Super Grover

Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Jack removes the beating heart from the chest, the way the heart is positioned in his hand changes between shots - note the large arteries. (01:51:00)

Super Grover

Continuity mistake: When Tia Dalma holds the tray with two candles and a mug (the others were given out), as she asks if they would be willing to do anything, the position of the mug changes between shots.

Super Grover

Continuity mistake: On the island, when Jack says, "Yes, it does. You're sitting on it," the compass lid faces away from Elizabeth, but in the next shot as Jack shoos her away, the compass faces her; and the rope changes position too. (01:39:30)

Super Grover

Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest mistake picture

Continuity mistake: The actual position of the burning word "Tortuga" differs between the first shot as it begins to burn on deck and from the close-up of the flames. (01:04:15)

Super Grover

Continuity mistake: When Jack finds the silver spice can inside the hut, the word "paprika" is written in clean white lettering. But once he's outside, confronted by the cannibals, the word is suddenly covered in reddish powder - before he spices himself up. (00:33:50)

Super Grover

Continuity mistake: After Beckett tells Will to get the compass, in the next shot of Jack aboard the Pearl, as he plots the map, things on the table - such as the compass, change position between shots. (00:12:05)

Super Grover

Trivia: The face on the small music box lid is visible when Will steals the key from Davy Jones. At Tia Dalma's, when Jack steals the ring, it lies beside a necklace whose pendant is identical to the face on Davy Jones's music box.

Super Grover

Continuity mistake: When Norrington runs with the chest, he falls and his sword ends up beside shell-head when he also falls. After the quick shot of his headless body running with the chest, in the next close-up the sword is farther away from shell-head, just before his crab-like legs appear. (01:54:40)

Super Grover

Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest mistake picture

Visible crew/equipment: While Norrington and Will begin their duel, Jack walks away and promptly falls into the open grave. In the shot of Jack from within the grave, the imprint of a modern, flat bottom trainer/sneaker sole can be seen on the dirt wall (yes, wall) to Jack's left. It is not the imprint of a shoe of the time period. (01:48:00)

Super Grover

Continuity mistake: When the cannibal women place the necklace of many fingers and toes around Jack's neck, the digits of multi-skin color and size are tied and hang in a specific way. When Jack seasons himself with paprika, the digits are different. (00:32:05)

Super Grover

Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Cutler Beckett enters his office and places the lantern on the desk, the handle is down. However, when Elizabeth walks out of the shadows, the lantern's handle is upright, then down again in a later shot. (00:27:30)

Super Grover

Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Cutler Beckett shows Will the Letter of Marque, the seal beside King George's signature is seen. Later, while Elizabeth points the gun at Beckett, he places his own seal below, and the shape of King George's seal is entirely different now. (00:11:20)

Super Grover

Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Elizabeth sits on deck and points out the burning word Tortuga, the wound lines beside her change position between the shot facing her and the next shot, behind her. (01:04:30)

Super Grover

Continuity mistake: When Elizabeth sits in the rain, holding her bouquet of wedding flowers, many long hair strands hang down her forehead. However, when she runs to Will there are far less loose strands of hair, and the hair pulled back is neater. (00:01:25)

Super Grover

Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest mistake picture

Continuity mistake: The cloth with the key drawing changes greatly throughout the film. This includes the actual drawing itself, the tears on the cloth, shape of the cloth, etc. (00:08:05 - 00:43:50)

Super Grover

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