Best drama movie mistakes of 2020

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Brahms: The Boy II picture

Continuity mistake: Brahms was quite clean for having been buried under dirt and leaves. No dirt fell off Brahms' body when Jude pulled him out of his "grave" and there did not appear to be dirt in his hair. When Sean (Jude's father) held up Brahms, the doll looked relatively clean - or cleaner compared to when Liza (Jude's mother) started to wash him. (00:14:10 - 00:15:45)


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Lost Girls and Love Hotels picture

Continuity mistake: When Margaret got off the elevator, she had hair from her right side pulled back over her head and curved toward the left side. It stayed like this while she was walking down the hallway, but her hair was different when the camera shifted to a front view. (Her hair frequently changes from combed to dishevelled or between various forms of dishevelled - too many to document here and without adding anything more of significance). (00:12:35 - 00:14:11)


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Darkness in Tenement 45 picture

Revealing mistake: The candles on the long dinner table are numerous and clustered, but linear in front views of people seated at the table. Based on how the candles are disorderly arranged, it would not be possible to show a couple or few candles spaced apart in front of one person. (00:05:35)


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Rev (2020)

Rev picture

Continuity mistake: Mikey and his friend are smoking the same inch-long joint by the back door which gets passed back and forth - no way they could keep holding/smoking it for that long given how short it was to start with. (00:04:50)


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Echo Boomers picture

Factual error: TV reporters said "home invasions" and mentioned trying to find the people who were responsible for the "70 robberies." Lance (in prison), was talking to a woman who was going to write a book and told her he got "twelve years" for "fifteen counts of robbery and vandalism." The crime Lance and the rest of the group were committing fits the legal definition of "burglary" in Illinois (basically, entering an occupied structure with the intent to commit a felony or theft inside; the structure does not have to be occupied at the time of the act). Because there happened to be someone at home during their last (intended) "burglary", this offense would be classified as a "robbery."


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All the Bright Places picture

Continuity mistake: Theodore rides once the tiny rollercoaster; the cart comes to a full stop and his left foot is in the space between the bars, but in the next shot the left foot is on the outside. (00:48:00)


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Minari picture

Continuity mistake: Monica's station wagon and the moving van Jacob drove to their new property in Arkansas are not parked in the same positions moments after their arrival. Initially, both vehicles are at some distance from the mobile home (or trailer) and are roughly parallel. When the camera shifts to a view from the vehicles toward the mobile home, the vehicles are suddenly a lot closer and their front ends are angled toward each other. (00:02:13)


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The Night Clerk picture

Character mistake: Bart is sitting on a bench outside the hotel. After Detective Espada talks to the Mercer hotel manager/owner, he goes to talk to Bart. Bart has blood on both hands and lower left sleeve. Detective Espada is supposed to be investigating a fresh murder case that puts Bart at the scene, but he does not confiscate Bart's bloody clothes, conduct a gun powder test on Bart's hands to check for residue, or take him to the police station for formal questioning. Espada did not follow police protocol. (00:17:36)


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The 2nd picture

Continuity mistake: Early in the film when Jake gets in his car to head off to pick up his son, his seatbelt is on although there is no sight of him putting it on, then, as he pulls away the seatbelt is off.


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Words on Bathroom Walls picture

Plot hole: After the incident in Chemistry class, Adam was taken to the hospital where he was diagnosed with schizophrenia. Next, Adam found out that he was expelled from school. What happened during Chemistry class was attributed to Adam's "first psychotic break" - which would fall under a medical condition for which Adam could not have prevented or controlled. The Department Of Education has laws protecting students like Adam (Individuals with Disabilities Education Act or IDEA, enacted in 1975), and the school is required to meet the child's / student's needs. An Individual Education Program (IEP) should have been prepared for Adam by his school, so the expulsion served to further the plot. (00:06:00 - 00:06:30)


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Dream Horse picture

Continuity mistake: The shape, amount, length and width of the white down "Dream Alliance's" face varied, as did the height of his white "boots", indicating that the same foal/horse was not used throughout the movie. The white on the foal's and adult Dream Alliance's face and lower legs looked painted on at times. Before Dream's first race, black tape was used on his lower legs, apparently as an attempt to make a different horse's higher white boots less or not at all noticeable. (00:32:42 - 00:35:51)


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Survive the Night picture

Factual error: Rich told Jamie, "There was a car accident. Guy came in. I cut when I should've stitched or stitched when I should've cut. I don't even know. His family sued in civil court, and I lost everything." A doctor working at a hospital would have been required to carry malpractice insurance, which would have protected him from "losing everything." Also, it would be difficult to prove that a car accident victim who died during surgery was a victim of malpractice; most cases are settled out of court. (00:38:30)


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News of the World picture

Continuity mistake: When Johanna and the Captain are being chased by Mr Almay and his associates, their position in the wagon changes. First Johanna is on the Captain's left. Next shot she is on his right. Next shot she is back on his left. (00:42:14)

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Godmothered picture

Continuity mistake: Jane Curtin is teaching to a rather seasoned class. One of those old hags says sarcastically "Because we really never do anything." As she says it, notice Eleanor turning towards her momentarily. She then turns completely, facing the opposite way, but at the cut she is repeating the turn from the beginning. Moreover, Moira's mouth closes after she says "Enough!" but the following shot on Curtin shows her still jaw-dropped. (00:04:05)


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Life in a Year picture

Continuity mistake: Daryn starts running/jogging in summer foliage. Autumn foliage is shown in an aerial view, then it switches back to summer and Daryn is running on the street. When Daryn says "bye" to Ms. Murdoch, there is spring foliage behind him but summer foliage behind him when the camera shifts. It is one timed-running session and he is wearing the same clothes. (00:01:30 - 00:02:28)


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Horse Girl picture Horse Girl mistake picture

Continuity mistake: The protagonist receives her gift from Molly Shannon. She unwraps it and puts the discarded wrapping on the counter. When we see it again at the end of the scene, the wrapping is much less torn apart than the first time around (or at least has been arranged neatly). (00:09:45)


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Death of a Telemarketer picture

Continuity mistake: At the "Wave Hair Salon", Ms. Gordon has a curler/roller at the top of her forehead. In some shots, it is straight, but in other shots it is angled. A little later, Christine goes over to Ms. Gordon and starts rolling down the curler to the top of her forehead as if for the first time. (00:08:04 - 00:08:47)


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The Way Back picture

Factual error: After sleeping in and being late for practice, Jack is driving to the gym. It is supposed to be morning yet the shadows made by the sun show the sun is setting over the ocean and therefore evening.

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Rising High picture

Continuity mistake: During the introductory meeting with Nicole Kleiber, her glasses on the desk switch back and forth between open and folded. (00:26:20)


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The Trial of the Chicago 7 picture

Audio problem: When we are first introduced to Hayden lecturing the classroom, the shots from behind do not match the sound with the movement of his jaw.


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