
This film was just okay. It's not the absolute dumpster fire that the "Amazing Spider-Man" movies are, but it doesn't stand up to the first two Sam Raimi films or the MCU films, either. The premise is interesting enough, but the other Spider-Man characters are barely developed and therefore not very interesting. The design on the Kingpin is also completely ridiculous, to the point where he was annoying to even look at.


7th Jun 2019

Dark Phoenix (2019)

As an X-Men movie it was okay. There were some good action scenes and character moments. But as another ill-advised attempt at adapting the iconic Dark Phoenix storyline from the comics, it was a complete failure.


26th Apr 2019

Avengers: Endgame (2019)

I won't go through the effort of giving a detailed review. As of this writing, this is the highest grossing film of all time, so most people have seen the movie and know what it's all about. All I will say is that this is the most satisfying and joyous moviegoing experience of my entire life, and I can't even fathom it ever being topped.


3rd Jan 2019

Bird Box (2018)

An ominous and suspenseful apocalyptic thriller with elements of "A Quiet Place, " "The Happening, " and "The Road."


21st Dec 2018

Funny People (2009)

Overlong, melodramatic and not the least bit funny.


The Grinch costume looks fantastic. Everything else about this movie is garbage.


This movie personifies why the found footage genre is so stupid. Just to give an example, there's a scene where the main character is literally running for his life from a coven of witches, but he makes sure to have his camera handy and recording the whole time, survival instincts be damned.


I was really looking forward to this film. Unfortunately, it's pretty lackluster. The much anticipated first meeting between Han and Chewbacca and the story of how Chewie became indebted to Han was underwhelming. Even the much hyped Kessel Run, which we finally got to see after years of hearing about it, was bland and uninspired.


To date, this is easily the most polarizing Star Wars film. I enjoy it, and it does have some great action scenes as well as some surprises. There are some flaws however. The entire sequence on the casino planet of Canto Bight felt like it was from the prequels. Additionally, the character of DJ played by Benicio Del Toro was a lazy and contrived plot convenience, and the character of Rose Tico was kind of annoying (nothing against the actress who plays her though, who unfortunately has been unfairly bullied by overzealous fans).


8th Oct 2018

North Country (2005)

Engrossing drama with a solid ensemble cast and terrific performances all around.


8th Oct 2018

Zombieland (2009)

Funny and thoroughly entertaining deconstruction of the otherwise stale and cliché zombie genre.


Ultimately satisfying, but falls short of greatness for being too much of a retread of "A New Hope."


It's definitely not a pleasant film to watch at times, but the story and characters are compelling, and the film's sense of humor adds needed levity without ever being used to subvert the more tense and serious scenes.


4th Oct 2018

Coach Carter (2005)

Great and likable performance by Samuel L. Jackson, but the majority of the basketball players in the movie are a bunch of whiny and self-entitled douchebags that the film just expects us to care about from the onset.


4th Oct 2018

Six Feet Under (2001)

An engrossing comedy/drama series, but unfortunately loses points for one of its main characters, Nate Fisher, being completely unlikable.


4th Oct 2018

Swordfish (2001)

Convoluted but fun action film.


To this day, this is the best film adaptation of the comics/1987 cartoon series. The costumes look great and the film takes itself seriously enough without sacrificing any fun.


2nd Oct 2018

Demolition Man (1993)

A fun and funny action/satire film.


A thoroughly entertaining crime film with no shortage of hilarious jokes and a fantastic performance from Willem Dafoe.


25th Sep 2018

The Mummy Returns (2001)

Bad CGI aside (even for its time), this is a fun adventure film with an underrated score by Alan Silvestri. Plus, Rachel Weisz is smoking hot in it.


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