Best family movie mistake pictures of all time

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Continuity mistake: When Ash and friends are entering the wharf, there are two people that change between shot. There is also a person who goes from having his right hand in his lap to having it scratching his head. (00:23:06)


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Continuity mistake: In the scene where Jesus feeds the multitude, Jesus holds the two baskets with his hands under them, the next immediate shot shows Jesus holding the baskets by gripping the sides.

More Jesus mistake pictures

Revealing mistake: During the "Outfox the Fox" number when Hawkins "cuts" the copies of himself in half, the copies are obviously all grown men, which then obviously become little people standing on each others' shoulders; it's easy to tell where the cloak hems of the little people on top end. (00:09:00)

Cubs Fan

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Factual error: Near the beginning of the film, Calico is sitting with a cat on his right shoulder. Their reflection is shown in the glasses of a man directly opposite. The reflection shows Calico and the cat in the same position instead of being reversed, as a reflection would be. (00:04:30)

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More The Pink Panther 2 mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: During Mia's debate speech the "negative" sign on the podium goes from straight to crooked between shots.

More The Princess Diaries mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: When Nicodemus is telling Mrs. Brisby that he looked at the words under the latch on the door and understood them, there is a clear, large label under the door. Then a different angle is shown and there is no label on any of the doors, but you should be able to see it still. (00:52:25)

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Visible crew/equipment: When Mitchie is at her locker at school, Sierra walks up to her and there is a white chalk marker line on the floor that she promptly steps on to speak to her friend.

Super Grover

More Camp Rock mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: When the boy and his family are at the pound looking at Hubble, the man at the pound has a sandwich in his hand. The size of this sandwich changes significantly between shots. (00:11:05)


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More Good Burger mistake pictures

Visible crew/equipment: In the scene when Kermit confronts Doc Hopper he comes walking out of the bar. If you look at the top of Kermit's legs when he walks out, two pair of hands can be seen moving the legs.

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Visible crew/equipment: The first time we see Fogg the shadow of the camera operator (film director?) and camera sliding smoothly along tracks is perfectly visible.


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More Mr. Mouse Takes a Trip mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: Throughout dinner, Bev's steak and lettuce keep changing place randomly. Moreso, when she takes a break she puts the napkin on top of the food, but when she is back, the napkin is at the side of the plate. Between shots the cloth also ends up crumpled differently. (00:50:00 - 00:54:00)


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Up (2009)

Continuity mistake: When Mr Fredrickson opens the door there are 4 locks on the front door looking from the outside in. Next scene and consequent scenes there are only 3. (00:12:35)

Tracey Blanch

More Up mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: At the flight station, when the captain addresses his men and says, "That's 28 men and 28 tries," the captain's ribbons, medals, and cap change colors. (00:03:15)

Super Grover

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Continuity mistake: Velma adds books to the pile in front of her when she takes the telephone order. Looking down the pile, you don't see any trace of the random loose papers that appear when she hauls the whole lot to the desk with the TV on. (00:06:25)


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Continuity mistake: When Rango is stranded in the middle of the road, he is clutching a drinking glass in his left hand. For the rest of the scene (starting from when he molts), the glass switches to his right hand.

More Rango mistake pictures

Character mistake: When Mario and Luigi are escaping in the stolen Police car, a warning on their screen reads "Tunnel not finnished." (00:43:30)


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