
17th Mar 2009

Miss March (2009)

Other mistake: Throughout most of the sequence in Hugh Hefner's office, the framing of the camera cuts the main character's head off. This is not a cinema error, this is bad framing. The framing fixes itself then goes back to cutting the character's head off.


1st Feb 2009

House of Voices (2004)

Other mistake: The DVD release was created with a "pseudo widescreen" as various scenes cut off major action. The most obvious is in the beginning of the film when the main character meets the crazy girl. Her head is framed bottom right but the widescreen completely cuts off the crazy girl's head. This can be explained by the enormous aspect ratio of the original film, which is bigger than standard (USA) widescreen, that or a bad transfer.


9th Mar 2006

16 Blocks (2006)

16 Blocks mistake picture

Other mistake: When Bruce and Mos Def are running through the alley near the beginning, they run past a Chinese man who slams a dumpster lid shut. Once Bruce pulls out his gun to look back, that same man starts running because he gets scared. In the next shot, he continues running, but soon stops as if he thinks filming is over. This is visible right before the camera pans to the right.


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