
5th Sep 2019

The Predator (2018)

Question: Why would the main character send the obviously dangerous and unstable alien tech to his house? I could see no other reason then to just simply get the plot to move along but it's obvious he doesn't have a consistent stable relationship with his son and wife - why send the tech there? And on top of that with no explanation to them as to what it is? On top of that he seemed like he was a respected member of the military - there was no reason for him to go against that and hide this information.


Answer: He actually states that he sent it to a P.O. box because he didn't want it at his wife's house and potentially endanger her. But since he hadn't been paying his P.O. box fees, the postman brought the box along with some other mail to the house.


Answer: McKenna states that he assumed his estranged wife would just put the box with the rest of his stuff and leave it alone. He doesn't trust sending it to anyone else because they might open the box and have questions. As you suggest, it is indeed quite an egregious plot contrivance because why would his wife be any less prone to open his mail than anyone else? And in fact, Rory does open the box so the plan didn't even work. McKenna hides the tech from the military because he wants the credit for discovering alien life, and he also fears the government will try to cover up the discovery, which of course they do.


1st Oct 2019

The Simpsons (1989)

Answer: They simply didn't like the real Seymour Skinner. He was headstrong and didn't vibe with the townsfolk. Armin was a pushover who didn't really rock the boat, so to speak, so they wanted to keep him around to maintain the previous status quo.


30th Sep 2019

Forrest Gump (1994)

Question: Given what a brute Jenny's boyfriend is at the hippie party, why would everyone just stare silently at Forrest when all he did was deck the jerk, merely defending her?


Answer: He disrupted the Black Panthers' meeting and assaulted one of their members (or at least someone allied to their cause).


Question: How did Ronnie do what he did to the guy who was about to sack him during the Groveton game? Is that even possible?

Answer: Yes, it is possible. He lowers his body and uses the opposing player's own momentum to flip him over his back. I don't know the official name of it, but I've seen it performed by NHL players and the announcers called it "submarining."


27th Sep 2019

Mr. Bean (1989)

Answer: There isn't anyone in particular that is credited with the role on IMDb. Given that Mr. Bean's encounters with the car usually ended with that car being run off the road, the person behind the wheel is not an actor, but a stunt driver.


26th Sep 2019

Avengers: Endgame (2019)

Question: Where was Gamora during the funeral scene and when the Guardians leave at the end. Was she just hiding on earth or something?

Gavin Jackson

Answer: This version of Gamora had abandoned Thanos, but she is also not a member of the Guardians of the Galaxy, so she flees to parts unknown. There's an alternate version of the scene when Tony dies showing all the heroes bowing to him, with Gamora looking back at Tony momentarily before heading off all by herself.


25th Sep 2019

Sleepy Hollow (1999)

Question: What would have been the legal status of Widow Winship's unborn baby if the Horseman hadn't killed her or the baby?

Answer: Van Garrett amended his will naming the widow Winship as his beneficiary, so had the child been born, she likely would have been the heir apparent of the widow.


But, what would the legal status of the baby be?

They were married in secret before they were killed, so the baby would have been legitimate.

Legal as in what? If she's born on U.S. soil and her mother lives as well, then she's a protected citizen entitled to her father's name and whatever rights a female would have been granted by the U.S. Constitution at the time. If the mother dies, she presumably becomes a ward of the state until someone adopts her.


Not sure why I decreed the baby to be female as I don't think the film ever specified its gender, but the same basic things would apply to a male baby as well, possibly even more so since men had more rights back then.


25th Sep 2019

The Mist (2007)

Question: Why didn't the insect that landed on Mrs. Carmody attack her?

Answer: She remained calm. If a spider was crawling on your arm and you flailed your arm in response, it might instinctively bite you.


Question: Why doesn't JJJ look like himself? True he's being played by JK Simmons but here he's bald without the trademark Jameson hairstyle.


Answer: This is a different version of JJJ, not the one from the previous Spiderman movies, just like PP.


Thanks folks though it's still weird looking since he should have his brush top look.


I agree. But I'm already glad it's JK Simmons and not some other actor.


Answer: The general movie-going audience doesn't always know the difference between MCU movies and movies that are based on Marvel properties made by other studios. Jameson's different look might have been done to avoid confusing fans into thinking that this iteration of Spider-Man is somehow connected to the Sam Raimi films.


Question: Bit of a silly question, but what happened to Felicity Shagwell? She appears to have disappeared after the Spy Who Shagged Me, did Austin just forget about her?

Answer: Felicity Shagwell was originally in the beginning of Austin Powers in Goldmember, but her scene was cut from the final film and has not appeared on any DVD releases. Because of that we do not actually know the reason why she decided to leave Austin.

Answer: There were 2 Austins at the end of the 2nd film, that being said past Austin stayed with her and the other Austin left to the future to fight against Dr. Evil.

Answer: Just like most Bond Girls, she was swept aside in favor of a new love interest in the sequel. Had they made a fourth movie, they likely would not have brought Beyonce back either.


26th Mar 2019

General questions

I need help identifying the title of a book. My brother was reading it in the mid-90s, and the only thing I remember him telling me about it was two gruesome deaths: one of a character getting hit in the face with a spiked baseball bat, and the other being a character I think was named Eddie who is decapitated by a wire while he is riding a motorbike. I could have swore that it was "The In Crowd" by Christopher Pike, but no such book appears in his bibliography, nor does there seem to be any adult fiction novel with that name. I seem to recall that the cover of the book depicted a teen girl sitting at a computer with a distressed look on her face.


Answer: Found the answer. The book is "The In Crowd" by Nicholas Pine.


18th Sep 2019

General questions

I'm looking for the title of the movie where the lead character has a string of partners who after they break up then go on to meet the person they marry, and it really bums him/her (can't remember) out. It's like they're the person everyone has to date to figure out what they really want in life.

Answer: Sounds like it could be "Good Luck Chuck" with Dane Cook and Jessica Alba.


16th Jul 2018

Sunshine (2007)

Question: The captain of the first Icarus is insane, burned worse than Freddy Krueger, and his crew has been dead conceivably for 7 years. How is he even alive still without medical care, let alone able to attack and murder members of the second Icarus crew? Insanity doesn't bar one from infection or organ failure.

Answer: Actually, there is a perfectly logical explanation for Pinbacker being on the Icarus II: he went through the airlock while the team was searching the ship and sabotaged the connection from there.


Wouldn't the Icarus II immediately sense his presence though? As soon as Capa and Mace reach the airlock, the ship acknowledges that they are there.


Answer: It is implied that Pinbacker's dedication to his mission to destroy humanity allows him to ignore his injuries. It must also be pointed out that Pinbacker was intentionally designed by director Danny Boyle to break the "realism" of the film. His survival is intended to be almost supernatural. Note that there is no possible way Pinbacker could have made it from Icarus I to Icarus II, but he does somehow and it's never explained.


12th Sep 2019

Spider-Man 3 (2007)

Question: When Harry confronts Peter as The New Goblin for the first time while trying to avenge his father, was he planning to kill Peter, or just torture him by toying around with him in a terrible way?

Answer: He was planning on killing him before unmasking him in the previous film, so likely his intention here was to still kill him. He's shown to have used the gas that Norman tested on himself which made him insane and more aggressive, which would suggest Harry would undergo the same changes.


Answer: Harry's intent was to kill Peter because he believed that Peter was responsible for the death of his dad Norman. When Harry tries to knock Peter off a building and even throws pumpkin bombs at him.

Question: After Peter yells at Kevin "You spent $967 on room service?!", where does Kevin run off to? It's not clear from what's onscreen.

Answer: He's heading back to the hotel most likely to apologize for spending such a huge amount.

Answer: It's Kevin's dad who screams out. You can tell because Buzz looks at the bill, smirks, and says, "Oh, Dad." I've always interpreted it as Kevin running away. The joke is that Kevin's dad screams so loud from the hotel room that Kevin can hear him from the park. So Kevin wouldn't want to face his dad.


I just watched the clip on YouTube and yeah you're right, it is his dad. The sound of his voice when he yells "Kevin" sounds exactly like Buzz, so it probably conditioned a lot of viewers such as myself to accept it as Buzz's voice for the whole line.


24th Jul 2019

Midsommar (2019)

Question: Spoilers: When Simon's corpse is discovered flayed apart and hanging, it looked like some of the organs suspended above him (possibly his lungs?) were still moving a bit. Was he still alive at that moment?


Answer: Yes, that is the impression that is given. He is still alive.


How would they be able to keep him from bleeding to death? We see earlier in the film when they kill Josh that someone was wearing Mark's skin. That means they completely flayed him and then crudely reattached his skin in order to hang him from the ceiling later on.


Never mind, I see that I was confusing Simon with Mark. It looked like Mark hanging to me when Christian found Simon.


27th Aug 2019

Batman (1989)

Question: Why did Joker poison everyone in the museum? If he wants to talk to Vicki alone, why can't he send her to a secluded area rather than send her to a public place?


Answer: Because he's a homicidal maniac, and he also wants to test his gas.


Question: Back in 1885 why doesn't Doc change the letter he sent to Marty, asking him to bring a can of gas?

Answer: When Marty received the letter from Doc in 1955, as seen in the second movie, Doc wrote down that he didn't want Marty to go to 1885 to rescue him because he was happy living in the past. Instead, he wanted Marty to take the Delorean straight back to 1985 and then destroy it so it could never be used for personal gain again.

But once Marty appears in the past Doc could easily change the letter, changing things such that Marty would bring gas with him.

That wouldn't really work with Marty already there. Since Marty and Doc are occupying the same timeline, changing the letter wouldn't do anything until Marty traveled back into the future, at which point the altered letter would be unnecessary since they had found a way for Marty to return.


Changing the letter wouldn't have made a difference. When Doc decides to leave 1885, Marty tells Doc that he ripped the fuel line so, with the fuel line damaged and no gas available, bringing a can of gas wouldn't have helped.

Answer: This would create a different timeline, not the timeline they are in.

Answer: That would not be possible as in 1885, Doc sent the letter on September 1st, and 1955 Doc sent Marty to 1885 on September 2nd so it was a day later and on the 1st, Doc was not expecting Marty to turn up. However, one CAN ask why Marty and Doc didn't go to the local Western Union office and change it (or write a new one) there since it was in their possession per the gentleman in part 2.

Changing the letter while Marty is in 1885 with Doc would accomplish nothing, because it doesn't it instantly travel to the future. Marty at the end of Part II, for his part, may receive the letter almost immediately, but the letter itself had to wait 70 years to be delivered to him.


I mean, there's no solid rules to time traveling, but just for argument's sake it seems like the letter idea could work... in the franchise, when something is set in motion, the effects usually take place immediately. Take for instance when George and Lorraine kissed at the dance in Part 1. The picture of Marty and his siblings went right back to normal, even though the kids had not been born yet. Doc and Marty changing the Western Union letter "could" have had an immediate effect and a gas can could have materialized in the Delorean, much like we've seen newspaper headlines change before our very eyes, disappearing gravestones, etc.


In your examples, the changes occur to future events. The items that changes, like the picture and newspaper, are from the future themselves. They can't change the past by changing events in the future (like they do in Bill and Ted's). This is why Doc and Marty couldn't go back to 2015 to stop old Biff from taking the DeLorean.


18th Aug 2019

Avengers: Endgame (2019)

Question: Considering how many heroes died fighting Thanos, why was only Tony Stark given a funeral?

Answer: There's nothing to indicate that only Stark was given a funeral. While some sorcerers, Ravagers, and Asgardians were certainly killed in the final battle, they wouldn't have been personally known by all the main characters, and showing funerals for any of them would be rather superfluous in an already three-hour long movie.


10th Aug 2019

Avengers: Endgame (2019)

Question: Why didn't Hulk use the Infinity Gauntlet to snap Thanos and his army? He was able to snap everybody that Thanos killed and survived, so he would have survived another snap.

Answer: The gauntlet fell off after his first snap, then Thanos arrived from the past and destroyed the building, separating them. Hulk never got near the gauntlet and the stones during the ensuing battle, so he didn't have an opportunity to try a second snap to destroy Thanos.


Really what they should have done was pulled the stones off the gauntlet and separated them again, and not run around with a fully assembled and powered up Gauntlet for Thanos to grab.


I agree.

That would mean they had to touch them, and nobody besides Hulk, Thor and Carol could touch one without dying.


Ordinary humans can't just grab an infinity stone. Even when Thanos takes the power stone out of gauntlet you see it start to destroy them.

Only the Power Stone has been shown to kill normal people who try to hold it. Hawkeye literally held the Soul Stone in his hand in this movie.


Because he made the necessary sacrifice. Anyone else touching it, big problem. Could be an exception though. The power, reality and space gems have been proven to be untouchable and killing anyone who does (with exceptions though). Time gem is very carefully handled as well so I wouldn't touch that one either. Mind gem, who knows?


I don't recall the Time Stone killing anyone who touched it. The only example I can think of was the Red Skull presumably being killed when he handled the Tesseract, but was in actuality teleported to Vormir. The Reality Stone has a will of its own, so someone could feasibly handle it without harm. You're wonder about the Mind Stone is correct, as no human character was shown in any movie to have handled it directly. Overall though, I would say that I disagree with someone trying to remove a stone from the gauntlet, as one stone could easily be lost, and Thanos could still kill every hero at the battle even with one or more stones missing.


The reality stone attaches itself to anyone touching it like a parasite and slowly kills them. I'd say it's a bad idea to touch it. As for the time stone only the ancient one and Hulk actually touched it and there is reason Strange handles it carefully and without touching it. As for the Red skull, don't really know if he is really alive on Vormir. Who knows what the tesseract did to him?


Whether or not Red Skull is still alive is an interesting topic, but either way, I'd argue that while the Tesseract transported him, it itself is not what made him in his current state, but rather his curse to guard the Soul Stone and the planet of Vormir itself, as it is a dominion of death as Nebula stated.


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