Quantom X

10th Oct 2013

Men in Black 3 (2012)

Question: When O is speaking in Finucian for her eulogy of Zed, you see the tombstone-like monument statues of other fallen MiB agents behind her. One of them bears the initial, T. But wasn't T J's partner in the beginning of MiB II, and only neutralized and not killed? So why is his statue there?

Quantom X

Chosen answer: An agent's name comes from the first letter of their first name. Even if J neutralized T, there was most likely another Agent T (whose first name began with T) who joined MIB and died battling aliens.

Casual Person

6th Oct 2013

Men in Black 3 (2012)

Question: Boris used the first time jump device to go back in time to 1969. J used the second one. You see throughout the movie that J has his with him for obvious reasons. But you never see what happened to Boris' device. So what did he do with it?

Quantom X

Chosen answer: He probably just put it in his pocket until he needed it again to go back to the present. Most likely, it would have been destroyed when 2012 Boris was killed after he was burnt by the space shuttle.

Casual Person

6th Oct 2013

Men in Black 3 (2012)

Question: O says that back in Cape Canaveral, in the unaltered time line, something happened to K that changed him. All that's really said though, is that he stopped and arrested Boris the Animal there. So what exactly was it that changed K?

Quantom X

Chosen answer: He saw J's father murdered by Boris. In the unaltered timeline, J says that his father wasn't around. We see this at the end and it's also why J was recruited into the Men In Black. K was keeping an eye on him the whole time.


6th Oct 2013

Men in Black 3 (2012)

Question: In the Lunar Max prison, the guards have patches on their uniforms bearing the initials, IDOC. What does that stand for?

Quantom X

Chosen answer: Most likely "Intergalactic Department Of Corrections."

Chosen answer: It's because it's a computer generated image. Renesmee, Edward and Bella's daughter, grows almost three times as fast as a normal human child would, maturing in about seven years. To achieve the effect, a young actress was used for the motion capture and the as the framework for what Renesmee would look like at various stages of her development. CGI effects have come a long way, but it's still imperfect and can look unnatural.


6th Oct 2013

Men in Black 3 (2012)

Question: When J is in the elevator after his time jump and asks the guy with the news paper about the date, you can faintly hear elevator music playing. It sounds extremely similar to the song Back In Time written by Pitbull for this movie, which plays as the credits start. Is it supposed to be like a tribute to this song as an elevator version or something?

Quantom X

Chosen answer: The name of the song is "Love is Strange," recorded by Mickey and Sylvia, and released November 1956. Pitbull sampled it in his song "Back in Time."


Chosen answer: Purely a creative decision, but based on the tone of this question I don't suppose you're honestly after an answer so much as you are just looking for someplace to express your distaste.


Because Schumacher wanted to base the suits on Greek sculptures hence the nipples. Don't forget Robin's shorts or Batman wearing different colored cowls in the comics, perhaps this was a nod to that.


29th Sep 2013

Jumper (2008)

Question: What game is Griffin playing when David goes to his 'lair' the second time? Just before David teleports there, Griffin is talking to a dead Paladin's body about the game he's playing and new moves. And then David sits in front of the TV to get his attention. You can't see the screen, but you can hear the game and it sounds like something that would be distinctive. What game is it?

Quantom X

Chosen answer: You see the screen for a second before David appears - the game Griffin is playing is Halo: Combat Evolved (the motion sensor HUD in the bottom left corner is quite distinctive).


27th Sep 2013

Street Fighter (1994)

Question: Is Fei-Long in this movie? He is the only character from the game I have not been able to ID in the movie. And if so, where is he? He's my favorite character from the game and I was disappointed to not see him.

Quantom X

Chosen answer: Fei Long was originally intended to be in the film, but was replaced by the character Captain Sawada.


Chosen answer: Its continuity follows with the first film (K's still being in the MiB is fleetingly addressed), but because it aired before the second and third films were produced, it is stand alone in relation to them.


24th Sep 2013

Men in Black 3 (2012)

Question: It is told that J remembers the events of the regular time line because he was involved in the past. Being there as a young boy that is when his father was killed. So why does O not remember the original time line? She was there too, as K's lover.

Quantom X

Chosen answer: O was not at Cape Kennedy for the launch, that was the focal point of the change in the timeline, so only people there would remember the original course of events.


24th Sep 2013

Men in Black 3 (2012)

Question: It was K that recruited J to the MIB. But Boris goes back in time and kills K, creating an alternate time line. Yet in that time line, J is still part of MIB. So who recruited him in the alternate time line?

Quantom X

Chosen answer: As mentioned in the corrections section, anyone could have handed him that business card, it's never mentioned.

Chosen answer: Because they were technically the same show. The 65 episodes of Super Mario Brothers Super Show contained 52 episodes of Super Mario and 13 episodes of The Legend of Zelda.


20th Sep 2013

World War Z (2013)

Question: Jerusalem is shown to be completely surrounded by hordes of zombies. Yet it's shown that a few parts are letting people in. Vehicles, buses, many people. How are these people getting in with the sheer mass of zombies at every corner of the wall?

Quantom X

Chosen answer: They're coming in through an area completely covered by chain link fence.

Answer: It isn't shown as completely surrounded by zombies.

20th Sep 2013

World War Z (2013)

Question: Is there any underlying significance to when they show zombie blood gets in Gerry's mouth, but he does not turn into a zombie?

Quantom X

Chosen answer: The significance of showing the blood drop on Gerry's tongue and him spitting it out was to back up the theory that the only way to become a zombie is to be bitten by one. After the blood touched his tongue he ran to the edge of the building and waited 12 seconds (the time it takes to become a zombie) before he stepped off the ledge. If he would have started to change he was going to attempt to jump off the roof before causing harm to his family.

Then how does the scientist at the WHO get infected from a blood sample?

You can't turn by ingesting, or getting the blood on you. It has to enter your bloodstream. The scientist cut his hand and got zombie blood into his bloodstream.

He stuck himself with an infected needle or a "sharps" tool coated with infected fluids, which cut him.

Blood tester is encased in glass. Dr. Testing did not pay attention. His hand was in the case while it was mixing. Glass broke, cut him, testing blood mixed with his.

Question: Before the first attack on Bruce, General Ross tells the men that he is suspected in the death of two Canadian hunters. Is this by any chance a reference to the Hulk Vs. Wolverine story that came out as an animated film the same year as this film?

Quantom X

Chosen answer: Possibly. More in line as a reference to the comic story rather the animated feature.


18th Sep 2013

The Sweeney (2012)

Chosen answer: Yes, it does. The movie is based on the British TV series.


15th Sep 2013

Blade Runner (1982)

Question: When Roy confronts Tyrell, he says something that I'm having difficulty figuring out. The captions read that he is saying "I want more life... father!" But to me, and I've listened to that part over and over trying to figure it out, it sounds like he is saying "I want more life... fucker!" So is he saying Father, or Fucker?

Quantom X

Chosen answer: It's a more complicated question than you might think. Two versions of the scene were filmed, the main one, where Roy says "fucker" and an alternate, originally intended for use on television, where he says "father." Different versions of the movie use different takes. Of the three best known variants, the original theatrical release and the inaccurately-named Director's Cut both use the "fucker" line, whereas the Final Cut, the only one that Ridley Scott had full control over, uses the "father" line. What he's saying will depend on which version of the movie you were watching. Only you can answer that one.


14th Sep 2013

Blade Runner (1982)

Question: What exactly prompts Zhora to attack Deckard when he's posing as an abuse agent? I guess there is something that makes her realize he's lying and or that he's a Blade Runner. But what tips her off? (00:55:08)

Quantom X

Chosen answer: She's paranoid, in hiding, and an expert killer. Either Deckard tipped her off or she decided it wasn't worth taking the chance that he wasn't legit.

Question: Why does Khan have to be alive for McCoy to use his blood to save Kirk? The blood will be removed from its supply anyway when drawn.

Quantom X

Chosen answer: McCoy has no real idea how much blood he's going to need to bring Kirk back - given the catastrophic radiation damage to his body, there's every possibility that he might need multiple transfusions over a period of time, which would be much easier if Khan was still alive. Plus there's also the issue that killing Khan could well involve spilling some of the blood that McCoy so desperately needs. Bringing Khan in alive is the best way to maximise their chances.


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