Best family movie mistake pictures of 2007

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Continuity mistake: At the start, when the camera pans through the doorway of Ms. Darbus's classroom, Zeke sits on a tall stool that is about 3 feet high. Oddly enough, in the following shots, the munchkin stool he now sits on only reaches the height of about 1 foot. (Did they really think we wouldn't notice?) The wood stool also moves forward a few feet. (00:00:50)

Super Grover

More High School Musical 2 mistake pictures

Revealing mistake: In the Forbidden Forest, HRH are introduced to Grawp. Just as the giant lifts Hermione off the ground, in the shot from behind her, Hermione's legs disappear below her calves; the digital lines are actually visible. Slow-mo is not necessary. (Only visible on fullscreen DVD.) (01:29:40)

Super Grover

More Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: When Dave leaves his house for work, there is a skateboard leaning up against the wall by the door and there is an umbrella stand with a lot of umbrellas in it. But when Dave gets back home from work the skateboard is now on the other side of the door in the corner and there are now fewer umbrellas in the stand. (00:03:35 - 00:09:30)


More Alvin and the Chipmunks mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: After receiving the phone call from Nancy, when Robert and Morgan are talking in the taxi, his seatbelt repeatedly changes from over to under his trench coat collar. (00:16:45)

Super Grover

More Enchanted mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: Remy is reunited with his father in Paris. They are in a conversation at a little table. Remy's 'cup' moves closer to the edge of the table, towards our left, in several shots.


More Ratatouille mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: First day in class, when Hoager "beeps" at Jesse, Mrs. Myers writes two words. The word "verb" is over the word "subject" on the board, in the close-up. After she turns around, in the following shots, the word "predicate" appears, disappears, then reappears and "subject" is written over "verb" now. Additionally, during this scene, all the other writing on the blackboard changes between shots as well. (00:06:15)

Super Grover

More Bridge to Terabithia mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: When Lyra is walking through the palace to meet King Ragnar of the Ice Bears, there are a great many bears all around her, with a few following her right up to the king. She gets to the king, and when the shot pans out to the hall, suddenly all the other bears are gone. Even if they all left the hall, it would take more than a second or two to do so.


More The Golden Compass mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: In the scene where the security guard halts Mr Bean (dressed as a grandma) and the supposed kidnapped child, he is asked for his pass. Mr Bean hands the guard an already opened ID style flip card, but when the guard takes it, he is seen opening it as if it were closed.

More Mr. Bean's Holiday mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: Shoeshine is telling Jack to 'give the dog your food'. Jack throws him a rubber steak, which moves further away from Shoeshine in a subsequent shot. (00:35:00)


More Underdog mistake pictures

Revealing mistake: Near the end, right when "little wonders" starts, Lewis takes a moment to look at his future family, Lucille, Frannie, etc. When there's a closeup on Lewis, his memory scanner reveals a reflection of no one in the gym, except for Lewis, even though people are supposed to be standing in front of him.

More Meet the Robinsons mistake pictures

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