction: The ref isn't as tired as Forrest, he hasn't been running around as much.


11th Aug 2004

Forbidden Planet (1956)

Other mistake: When the Id creature is melting through the door and Morbius is denying he subconsciously created it, the Commander draws his blaster giving the impression he will kill Morbius to save them if necessary. But Robby deactivated the blaster just a few scenes prior. Was he going to beat Morbius to death with it?

Grumpy Scot

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Suggested correction: That was a moment of desperation, so he wasn't thinking, and, well, yes anyway.


Corrected entry: At the end of the movie when Ferris' parents come home you see their foyer by the front door loaded with get well flowers and balloons, etc. Who accepted the deliveries if no one was home all day? Rooney wasn't around long enough to have brough ALL those flowers and gifts inside. Also, as much as he despises Ferris, I'm sure he would rather see them on the front porch to wilt. The only reason he signed for the first one was because he just happened to be standing on the front porch when the deliveryman arrived.

Correction: You can see his sister accepting the "get-well messages" (like the "nurse" singing), so we can assume that she collected the flowers as well.

Correction: And/or a neighbor/friend with a spare key, one of many people in Ferris' thrall enough to visit and see to all those packages?


Corrected entry: At the beginning of the movie, Ferris' mother is examining her sick son and says to Mr. Bueller, "He doesn't have a fever, but his hands are cold and clammy and he says he's seeing spots." At the end of the movie, when Ferris narrowly beats his parents home and they enter his bedroom, Mrs. Bueller again touches her son's forehead and says, "You're still warm." I thought he didn't have a fever.

Correction: She assumes it's from the illness running it's course through the day, She assumes that in the morning he wasn't feverish yet, then the fever came as the sickness progressed over the day, and this is the tail end as he recovers.


Continuity mistake: In the first film, George refers to the tree that the family carved their names in as being in the front yard. In the second film, this same tree is referred to as being in the backyard.

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Suggested correction: It is also established he can be scatterbrained when under strain, and he is often under strain, and there's no reason they can't have two trees for that purpose.


25th Aug 2009

Evolution (2001)

Plot hole: Because humans have a layer of subcutaneous fat under the skin, the bug that travels under Harry's skin would have caused not only significant damage but an amazing amount of pain while moving around. There would have also been severe internal damage caused by the bug if it traveled into his colon where they ended up removing it from.


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Suggested correction: Harry could be too high on adrenaline to feel pain, and we never see whatever follow up procedure they performed "there" either.


Factual error: The film map depicting the German advance showed Germany invading Turkey. Turkey did not enter the war until 1945 and never engaged in any combat. (00:05:05)

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Suggested correction: It does not show the German advancement in true historical order, but more like a red shadow that expands across Europe in a steady pace. And just as the camera starts zooming in on Stalingrad, you can see a small sliver of red starting to spread on the south-eastern coast of Norway.


It's not red but black. Norway was conquered by Germany, Turkey was an Allied country.


Factual error: When the map of the German advance is shown, Switzerland is shown to be taken over. Switzerland was never invaded by the Germans. (00:05:10)

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Suggested correction: It doesn't show German advances. It shows the German influence over Europe, symbolizing it covers all of Europe and then expanded towards the East. Italy was never conquered by the Germans either yet it was part of the axis and is shown being covered by black. Switzerland, though neutral, was fully surrounded by the Axis and their influence played heavily upon the country. Its a very crude simulation.


Suggested correction: It does not show the German advancement in true historical order, but more like a red shadow that expands across Europe in a steady pace. And just as the camera starts zooming in on Stalingrad, you can see a small sliver of red starting to spread on the south-eastern coast of Norway.


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