Best movie mistake pictures of 1974

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Continuity mistake: While at the pool hall, Mary indicates that the sign in the window describes Larry perfectly. A close-up shows it reads 'Out To Lunch', but the next wide shot shows it reads 'We're Closed'. (01:01:45)


More Dirty Mary Crazy Larry mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: When Bond is flying over China and landing on the sea by Scaramanga's island, you can see that his plane has two floats - one on either wing. But in the shot where he is heading for the beach, it is clearly seen that the left float has gone! (01:28:40 - 01:30:55)

More The Man with the Golden Gun mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: During Inspector Kemp's visit at the Frankenstein manor, Frankenstein is playing darts while he is having his conversation with Kemp. He throws the first dart at the bottom 10, but by the time he throws the second dart at 7, the first dart he threw at 10 is now at the bottom of 18. (00:56:20)

Casual Person

More Young Frankenstein mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: The small plane's pilot identifies the aircraft as 232Z. But in the exterior shots, the aircraft's identification is N9750Y. (00:35:00)


More Airport 1975 mistake pictures

Other mistake: In the original version of the film there's a mistake in the opening credits where Colin Blakely's name is misspelled as Colin Blankey.

More Murder on the Orient Express mistake pictures
More The Towering Inferno mistake pictures

Revealing mistake: When Gittes visits the orange grove and crashes into the tree, you can see that a steel plate has been placed around the tree to protect it.

More Chinatown mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: During the earthquake at the bar, a man in a yellow shirt crashes against the jukebox. A second later he is next to the pool table.


More Earthquake mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: When Chico phones Jane for a date, it cuts to both of them riding on the motorcycle. In these shots, Jane's hair is quite long and well past her shoulders, but when they arrive at Coney Island, Jane's hair is much shorter, not even reaching her shoulders. This happens again, when Chico picks up Jane at her house with the "borrowed" Packard, the back of Jane's hair is long, but when they get to the drive-in her hair is shorter. (00:18:25)

Super Grover

More The Lords of Flatbush mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: When Julie raises Celine's scarf in front of her face, at first, her right hand is positioned part way along the top right, leaving part of the scarf flowing freely. It then cuts to Celine walking away, and when it cuts back to Julie, her right hand is touching the top right corner of the scarf. (00:07:28)

Casual Person

More Celine and Julie Go Boating mistake pictures
More The Klansman mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: When Waco Kid is lying down on hay bales at the end of the film, there is no horse. All of a sudden when he's invited somewhere by Sheriff Bart, a horse appears. (01:33:50)

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Suggested correction: It is true that the horse suddenly appears, but Jim is reclined on hay bales, not boxes.

Movie Nut

For future reference, this is what the "change the entry's wording" option is for.

This entry is about the sudden appearance of a horse. It has nothing to do with The Waco Kid reclining on boxes nor does the entry say he was reclining on boxes. It says that he's reclining on bales of hay.

It did say bales of hay - I've left the correction and "change wording" comment online for a bit for informational purposes.

Jon Sandys

More Blazing Saddles mistake pictures

Visible crew/equipment: After Lightfoot steals the Trans Am, when he first encounters Thunderbolt on the run, he swerves into the field, and in a shot from inside the car, a piece of filming equipment on the hood of the car is visible through the windshield. Then Lightfoot hits Dunlop with the car. (00:07:50)

Super Grover

More Thunderbolt and Lightfoot mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: When the boy stabs the man in the back with an ax while they're chopping firewood, the position of the ax changes between shots. In the first shot, the ax is vertical because the boy is behind the man. In the next shot, the ax is horizontal as if the boy is on the right side. (01:06:53)

More Devil Times Five mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: After the general is killed, there's a close-up on the figurines. Two are broken with just the feet left, the third, the rightmost, at the waist. When the second victim was murdered, we saw the killer break just its head off, the statue to the right of the halved one. The following shot shows the statues in that order, with the addition of third broken one in rightmost position. (00:34:15 - 00:42:15)


More Ten Little Indians mistake pictures

Other mistake: When Hyman Roth's assassin runs at the airport, he is turning around with one (of two) bullet holes already in his jacket before the sound of any gunfire. (03:10:50)


More The Godfather: Part II mistake pictures

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