
Continuity mistake: The body of the woman Velvet von Ragnar kills with his deadly middle finger nail immediately disappears after he kills her.


Continuity mistake: At The Incinerator night club, Lance rides past an exit on his motor bike as an ATV and its rider emerges, but when the shot changes to Lance riding down the ramp, the same ATV and rider are emerging from the exit again.


Continuity mistake: The drunk biker holds his can of beer low in one scene, then closer to his mouth in the next immediate shot as he asks about Lance's bike.


Visible crew/equipment: A film crew member wearing a white baseball cap and dark blue T-shirt is seen in the shot of Cliff, Lance, and Danja escaping from the smelter facility.


Continuity mistake: When Pyramid gives the computer disc to von Ragnar, it is in a clear plastic baggie that disappears, then reappears as von Ragnar waves it at his minions.


Continuity mistake: After Lance guns down Pyramid to Lance's front, he guns down the biker thugs who were seen behind him the scene before and are now in front of him.


Continuity mistake: The views of von Ragnar at the wheel of the semi truck show him wearing tight-fitting glitter gloves as seen into the cab, but large, looser, darker gloves in closeup shots of von Ragnar's hands on the wheel.


The Night of the Deadly Bubble - S2-E22

Continuity mistake: When West and Dr. Pringle back up to the steel door to escape, West is about three feet in front of it. One of the villain's henchmen bursts in, saying, "hold it." The next shot and West is about eight feet away from the door and the henchman.


The Night of the Deadly Bubble - S2-E22

Continuity mistake: Dr. Pringle and West back up to a steel door to escape from the room and West is behind a table with lab equipment on it. A henchman charges in, gun drawn on West. The next instant shot shows the table has moved several feet to the viewer's left, presumably to make room for the impending fist fight West will have with the bad guys.


The Night of the Brain - S2-E21

Continuity mistake: When West and Gordon enter the print shop, they see Mr. Blackhurst's corpse sitting at his desk, with his head up, but when West and Gordon approach Blackhurst, his head is now noticeably bowed forward.


The Night of the Brain - S2-E21

Other mistake: Throughout this episode Gordon keeps producing orange-sized smoke bombs, but he has no pockets in his clothing large enough for all of them and if he did, the size of the bombs would be obvious in his clothing.


Continuity mistake: When Dennis comes out of the shower dressed only in a towel to find Maya on his bed, she greets him and gestures with her left hand, but the next quick frontal shot of her shows her gesturing with her right hand.


Continuity mistake: While Dennis and Gordon are speaking about the show tickets from the night before, the cigarette Gordon is smoking is in his mouth in the shots over his right shoulder and gone in the frontal face shots.


6th Jul 2018

Space Cowboys (2000)

Visible crew/equipment: Set lights and camera equipment are reflected in Hawk's sunglasses as he speaks with the kid who wants to go up in his plane.


3rd Jul 2018

Family Guy (1999)

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