
2nd Jan 2022

X-Men (2000)

Trivia: The first movie ever to which Kevin Feige served as a producer in some capacity. (He was credited as an "associate producer" in the final credits scroll.) Feige eventually went on to head Marvel Studios and become one of the most successful movie producers of all time.


6th Dec 2020

X-Men (2000)

4th Dec 2020

X-Men (2000)

Trivia: Patrick Stewart has said preparing for the role of Xavier was the most fun he's ever had preparing for a role, because the studio was constantly sending him comic books to read.


4th Dec 2020

X-Men (2000)

Trivia: The studio was hesitant about the film and didn't want to take a big financial risk on it. Thus, they reduced the budget to $75 million in comparison to the $90-$100 million many other blockbusters at the time cost.


4th Dec 2020

X-Men (2000)

Trivia: While they look great on-screen, reportedly the leather costumes the cast wore were a massive pain behind the scenes. They were so stiff at the start of the shoot, the cast could barely move in them. The first day of shooting, the cast was supposed to hop over a small ledge, and none of them could do it because the suits weren't flexible enough. Thankfully, the suits eventually began to loosen up the more the cast wore them.


4th Dec 2020

X-Men (2000)

Trivia: Hugh Jackman would start getting into character by taking ice-cold showers every morning the instant he woke up. They put him into an angry mood that he would then use for the character. He reportedly continued the tradition with every sequel.


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