
2nd Feb 2015

The Fugitive (1993)

Question: In real life, when are cops allowed to shoot people? I find it hard to believe Samuel Gerard would have been allowed to shoot Richard repeatedly in the torso just for running away from him. I know the glass was bulletproof in that scene, but Gerard didn't know that.


Chosen answer: Richard is a convicted murderer on the run. A police officer would be justified in shooting him to prevent him from injuring anyone or taking a hostage.

Answer: The Supreme Court case Tennessee v. Garner affirmed that law enforcement officers have the right to kill fleeing felons if they have a reasonable belief that allowing the subject that they're pursuing to escape would possibly cause more harm to others.

Answer: Samuel Gerard was not a police officer. He was a U.S. Marshal, and they are not governed by the same rules as police. Also being a U.S. Marshal Gerard would surely have known that any glass in any government building would be bulletproof for just such an occasion.


Question: How did Jason leave the hospital without anybody seeing him?

Answer: There was no-one to see him. Remember? After he murdered Axel and the nurse, they were the only two employees left in the building.


Question: If Marie was dead when Bourne took her body out of the car in the river, why did her body sink to the bottom instead of floating after being let go? And how did Jason make sure she was dead?

Answer: The density of the human body is similar to the density of water, and what keeps us floating is the air in our lungs. Once this air is replaced with water, people will sink to the bottom. Jason probably recognized that she drowned from his training. To add to the other answer from a scientific standpoint. Bodies do resurface once putrefaction begins. Microbes will start to eat bits from inside the body that results in a lot of gas. As a result, this causes the density of the body to decrease, as the gas is light, and the body will float up to the surface of the water.


Answer: We only see her sink to the bottom. We never see her surface. Also he checked her pulse before letting go. Just in a way we couldn't see. Her body would have surfaced eventually but by then we were more focused on Bourne and his escape.


21st Feb 2023

Blood Diamond (2006)

Answer: Bribery, false documents, smuggling. Take your pick.

Answer: Diplomatic immunity.


Question: In the scene after Glen saws Monica's arm off and Kenneth crashes the bus, I can't tell if Glen was dead before he sawed Monica or after, and I can't figure out what killed him.

Blaze Calsrain

Chosen answer: Glen was alive when he accidentally sawed into Monica. He was killed as a result of the crash.

Answer: I'd like to think that if I had somehow managed to survive an apocalyptic zombie uprising and then accidentally chainsaw'd into another human being I think that I'd die just from the shock.

Alan Keddie

Answer: Glen doesn't saw Monica's arm off. He just saws into her body which is what kills her and then Glen dies as a result of the bus crash and from accidentally murdering an innocent woman.


14th May 2022

Copycat (1995)

Answer: She lives to shoot the killer thereby saving Helen. She only plays dead. Or was knocked unconscious. After all she was shot more than once. The vest may have saved her life but it didn't stop her from being out of action for a time.


Answer: Yes, she survives.


Answer: She was shown with the vest on before going out that night. She said something like makes my wonder bra obsolete.

2nd Feb 2023

American Beauty (1999)

Question: What is wrong with Ricky's mother? She always seems so distant and not in the right frame of mind, emotional abuse also maybe?

Answer: Whilst we, the audience, are never told what exactly is wrong with Ricky's mom, it could, as the previous member said, be any number of reasons. Depression, from being abused. Trauma from a history of a loveless marriage to a homosexual man.


Answer: Ricky's father is emotionally and physically abusive, and it's safe to say this is directed at his wife. A common response to abuse, especially sustained abuse over years of marriage, is to simply shut down, avoid engaging at all for fear of attracting attention/abuse. She also may be aware that her husband is (SPOILER ALERT) a closeted homosexual, which would be another motivation to be distant towards him.

Question: Were Katherine and Sebastian's parents even still together? And where were they? I'm guessing the movie was set in the summer and they were wealthy, so had taken off for a long holiday.

Answer: We the audience are never told one way or the other where the parents are. But according to Katherine, Sebastian's father is diddling the maid (or something). Meanwhile the mother, either one, is either, a) dead, b) in rehab or c) as you say on a permanent vacation.


16th Jan 2023

The Craft (1996)

Question: When Laura's hair is falling out in the school shower, she looks at Rochelle and says that she doesn't know what she did to deserve this. Why doesn't Rochelle say anything? She could at least point out the way that Laura bullies people, without revealing the witch coven.

Answer: I think this moment shows how people don't always "learn their lesson" — at least not when you think they should learn it. Rochelle seems to realize that her spell has been useless because Laura is not changing. She can't imagine why she deserves this.

Answer: Because unlike Laura, Rochelle is, or was, essentially a good person. And good people tend not to kick someone when they're down.


Answer: Sometimes people do not know what to say or are afraid that what they do say will be unwanted or taken the wrong way. There are situations where it's better to say nothing, and that was certainly not the time to start pointing out what's wrong with someone.


31st Aug 2020

Scream 3 (2000)

Question: How does Roman find Sidney's info for the crisis hotline? We never see him use Dewey's phone and I don't think it's possible he attacked Neil because Sidney would've found out about it.

Answer: But Roman is in police custody when the call happens and Kincaid has Dewey's phone.

Answer: Just because we never see Roman use Dewey's phone does not mean that Roman could not have used it to trace Sid. Also just because we never see Roman attack Neil does not mean he didn't. Though the phone way is more likely.


They discuss who used Dewey's phone. He says only he and Kincaid used the phone.

Answer: Erin along with the child make it out alive however the fate of them both following the events of the film are unknown.


Answer: The last we see of Erin, she's alive. And not so well. But she did survive. What we saw. But what would be left of her?


27th May 2018

Psycho (1998)

Question: When private investigator Milton Arbogast is attacked on the stairway, this film inserts two non sequitur pieces of footage right in the middle of the attack sequence: Just as Arbogast's face is slashed twice, a shot of a virtually-nude woman wearing a sleep-mask is inserted for a split-second, followed a moment later by a split-second insert of what appears to be a small calf standing in the middle of a road in a rainstorm. What is the meaning of those two inserts?

Charles Austin Miller

Answer: I'm sorry. There are no answers to your question. Or. The inserts were added to make the movie, which I liked, even more horrible.


Answer: His life flashing before his eyes? Snapshots of Norman's fractured psyche? The director's vision?

Alan Keddie

Those are just more questions.

Charles Austin Miller

22nd Nov 2021

Conspiracy Theory (1997)

Question: When Alice goes to find Jerry in the mental institution and pays the guard to help her find him, she tells the guard to call the cops to tell them where she is as she gets closer to finding him. Why does she want them to know what she's doing? If she hadn't, Jerry would not have been shot.

Answer: Alice, being a lawyer and not a police officer or law enforcement officer, would need back up and or firepower to aid her in her rescuing of Jerry. If she had not had bothered with the authorities then she'd likely end up dead as well as Jerry getting shot. Remember that it was Jonas who shot Jerry and this would have happened whether the authorities had been called or not. (I think) also Alice is just one lone figure. Against a whole army of baddies.


Question: What was with the ending? He melts down to a regular looking boy when in the original he was shown as deformed. I hate this ending, consider it the weakest and worst of the franchise.


Answer: The side effects of being washed away with toxic waste?


9th Oct 2020

Friday the 13th (1980)

Question: After defeating Mrs. Voorhees, why did Alice decide to sleep in a canoe? (I understand her being tired, but not why she slept there).

Answer: She was exhausted from fighting to stay alive. She collapsed in the boat.

Answer: Because she couldn't find a bed? So a canoe would be the next best thing.


20th Aug 2020

Halloween 4 (1988)

Answer: Thank you.


Answer: It's tricky to say, as the films have contradictory explanations, and there are different "timelines/universes" in the series. But in the context of this film, Michael is for some reason compelled to kill his family for reasons unknown. Presumably he's just finishing the job he started by killing his sister Judith decades earlier. (They try to give a more concrete explanation in the movie "The Curse of Michael Myers," but it's... flimsy at best. And is contradicted by the following film).


Answer: Because he's a psychopath. And purely and simply evil.


16th Sep 2022

Joy Ride (2001)

Question: Why did Rusty attack the guy in room 17 when he did nothing wrong? He would've figured out pretty quickly that the only car in the parking lot with a CB antenna attached to it was the one parked outside room 18. This is confirmed by the fact that he followed the car after Lewis and Fuller leave the motel. So why attack an innocent guy?

Answer: Because Rusty Nail was a psychopath. That and he must have felt physically threatened. And the innocent guy was mouthing off. Hence, the jaw removal.


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