Best romance movie mistake pictures of 1997

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Continuity mistake: The design of the ship's bow changes significantly while at sea. The white form on top of the bow used for mooring first does, then doesn't have an indentation on top, possibly with a bolt in the center. The point where the curved railing meets the straight side railings either is or is not connected by a top horizontal bar, and the gap between the vertical posts changes size. Another mistake on this site mentions the anchor design change, but also the metal walkway is made of tubular metal bars -or- flat bars that are more numerous and closer together. (00:30:15 - 01:21:00)


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Visible crew/equipment: When Cici is killed, just before the killer throws her off the balcony there is a visible member of crew/stunt's head (this has been edited out in newer versions, but remains visible in others). (00:33:50)

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Continuity mistake: When Leeloo jumps from the building, the elevator track, which was attached to the building on her right-hand side, has vanished. (00:30:10)


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Continuity mistake: During the hockey fight, number 12's helmet is off, then on, then off again. (01:17:00)

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Continuity mistake: Simon has a rack of pool balls on his coffee table. When Melvin is telling Simon about the bacon, the 2 ball (solid blue) is near the telephone. In the next shot, the dog jumps up to get the bacon and now the 3 ball (solid red) is near the phone. (01:01:20)


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Continuity mistake: When Celine is tied up playing blackjack, the position of the rope holding her varies. We see for example that the number of times the rope crosses her chest goes from three to four and back again.


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