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Visible crew/equipment: In the scene where Sam Jackson and Colin Farrell are stopped from escaping the subway tunnel at a locked gate, they get the idea to blow the lock with explosives but there is a visible, unexplained string extending from the lock as it is used to create the effect of the lock being blown off.

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Continuity mistake: When Riggs jumps from Murtaugh's station wagon to catch up with the BMW on foot, he springs onto its rear window and asks the driver for proof of insurance. Interior brake lights are shining on his clothes before he falls to the pavement. Seconds later the driver stops to take a shot at Riggs, but now the BMW is missing the interior brake light altogether. (00:03:40)


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Visible crew/equipment: When Vincent and Sam are running through the ice rink's changing rooms to get the case off Gregor, the camera passes a mirror. If you pay attention, you can quite clearly see the boom operator wearing a blue and white checked shirt in it. (01:43:40)

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Continuity mistake: In the scene where Washburn and the other undercover cop are attempting to buy calling cards from the Cubans, Washburn asks for the guy hiding in the other room to come out. The guy does come out, and he leaves the door open to the room he was just in. The next few shots go back and forth between Washburn and the head Cuban guy facing the two other Cubans. Each time they show these two guys, the door behind them is open. After they all stop laughing, they show the guys again, and the door is closed. In the next shot, the head Cuban guy yells that Washburn is a cop, and runs through the now open again door.

Rochelle McCarty

More Taxi mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: During Danny's drunken yelling scene he swoops a table ALMOST clear of its papers, meaning there are still a few papers messily left on the table. However, a few shots later, those papers are mysteriously missing. (01:47:20)

More A Few Good Men mistake pictures

Other mistake: Just before the Charger crashes, a tow bar connecting both vehicles is visible on the Mustang's front bumper.

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More The Longest Yard mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: When Kim is watching Edward cut the roses, in closeups she's quite close to the curtain, and it's hanging straight down. In the wide shot she's slightly further away, and the curtain is angled outwards because she's holding it back with her hand.

Jon Sandys

More Edward Scissorhands mistake pictures

Visible crew/equipment: Near the beginning of the film when the police car explodes and flips over, you can blatantly see stunt wires used to aid in flipping the car. (00:02:45)


More Predator 2 mistake pictures

Visible crew/equipment: When the Mini Coopers jump out of the sewage tunnel, you can see the black ramp they launch off of to give the tunnel exit more of a dramatic effect. (01:36:15)

More The Italian Job mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: During the first chase scene, the semi passes by an empty taxi cab and when the camera angle changes, the semi crashes into the same taxi cab. (00:06:05)


More Beverly Hills Cop mistake pictures

Revealing mistake: When Jim hits the brakes in his stolen patrol car, the two pursuing police cars turn and flip over and over. As they roll, the 'roll cannon' is visible on the underside of one of the cars (a round steel tube in a hole in the floor) and at left, the two cannon slugs from both cars bounce down the road. This device fires the slug downward, and the force behind it lifts the car when the slug hits the road, launching the car over.


More The Hitcher mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: In the scene where the sheriff and Andy are rolling the girl up in plastic wrap, as they're lifting her out of the van, in one shot the plastic wrap completely covers her head, and in another the top of her head is exposed.

More The Texas Chainsaw Massacre mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: When Austin is running away from the black dog, he jumps over a fence. In one shot, his left leg flies over the fence first. In the next, his right leg goes over first.


More Catch That Kid mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: When Robin steps foot into Poison Ivy's lair she is laid out on her flower bed. If you look at the sleeves of her costume, the ends of the sleeves are fringed in a simple leaf like design. Robin spurns Poison Ivy's affections, and an enfuriated Ivy pushes him into the lily pad pool. She is then confronted by Batman, and a soon to arrive Batgirl. Now - look at the huge, obvious, black rubber "thorn" bracelets that suddenly appear on each of her wrists. (01:37:25)

More Batman and Robin mistake pictures

Visible crew/equipment: When the prams roll down the stairs you can see the ignition pipes that shoots out the babies. Clearly visible in the first pram. You also see some sort of ignition smoke from one of the prams after the baby has been "shot" out. (00:02:55)


More Naked Gun 33 1/3: The Final Insult mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: When Michael Douglas' wife stabs the kidnapper in the chest during their fight in the apartment, she stabs him with the knitting needle in his right lung. The next shot shows them lying on the floor with the needle stabbed directly into his heart on the left side of his chest.

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Continuity mistake: When Steve Zahn and Martin Lawrence are driving away from the police in the junkyard, they hit a car in the junkyard, and we can see the damage inflicted on it. However, in all of the shots following the car is not damaged. (00:55:35)

More National Security mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: At the beginning of the film (and at the end, when they show the same scene) the moment before Rocket is about to pick up the chicken, he is only a few inches away from it. The next shot that shows Rocket from behind, the chicken is much further away from him. (00:03:40)


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Continuity mistake: When Amsterdam arrives in New York City and is talking to his new friend, the bag he is holding switches from being held under his arm (camera shot from front) to being carried on his back (camera shot from the back). This happens at least four times in a row during the same scene. (00:22:55)

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