The Simpsons Game (2007)

332 mistakes

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The Simpsons Game mistake picture

Continuity mistake: Bartman Begins: After Bart has bought the Grand Theft Scratchy game, he begins to walk away from the store. From the exterior shot, he is shown walking past the window. The shot then changes and Bart is suddenly yet to walk by the window.

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The Simpsons Game mistake picture

Continuity mistake: Bartman Begins: After Bart has stopped Jimbo, Jimbo is telling him to stop freaking him out with his abilities. As he says this, beside Jimbo is a dinosaur coccyx positioned on a purple part of the floor. Jimbo then tells him they are henchmen and the coccyx has moved to a blue part of the floor.

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The Simpsons Game mistake picture

Continuity mistake: Bartman Begins: When Bart shows the Squeaky Voiced Teen the Cal's Calzone Frequent Calzone Eaters card, he first has three fingers placed on the card - one above the other finger with the side of his finger placed on the card and the same for the second one below it and a third finger pushed against the second. In a sudden close-up of the card, it is now four fingers pushed against the back of the card.

Casual Person

Revealing mistake: Bartman Begins: After Bart has pulled the lever to open the door to the second dinosaur exhibit, travel back through that opened door and back through the exit door to the first dinosaur exhibit. There is also another positioned directly behind the entrance door. There are several frames at this moment where the door will just vanish completely.

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The Simpsons Game mistake picture

Continuity mistake: Game Over: When the Simpsons meet God, the Simpsons go from looking at God to looking 90° in the opposite direction between shots.

Casual Person

Continuity mistake: Game Over: On the Wii and PSP versions, just as the opening cutscene finishes, Shakespeare is standing atop the gates to heaven, but as soon as the level starts, Shakespeare is standing on the ground.

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The Simpsons Game mistake picture

Continuity mistake: Five Characters In Search Of An Author: Maggie suddenly appears on Marge's baby carrier as soon as the game engine start to crumble. She nor the baby carrier attached to Marge was never visible at any point before this.

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The Simpsons Game mistake picture

Continuity mistake: Five Characters In Search Of An Author: When Matt Groening unveils the Game Engine self destruct button, the painting hiding it changes position in relation to the self destruct button between shots.

Casual Person

Continuity mistake: Five Characters In Search Of An Author: After you have reached the interior of the mansion, try and run up a staircase as Bart. If you change the camera angle to an aerial shot and walk up the staircase, a chandelier will appear. If you do nothing the chandelier will just vanish from shot, despite not having moved.

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The Simpsons Game mistake picture

Character mistake: Big Super Happy Fun Fun Game: During the battle between Homer and Lisa and Sherri and Terri (who are both female), just as Lisa unleashes Linguo, Lisa says "Linguo, fix his grammar for good." In this context, it should be "her" or "their."

The Simpsons Game mistake picture

Continuity mistake: Grand Theft Scratchy: The woman in blue gets crushed by the huge heart fixed onto the sweet store. This heart was never visible during the wide shot at the start of the cut scene.

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The Simpsons Game mistake picture

Continuity mistake: Bargain Bin: When Homer places the Duff can on the computer DVD player, the can falls over and spills on the keyboard. In the next shot, the Duff can vanishes.

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The Simpsons Game mistake picture

Revealing mistake: Invasion of the Yokel Snatchers: On the Wii version, just as Homer and Bart are about to be sucked into the spaceship, a car on the ground can be sticking through part of a damaged wall. As Homer and Bart are sucked into the ship, the car then lifts out of the ground and fades through the wall without damaging it.

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The Simpsons Game mistake picture Video

Continuity mistake: Enter The Cheatrix: After Bart and Lisa break into Frink's basement, they discover a Rift Portal. The first shot shows the "DO NOT USE" sign a foot above Bart and Lisa's height. But as Bart walks into the portal, the sign is suddenly located at the same height as Bart.

Casual Person

Plot hole: Principal Skinner got arrested in "Bartman Begins" for getting the bullies to steal from the museum. Yet in "Mob Rules" (which takes place on that same day), he is seen outside Springfield Town Hall instead of being in jail. Marge did break Snake out of jail earlier in the level, but Skinner was never seen in jail.

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The Simpsons Game mistake picture

Continuity mistake: Around The World In 80 Bites: In the ending cutscene, the losing contestants have to clean up. There's hardly any mess when they start cleaning. But the place is suddenly filled with mess when Comic Book Guy says "Less references, more mopping" to Willie.

Casual Person

Continuity mistake: Bartman Begins: After Bart flies onto the seal forming the bridge, a cutscene is then shown of Homer and Bart standing next to a glass wall witnessing the bullies stealing the artifacts. When it returns to the game, Homer and Bart are back on the seal.

Casual Person

Bug: The Land of Chocolate: To end the level, the game will need the player to smash all of the chocolate rabbits. If there are two left and you destroy one of them, the level will still end even with one of them still alive.

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The Simpsons Game mistake picture

Continuity mistake: Big Super Happy Fun Fun Game: When Milhouse is about to give the key card to Homer and Lisa, he extends his arm to hand it to them and puts his arm in a bent position. In the next shot, his arm is fully extended, with no visible bend.

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The Simpsons Game mistake picture

Continuity mistake: Lisa The Tree Hugger: Lisa takes the The Simpsons Game manual off Bart. After Bart says "Can we skip this level?", Lisa starts talking to Bart and the manual has disappeared. There was also nowhere for Lisa to put the manual.

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Homer Simpson: Hey, you're like that rabbit thing from that book about a girl named Alice who goes to Wonderland. What was it called? Oh, yeah. Snow White in Stupidtown.

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More quotes from The Simpsons Game

Trivia: This game offers 16 levels with different 2-character groupings. There are seven levels with Homer and Bart (eight if you count Game Over for the Wii and PSP versions), three with Bart and Lisa, two with Marge and Lisa, one with Homer and Lisa and one with Homer and Marge. However, there are no levels in the game that feature a 2-character grouping between Marge and Bart. The closest the game ever gets to this is the 4-character grouping Game Over (but only for the Xbox 360 and PS3 versions).

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