Doctor Who

Doomsday (2) - S2-E16

Question: Why wasn't Pete sucked into the Void when he came back to rescue Rose? Also, how did he even know when and where to teleport to, or that she even needed saving at all?


Chosen answer: He was only there for a fraction of a second, so the Void didn't have a chance to drag him in. As for knowing when and where, it's one of those last-second rescues that fiction revels in. Improbable, but dramatically satisfying.


School Reunion - S2-E6

Question: The Doctor says he's regenerated half a dozen times since last seeing Sarah Jane. This would mean he last saw her in his fourth regeneration. But surely this is wrong? They last saw each other when The Doctor was in his fifth regeneration, during "The Five Doctors."


Chosen answer: The phrase "half a dozen" is often used as a round number, i.e. "half a dozen" is a little more than "a few." He didn't want to pause and figure it out as it's been a long time in his time line so he just estimated. That said, with the 50th anniversary reveal of the War Doctor, making the 10th Doctor actually the 11th, it's now exactly 6 regenerations since the 5 Doctors, making his statement accurate.


Rise of the Cybermen (1) - S2-E8

Question: This and the next episode credits John Lumic with the creation of the Cybermen. However, in "The World and Time", it appears the Master creates the Cybermen. Which is the correct line?

Movie Nut

Chosen answer: This episode takes place on an alternate Earth. This is where this version of the Cybermen were created. However the Cybermen first debuted in 1966 in the episode "The Tenth Planet". Originating from the planet Mondas. So both are true. The Master's Mondasian Cybermen, and Lumic's Cybus Cybermen.


In classic There were Cybermen from this universe which were people whose bodies were failing so they used spare parts to become Cybermen they came from places like Mondas it was destroyed so they went to some other plants to live. The new Doctor Who rise of the Cybermen takes place in an alternative universe where people's brains were put in Cybermen suits these Cybermen ended up coming through to are universe. Matt Smith's last season the Cybermen were mentioned to being from this universe. The Cybermen the master used in the world and time - the master had people's Souls uploaded in gallifreyan technology and then she downloaded them into Cybermen suits. So you have original Cybermen/ alternative universe Cybermen/ back to original Cybermen/ Then Masters Cybermen/ and then Cybermen from Peter Capaldi's episodes to do with the original.

The original Cybermen planet was destroyed but they were seen on other planets.


Chosen answer: This happened during the events of the 1975 story, "Terror of the Zygons".


Army of Ghosts (1) - S2-E15

Question: When Rose is snooping around after having put on the white coat, she passes a few fire extinguishers in a hall. In the room with the Void Sphere, there's another one. But they're all silver. I may just not be worldly enough, but I've only ever seen red fire extinguishers. Are they like that in the UK, or is it a Doctor Who thing?


Chosen answer: It's a Doctor Who thing, fire extinguishers in the UK have been red since 1997. Before then different colours represented different contents (water, foam, etc.), but it's unlikely the extinguishers seen would be that old.


Chosen answer: He doesn't know his own future. She might die or he might regenerate before he sees her again.

Captain Defenestrator

Chosen answer: The Cybermen have a misplaced belief that all other life forms want to be upgraded. He can probably work out, from scaning the Dalek, that it is a powerful war machine and thus useful in subduing the humans. Once that's done, they could reward the Daleks by upgrading them.


Answer: "I Could Have Danced All Night" from the musical "My Fair Lady".


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The Satan Pit (2) - S2-E12

Doctor: So, that's the trap. Or the test or the final judgment, I don't know. But if I kill you, I kill her. Except that implies, in this big grand scheme of Gods and Devils, that she's just a victim. But I've seen a lot of this universe. I've seen fake gods and bad gods and demi-gods and would-be gods - out of all that - out of that whole pantheon - if I believe in one thing... Just one thing... I believe in her.

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