Best movie mistake pictures of 2000

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Continuity mistake: In the start of the film Matthew McConaughey is sitting on a porch at a wedding reception smoking a cigar, in one shot he has a stub left then in the next it's a new one. (00:12:20)

More U-571 mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: In the gas station scene after Ellen learns that Phil has drowned, she is so distraught she forgets to put the gas cap on and we can see it on the roof of her car as she drives away. But when she arrives at the police station we can see that the gas cap is on. (01:10:20)

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Continuity mistake: After Willis rescues the people, he's at breakfast with his son and wife. He slides the newspaper to his son. Close-up on paper (beside orange juice) shows "Bold" typestyle on story slug. Camera pans up to Willis, cuts to son, cut back to newspaper. Suddenly typestyle is italicised (noticeable on "f" in "found"). (01:34:30)

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Visible crew/equipment: When Bob and Charlie enter the boardroom for the meeting with the suits in the zoo's administration building, the actor's green T-mark is visible on the floor under the table, where Bob stands. (00:33:05)

Super Grover

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