Question: Why would Phil even gamble away the farm to Mrs Biggles in the first place? If he didn't neither him or Isabel and her kids would have gotten in that awful mess in the first place?


Answer: Clearly he is not a very responsible person. This was to create a storyline to add to the film.

25th Nov 2017

X-Men 2 (2003)

Answer: When Mystic broke into Stryker's offices, by changes into Lady Deathstryke, she got into his computer files. There were decades of top secret and covert op files. Besides, Magneto himself had decades to gather intelligence on any government officials, who were against mutants.

Answer: He didn't know specifically it was Colonel Stryker who experimented on Logan, but he knew the answers were at the secret military base hidden within the dam.

25th Nov 2017

Logan (2017)

Answer: Even with Charles' help, Logan was never able to completely put his violent past behind him and integrate into society at large. Xavier always taught his students to view mutant powers as a gift. Logan always viewed his powers as a curse.


Answer: He wasn't healing her, his was letting her soak up his life force, as she was obviously drained of being in status. She was getting a jump start.

Question: In the Rogue Cut, when Rogue arrives where Kitty and the rest are why does Rogue just stare at her for a bit?


Answer: In X-Men: The Last Stand, Bobby (Iceman) and Rogue were romantically involved. Now Kitty and Bobby are in a relationship.

20th Nov 2017

X-Men 3 (2006)

Answer: The implication is that the cure was ineffective. Magneto has full control of his powers by the time we see him in the mid-credits scene of "The Wolverine." Rogue, who also received the cure in this film, has her powers back in the extended edition of "X-Men: Days of Future Past," which takes place in the same timeline as this film up until the very end of it.


Answer: The cure is only temporary. The Rogue Cut of X-Men: Days of Future Past makes this explicitly clear as Rogue has also regained her powers after taking the cure.


Answer: Miyagi was not going to help Daniel train for the upcoming tournament just for Daniel to win a trophy. He felt karate should be used for defence in real-life situations only. Daniel was being secretly trained by Terry Silver, who was actually trying to hurt Daniel and brainwash him to be against Miyagi's ways of Karate. This all caused the anger Daniel had for Miyagi throughout many scenes as he simply felt Miyagi was not helping him.

Answer: Kata is definitely real and is used in several Japanese martial arts to varying degrees.


Answer: Because he liked to practise Kata.

Question: In the sixth book Dumbledore says that Voldemort has never wanted a friend, so why does he keep referring to the death eaters and Nagini as his friends?


Answer: He falsely calls them "friends" only to flatter them and maintain their loyalty and servitude. He cares nothing about them or anyone except for what they can do for him.


Answer: The reason the Crouches gave for her being fired was for something that was a relatively minor offense, not normally warranting dismissal. Sirius suspects that Winky was actually fired for having done something more serious and that the Crouch family was covering it up. He was correct because Winky was fired because she had failed to keep Barty Crouch, Jr. (who was kept hidden under an invisibility cloak) under her control while at the Quidditch World Cup. Barty got away from her and was the one who cast the Dark Mark in the night sky with Harry's stolen wand.


Question: Why did Harry tell Griphook to give Hermione the sword to hold when they were leaving shell cottage? Was it so Griphook couldn't leave them before they got the horcrux?


Answer: Harry did not trust Griphook to follow through on his end of the bargain if he was given the sword beforehand. He had the sword put in Hermione's bag for safekeeping. Anything inside the bag was immediately shrunk in size. It would be kept there until after they retrieved the cup horcrux from the Lestrange vault in Gringotts.


Nothing in the book or movie states that anything in Hermione's bag is shrunk, rather a charm is put on the bag, similar to that of The TARDIS, giving more room inside the bag.

Answer: Marriage isn't always about romantic love and many are entered into for a variety of reasons, and depending on the culture, there are many different views and beliefs regarding what constitutes wedlock. Just because someone wasn't in love with their spouse, does not mean they didn't respect that person, their union, or the overall institution of matrimony.


Answer: Returning to LA from Okinawa, he'd just found out that the apartment he was working at (from Part 1) was being torn down, therefore putting him out of a job. He was sad when taking one last look at the room he had to leave now with no job.

Answer: Out of his fear of possible danger and facing the unknown. He didn't yet fully trust everything Yoda told him.


Answer: She did not smile at him in particular. She was smiling in general, due to her nervous excitement about attending Hogwarts and being sorted into her House. Also, if the Sorting was performed in alphabetical order of last names - as it was in Harry's first year - then she was being sorted before Severus. Her last name, Evans, would be called before his. She did not yet know that he would be placed in a different House. After he was placed, she might have felt more awkward.

Question: I've only ever guessed this but am I right in thinking that the reason Harry wasn't expelled from Hogwarts because they thought he'd be safe from Black only there? Is that also why they wouldn't overlook Harry's Hogsmeade form not being signed?


Answer: Harry's protection from Black was always the first priority, but the reason Harry was wasn't expelled from Hogwarts was because he never did anything that warranted permanent dismissal. The incident with Aunt Marge was provoked by Harry's family and Dumbledore never would have held him fully accountable. Any other school rule-breaking on his part was never anything more than what other students had engaged in and resulted in being punished in an appropriate way. The school would never have overlooked Harry's unsigned form. If a parent or guardian did not sign it, then the school would not allow a student to participate in any activity that needed parental permission. That was the rule.


Answer: The moments are brief but important to those who ship Ron and Hermione. Basically, it's just a few moments where Hermione gets scared and instinctively grabs Ron's arm. That's literally all it is. It happens twice but Ron only reacts the first time. And one more, in the original timeline, when Buckbeak supposedly dies, Hermione shields her eyes behind Ron's shoulder and wraps her arms around his neck while crying.

Answer: Because he'd been knocked out by Harry's spell. Either he'd wake up on his own, or someone from Hogwarts would have been sent to fetch him. Ron was the one who needed immediate help because of his leg. Also, Snape would still be trying to apprehend Sirius if he was brought with them.


Answer: Yes, we hear Liz say, "So cool" but since she's sitting behind Adrian we don't actually see her saying it.

Super Grover

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